North county letters to Santa Claus

Editor's note: Please see the Dec. 19 and 22 editions of the Crestview News  Bulletin for an Editor's Choice roundup of Santa letters. Below are all the letters we received by our stated deadline. We've placed all of them online for Santa Claus' convenience. He's online now, you know!

Antioch Elementary School

Dear Santa,

I want the Starbucks Birthday Cake and a Monster High coloring books with pencils, markers, stencils, and all of that. I want my own make up. I also want a kid tablet. Love, Adrianna

Dear Santa,

I want a bicycle, a baby doll, and a ball. Love, Alana

Dear Santa,

I want a computer, laser tag, and a cell phone. Love, Amani

Dear Santa,

I want a baby doll, a Dora, a stroller, real milk in a bottle, and Dora’s games. Love, Anissa

Dear Santa,

I want a telephone, an army man toy, and a toy elf. Love, Austin

Dear Santa,

I want a D.S., a princess and a pop star that is pink, and games for my D.S. Love, Auzlyn

Dear Santa,

I want Legos, and a transformer game. Love, Braydon

Dear Santa,

A Bakugan, a remote control car, and play-doh. Love, Braylon

Dear Santa,

I want make up and I want games and a D.S. Love, Cadence

Dear Santa,

I want a Mickey Mouse 2 game and Mickey Mouse 2 movie. Love, Hunter

Dear Santa,

I want an easy bake oven, a remote control girl car, and a real live robot that will do everything I tell it to so I don’t have to do my chores and I can just sit and watch TV. I want my own flying reindeer, a sleigh that I can attach 18 reindeer to so they can fly. Love, Joey

Dear Santa,

I want make up and I want an Elf on the Shelf that can watch me! Love, Kaelani

Dear Santa,

I want a Santa shirt, and Santa shoes and Santa gloves and a computer. Love, Logan

Dear Santa,

I want a princess book and princess stuff. I also want a toy panda and I also want a magic wand with a flower on it. Also, extra shoes. Love Nadia

Dear Santa,

I want an elf on the shelf, a 3D.S. a kid tablet and a baby doll set. Love, Nicole

Dear Santa

I want a D.S. and new go-go boots that are white and a high heel on it. I want some high heels and I want a rose for Ms. Pratt. Love, Reality

Dear Santa,

I want laser tag and a D.S. Love, Ronan

Dear Santa,

I would like a toy action figure and a toy car and a toy house, a toy sleigh, and a toy soldier, and a leap frog. Love, Whitney


I want each of you to have a safe and fun Christmas! I am going to miss you so much! You will learn so much from your new teacher! I love you!!! Love, Ms. Pratt

Dear Santa,

I have bein good,kind,helpful,and get 100s on my AR tests.For Christmas I would like a Squishy T-rex and a gift card to Kohls.In my stocing I would like a slim jim and bubble yum.And I hope the reindeer have a good night.m Love, Aiden

Dear Santa,

I good. I wood have haloreach casolminrsz frbye halo4 weey.

Luve, Kai

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I would like iia Big lalalopse school gril .And a stope rabit Can you by me a spitre gril and spitre man? Santa you are the best I love you. I have bin good for mom and dad. Love, Nyla

Dear Santa,

Haw or you dowig? You wont milk and kukis? Plis can I get big esebac uvin and a big lililopse and orbees with cendey Gum in side and a borbemuv en a toe and fere. I help mi mom. And a fere move the fere namd fliy feres and tecrbel.

Love, Angel

Dear Santa,

I desrv theas things because I am a strate A student . And I help my Grandma. I help feed my dogs.May I please have a Amarcan girl ? Light skin . Curly red hair . Blue eyes . And Hony the dog . If you could bring me chapter books. May I please have a lady bug watch that has nubbers but not hands . If you could bring me the pencles that match the design book . Santa I will make you Christmas cookies . Love, Leigha

Dear Santa,

I have bein good at school and Im gitting my work don to. And avrey were .Can I plaece have a Brbeydoll whith a pink bavinsot an a art.An a bavinsot. Love, Lamaria

Dear Santa,

How are the rain dears? Santa,How are the elvs doing paking uor bag? Santa Can you get me a Xbox a Ipod a alechirik muwldursoinkl and a haloe battle ship? I help my brother bild his lagoe set.

From, Kristopher Bunn

Dear Santa I wold like some little red riding hood lalaloopsees and a baby aliv and orbeezsoothingspa and regiler orbeez How are you doing in the nooth pool?

From, Lillian

Dear Santa,

I am beg good for mom and dad . I Tac car uf Bru th or and sistor can I Ples Haf orbees can I ples haf sucurs can I ples haf luchublos can I ples haf scoobe I yu wil breg yow cookes.

Luv, Katarina .

