LETTER TO THE EDITOR: No honeymoon for council

Open letter to the community:

The "60 percent turnover" at the city council is no basis for a "100-day honeymoon.” Nowhere in the law is this prescribed — not for a president or a city council.

These are tough times, and people want their elected leaders to do more than blame things on the county or state.

They want their elected leaders to take more action, not less.

Work harder with the county and state to create jobs — not issue demands for an apology from citizens exercising their First Amendment right to free speech.

The people of Crestview should be seeing a city council that looks outside city limits to create a healthy environment for the business community to choose Crestview — not seek friendlier climes at the south end of the county.

I agree with Mr. Allen when he says, "realize that government’s role is to make things more accommodating for business and industry…"

It's time they do more of that.

An excellent opportunity was lost with the whole bumbling way the city wouldn't help Krystal with the road work for a proposed business location. You bring business to a city by making it a welcome landing spot — not snapping the wallet closed over money they would have earned back in taxes and utilities.

It's time for the city council to spend less time worrying about Main Street and start spending that time, energy and effort on better, alternative business locations.

Failing that? The "turnover rate" could be the same — or worse — next election cycle.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet News Bulletin Editor Thomas Boni @cnbeditor.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: No honeymoon for council