Guardians of the Ribbon bring pink fire truck to town (VIDEO)

Crestview resident Linda Parker inscribes a message commemorating her late parents, who had cancer, on “Chase,” a Jacksonville-based Pink Heals Tour firetruck.

CRESTVIEW — People notice when Jaime McPhilomy wheels his vehicle into town. As a volunteer with the Jacksonville chapter of the nationwide Guardians of the Ribbon, the firefighter brought “Chase,” a mammoth pink firetruck, to Crestview Thursday night for the October Business After Hours.

Hosted by the North Okaloosa Medical Center’s Healthy Woman program, the monthly social event of the Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce recognized Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and pink was the color du jour. Even chocolate chip cookies on the refreshments table sported pink M&Ms.

Held at Physicians Medical Plaza, the event included a presentation by Dr. Loretta Brestan, tours of the facility’s Imaging and Mammo Department, and recognition of cancer survivors and those battling the disease.

Crestview City Councilwoman Robyn Helt and council President Ben Iannucci III read a proclamation by Mayor David Cadle proclaiming Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the city.

However, Chase, named for a Jacksonville child who survived cancer, drew the most attention. Attendees wrote messages of love, honor and support for loved ones wherever they could find a blank spot on the pink firetruck.

“Miss you, Mama and Pawpaw,” wrote Crestview resident Linda Parker in memory of her parents, Charlie and Clyde Powell. Virginia Kemp added an inscription to honor her daughter, Delma Welch, a breast cancer survivor.

Like other trucks in the Pink Heals tour, Chase, a retired fire engine no longer equipped to battle fires, will travel around the country bringing awareness to breast cancer, its survivors and those battling the disease.

VIDEO: See "Related Media" at top left of this article.

Contact News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbBrian.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Guardians of the Ribbon bring pink fire truck to town (VIDEO)