Dear Santa,

I have set the tabole and I hlp my famleye cook. I wuld like a x box 360 minecraft .The vrchen lat you can tiepe in inntheg and it hapins. And I wuld like jetvac . And I wuld like pop fizz. And a scielandrs giyent. Love, Alex

Dear Santa,

I holp you have a good Christmas. I help my famleye. I would like popfizz and a x box 360 and Lloyd the green nanja and swrm. I will lev you some caces. I am kind. I clen up my toys. Love, Jaylen

Dear Santa,

I help my mom wenf the food. I will like a skoodr and a fone and a bowe. An I get my dog water an I help my mom to fan laundry. I will wiv milk an cokis. Love, Tristan

Dear Santa,

I would like to have for Christmas please a Barbies House. And I would like to have please can you please can you get me a Barbise meradid and can you get please a Dream Light. And I would like to have please a Just Dance 4 for wii and are you having a good time at the NorthPole? Love, Jada

Dear Santa,

I want a baby girls, two animals, and Lily the Mermaid and Mike. How are the reindeer? How is Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer? How is Mrs. Claus? Love, Lani

Dear Santa,

I have cookes for you. I take ker uv my sesdr. Can I ples have a fuvebe? Can I have ples have a 3DS? Can I have a WiiUU lep ped 2. I have mok. Love, Logan

Dear Santa,

I have been good at home all day and santa I now whant for cresmis is a Barbe camra. And a mareo stekr. And a shrt and a camra. Love, Alena

Dear Santa,

Please give me a Wiiu, a DSi, and a Hot Wheels, and a bye blade. Love, Mikai

Dear Santa,

Wow Santa you rely can I can’t blev it you can. Love, Jordan

Dear Santa,

I want a bible case a Hannah Montana karyoce, high hils. Love, Lauren

Dear Santa,

I want a bunchbed with a kitin (kitchen) under the bunckbed and it has stars that you can go up and it has a lit that you can trn on and a bed. Love, Taylor

Der Santa,

I wat for Christmas Swech and go Dinos. Love, Connor

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas yuer elf is named red elf! And yuer elf is going to tell you how we bin good or dad Love, Yaremi

Dear Santa,

I hop you have a good Christmas. I wich I cold vest (visit) you. my barthhas ben good thes yer. I hove lost two teeth I got 2 $. PS I hove ben good too! Love, Ryan

Dear Santa,

I’m beg good Little red elf is funey fifey (flying) Little elf is a mooven a lot But I Like Litle red elf I have a wigley tooth. From, Ella

Dear Santa,

Minecraft and a legogun and a airgun for Christmas. From, Zander

Dear Santa,

I want for Christmas a game it is minecraft and a Bunck Bed. Love, Johniel


Dear Santa,

I want for Christmas a game. It is Minecraft and a bunk bed. Love, Johniel

Dear Santa,

I wot a Ds3. Love santa. Love, Landen

Dear Santa,

My name is colton and I am yr big fin and I wot a Bid Bid. From, Colton


I wunt a noo rascrhrac (race track) and a noo legoset marechismis Santa. Luv, Aaron

Dear, Sana

I woate a ipad will you get one for me. Love, Kayla

Dear Santu,

Get me a good perezint. Ples thak you. Love, Kayla

Dear Santa,

I will like a Cat and a bog. Will you get that? Love, Skylar

I Love you Santa.

Dear Santa,

I will make cookis for you. Love, Andrew

Dear Santa, Love ms drown (Brown) I want a ipad and a baby and I want 12 bjamus and bisek (pajamas and bikes) and a chapter book science. Love, Latiana

Dear Santa,

Why does Rudolph have a red nose? Why do you take a vacation when its summer? How does your sleigh fly? I've been a good girl this year. Please can I have a doctor's kit, a dentist's kit, some Hello Kitty walkie talkies and a remote control tarantula? I think my little brother would like to have a big truck and some stuff with Spiderman and batman on it. My mommy said she wants some peace and quiet and new clothes that fit. I don't know what my daddy wants but he's a grown up so he knows how to tell you what he wants. I've been taking good care of your elf we named him Barnaby Jones, he is so naughty last night he made a rice angel on the kitchen table! I hope you have a good Christmas.

Thank you Santa LoveHannah C.

Dear Santa,

I want a leap frog. Love Jadyn D.

Dear Santa,

Why do you have elves? I would like a furby and I would like a Barbie. Love Deidre D.

Dear Santa,

I want a pogo stick, batman cave, and I want some new pencils.

And what does your reindeer want to eat? Love Tyler E.

Dear Santa,

I been good. I want a dog, a real dog. I want a cat in the hat.

Why do you wear a red suit? Love Aalanhi G.

Dear Santa,

I want a DS and I want mom to get a present, something that my mom doesn’t have. I want my dog to get a new toy sock monkey. Love Colleen G.

