Life-long Crestview resident named Firefighter of the Year

Mayor David Cadle, left, honors Battalion Chief Tony Holland as Firefighter of the Year.

CRESTVIEW — A long-time resident’s lengthy service and contributions received recognition Oct. 22.

“This evening’s a very special time because each year we honor one of our finest,” Mayor David Cadle said during Monday’s city council meeting. “He has been selected as (Firefighter) of the Year. I have the greatest admiration for these men and women because they serve our people so well.”

Cadle and Traylor introduced Battalion Chief Tony Holland, a long-time member of the city’s fire brigade.

“Tony came to us right out of high school and was the first official firefighter I hired,” Traylor said. “He went from rookie, going to firefighting school with the chief (and) up through the ranks.”

Holland supervises the department’s communications and handles computer expertise.

“He was instrumental in implementing our tablet program, the first in its kind in Northwest Florida,” Traylor said. Each fire battalion uses tablet computers to map incidents and communicate among members.

Holland also is the company chaplain.

 Contact News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbBrian.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Life-long Crestview resident named Firefighter of the Year