LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Clean air if you care

Our nation’s most important pollution law is under attack and, even though the Clean Air Act is widely considered one of the most effective environmental laws ever passed, it is still a hot topic for politicians to cut the budgets.

Some in Congress want to repeal virtually any federal or state protections against the buildup of dangerous carbon pollution. They want to give big polluters free rein to continue dumping unlimited amounts of dangerous carbon pollution into our air, threatening our health and warming the planet.

For decades, the Clean Air Act has dramatically reduced dangerous pollutants like mercury and lead, prevented millions of illnesses like asthma and cancer, and saved thousands of lives. We can’t allow some in Congress to put polluters’ profits above public health. The Clean Air Act, Endangered Species Act and other laws make up the safety net that protects our children’s future, and we can’t allow Congress to shred that net for polluters’ profit.

Please take a stand with me to protect the future of our children by urging Crestview citizens to write to their congressmen so that we continue to fund the Clean Air Act.

Together, we can change the minds of our legislature’s one step at a time. What's your view? Email news@crestviewbulletin.com with the subject "My view." Letters must be 250 words or less and written on local issues.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Clean air if you care