Dear Santa,

How do reindeer fly? I have always been wandering that. Don’t forget my house. We have a Christmas tree for you to put the presents under. That is it. Oh, yeah I actually want to ask you for something. Can you please give my whole family presents? Love Devyn G.

Dear Santa,

What do the elves eat? I will like the presents you give me. Thank you for giving the toys to me and my family. Love Antoine H.

Dear Santa,

How do your reindeer fly? I want a cute little puppy. I like my elf I have. Love Makayla K.

Dear Santa,

I have been very good at school and I sure would love to meet you. This year I do not know what I want for Christmas. Santa please let you surprise me for Christmas because I do not know what I want for Christmas. Love Ashlyn K.

Dear Santa,

I love you Santa. I will like it if you can get me a monster truck toy. Love Andrew L.

Dear Santa,

I want a real puppy. I want a cat in the hat stuffed animal. I want balloons. I would like mommy to have a dress. Love Natalie M.

Dear Santa,

I want to get my mom star stickers. I want to get my daddy more pens. I want to get my brother a light ball. I want to get me something too; I want to get a box of legos. Love Dominic M.

Dear Santa,

Why do you wear red clothes? I want to give my friends gifts. I want my friends to have: one wants a dress, one wants a dirt bike, and one wants a toy that can talk. I want a toy that can talk and I want my dad to have a shirt, pants, and new clothes. Love Kingston Q.

Dear Santa,

Is Rudolph really a deer that has a really shiny nose? I want a jack in the box and I want a easy bake oven. I want new ornaments for my tree. I need Dax a stocking, Louie a stocking, and Raven stocking; they are my dogs. Love Kady P.

Dear Santa,

Get my mom a machine that helps. Get me a new toy bow and arrow. Get me a Lego gun, the spy glasses that are green, spy watch, k-nex, and get a Barbie for Aria. I want a remote control snake. Our elf is buddy. Love Braxton and the Ratcliff family

Dear Santa,

I want ten things for Christmas and they are three lalaloopsy and a lot of American girl stuff and then a blue rc toy its blue and pink. I want a pink wig for me to wear and it’s in a pony tail. There are two more things I forgot to say, I will tell you later. Love Maleia S.

Dear Santa,

Why do you wear a red coat? Why do you wear a red hat? I want Mario two. Love Noah S.

Dear Santa,

May I please have a dog for Christmas and a bike for Christmas? Santa may I please have all the toys I want for Christmas. I want one toy for Christmas too. Love Parker T.

Dear Santa,

I want a helicopter. I want a battle ship with cannons and I don’t want it to have lots of pieces. I want a pool table. I want a fishing pole. I want one more thing, some worms for my fishing pole. Love Jayden W.

Dear Santa,

Why does Rudolph have a red nose? Why do you take a vacation when its summer? How does your sleigh fly? I've been a good girl this year. Please can I have a doctor's kit, a dentist's kit, some Hello Kitty walkie talkies and a remote control tarantula? I think my little brother would like to have a big truck and some stuff with Spiderman and batman on it. My mommy said she wants some peace and quiet and new clothes that fit. I don't know what my daddy wants but he's a grown up so he knows how to tell you what he wants. I've been taking good care of your elf we named him Barnaby Jones, he is so naughty last night he made a rice angel on the kitchen table! I hope you have a good Christmas.

Thank you Santa Love Hannah C.

Dear Santa,

I want a leap frog. Love Jadyn D.

Dear Santa,

Why do you have elves? I would like a furby and I would like a Barbie. Love Deidre D.

Dear Santa,

I want a pogo stick, batman cave, and I want some new pencils.

And what does your reindeer want to eat? Love Tyler E.

Dear Santa,

I been good. I want a dog, a real dog. I want a cat in the hat.

Why do you wear a red suit? Love Aalanhi G.

Dear Santa,

I want a DS and I want mom to get a present, something that my mom doesn’t have. I want my dog to get a new toy sock monkey. Love Colleen G.

Dear Santa,

How do reindeer fly? I have always been wandering that. Don’t forget my house. We have a Christmas tree for you to put the presents under. That is it. Oh, yeah I actually want to ask you for something. Can you please give my whole family presents? Love Devyn G.

Dear Santa,

What do the elves eat? I will like the presents you give me. Thank you for giving the toys to me and my family. Love Antoine H.

Dear Santa,

How do your reindeer fly? I want a cute little puppy. I like my elf I have. Love Makayla K.

Dear Santa,

I have been very good at school and I sure would love to meet you. This year I do not know what I want for Christmas. Santa please let you surprise me for Christmas because I do not know what I want for Christmas. Love Ashlyn K.

Dear Santa,

I love you Santa. I will like it if you can get me a monster truck toy. Love Andrew L.

Dear Santa,

I want a real puppy. I want a cat in the hat stuffed animal. I want balloons. I would like mommy to have a dress. Love Natalie M.

