Bond trivia contest entries due Monday; chance for movie tickets

CRESTVIEW — Two days remain to enter the News Bulletin’s James Bond trivia contest. The contest entry form appeared in the Oct. 24 edition. The news staff will select winners from entries received no later than noon Monday with 15 or more of the 20 questions (plus bonus question) correct.

Do you know what obstacle German actor Gert Fröbe overcame to be cast as the villainous Goldfinger? Know the make of car James Bond often drives, or the name of the song that opens nearly every Bond film? Flaunt your knowledge of all things Bond and possibly win tickets to see the newest 007 adventure, “SkyFall,” at the Crestview Marquis Cinema.

You won’t win unless you enter, so sharpen your wits (and your pencil) and turn in your entry form at the News Bulletin office, 705 Ashley Drive.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Bond trivia contest entries due Monday; chance for movie tickets