Annual Laurel Hill ‘pilgrimage to Bethlehem’ is Dec. 8

Student actors portray Mary and Joseph at the manger in Bethlehem during last year’s Living Nativity in Laurel Hill. Patches Wooten portrays their donkey.

LAUREL HILL — Laurel Hill and Crestview Presbyterian Church members are preparing for the Laurel Hill church’s third annual Living Nativity program. Actors are learning their lines and supporters are weighing how to transport animals to the historic Visitors will follow a candle-lit path on their personal pilgrimages to the Bethlehem manger, encountering familiar Biblical faces along the way.

“Luminaries will light the path as you make your way from ‘Dr. Luke’s home and travel back in time to hear the Christmas story told by various persons from that wonderful story,” the churches’ pastor, the Rev. Mark Broadhead, said.

“As you warm yourself by their fires, you will be able to reflect on the deep meaning of the experiences they share. Eventually, you will find yourself at the door of the stable where the Star of Bethlehem has led you. There you will find the Christ-Child.”

Mostly student actors from several Crestview and Laurel Hill churches, including First Baptist Church of Laurel Hill, First Presbyterian Church of Crestview and First United Methodist Church of Crestview, as well as adult performers, portray familiar people from the Bible story, including the shepherds, Mary, Joseph, King Herod and a Roman tax collector.

The Dec. 8 pageant includes live animals and takes place at Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church, 8115 Fourth St. Admission is free, groups are welcome, and visitors may remain for refreshments and fellowship. Parking is available at the Laurel Hill School track north of the church.

Call 682-2835 for more information.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Annual Laurel Hill ‘pilgrimage to Bethlehem’ is Dec. 8