Dear Santa,

I want to get my mom star stickers. I want to get my daddy more pens. I want to get my brother a light ball. I want to get me something too; I want to get a box of legos. Love Dominic M.

Dear Santa,

Why do you wear red clothes? I want to give my friends gifts. I want my friends to have: one wants a dress, one wants a dirt bike, and one wants a toy that can talk. I want a toy that can talk and I want my dad to have a shirt, pants, and new clothes. Love Kingston Q.

Dear Santa,

Is Rudolph really a deer that has a really shiny nose? I want a jack in the box and I want a easy bake oven. I want new ornaments for my tree. I need Dax a stocking, Louie a stocking, and Raven stocking; they are my dogs. Love Kady P.

Dear Santa,

Get my mom a machine that helps. Get me a new toy bow and arrow. Get me a Lego gun, the spy glasses that are green, spy watch, k-nex, and get a Barbie for Aria. I want a remote control snake. Our elf is buddy. Love Braxton and the Ratcliff family

Dear Santa,

I want ten things for Christmas and they are three lalaloopsy and a lot of American girl stuff and then a blue rc toy its blue and pink. I want a pink wig for me to wear and it’s in a pony tail. There are two more things I forgot to say, I will tell you later. Love Maleia S.

Dear Santa,

Why do you wear a red coat? Why do you wear a red hat? I want Mario two. Love Noah S.

Dear Santa,

May I please have a dog for Christmas and a bike for Christmas? Santa may I please have all the toys I want for Christmas. I want one toy for Christmas too. Love Parker T.

Dear Santa,

I want a helicopter. I want a battle ship with cannons and I don’t want it to have lots of pieces. I want a pool table. I want a fishing pole. I want one more thing, some worms for my fishing pole. Love Jayden W.

Dear Santa,

Thank you for giving me the presents from last year. I still play with them. This year, I need more gum for my bubble gum machine and a Christmas globe. Also, I’d just like another surprise, like last year. Love, Afton

Dear Santa,

I hope you and Mrs. Claus are doing well. This year, I don’t want that much. I want Lord of the Rings Lego for XBox 360. Love, Alex

Dear Santa,

It’s so great that you stay up all night to deliver presents to nice kids. I really want an Easy Bake Oven, a new bike, a pocket knife, and a rifle. Thank you for the hill of presents. Love, Michaela

Dear Santa,

Thank you for spending all year long making presents. Thank you for everything you got me last year. I want a Barbie Wedding Doll with matching groom, a Roxie Girl Mermaid, and other toys, please. Love, Lauren

Dear Santa,

I hope you have a jolly Christmas. Say thank you to the reindeer for carrying the presents, and the elves for making the toys. If I could see you right now, I would give you a BIG hug! For Christmas, I want an airbrush marker. Love, Jazmine

Dear Santa,

You work hard traveling all around the world. I hope you rest soon. I hope you and Mrs. Claus are well. The elves work hard every day. I really want a car that I can ride. Love, Brayden

Dear Santa,

Last Christmas was the best Christmas ever! I wish I could see you in person. I will try to make something for you, if I can’t wait up. My family worked very hard on the Christmas decorations. I hope I get Wipeout 3, a flying helicopter, Mario Tennis, and Mario Party 9. Love, Josiah

Dear Santa,

I hope Rudolph is being good at lighting the way to the children’s homes and back. Please get my dog, Cocoa, something and get my sister a dog toy for her dog too. I want a pair of roller skates, a skateboard, a Monster High Ghoul’s School, and the Monster High Dolls. Love, Jennifer

Dear Santa,

I hope everything is going just great. You’re the best and an awesome Santa! Thank you so much for the stuff you got me last year. This year, I really want an IPOD, Pokemon White version for DS, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules. Love, Colin

Dear Santa,

I hope you have a great Christmas. If you have too much to do this year, you can take some of the gifts off my list if you need to. This year, would you let me have three things? I would like a scooter, a science kit, and 18 bells? Love, Brenna

Dear Santa,

I hope you, the elves, and Mrs. Claus are doing well this year. Santa, you were awesome all the year. This year, I really want the Monster High Board Game and I want a Monster High Bike to be delivered at my home in Florida. Love, Alexis

Dear Santa,

I hope that everyone is on the nice list this year. When you work so hard, how do all those gifts get delivered? I really want a skateboard, an Xbox 360 and a laptop. Love, Wyatt

Dear Santa,

I want to thank you and your elves for doing such a good job. Get lots of sleep so you can have lots of energy to last Christmas Eve night. I want Magna Dots, Crayola Digital Light Designer, a laptop, and a lion stuffed animal. Love, Noah

Dear Santa,

Santa, will you do me a favor? Will you say hi to Rudolph? He’s my favorite reindeer. The things I want are the Monster High High School, Olivia’s House Lego set, a Lego camper, and Stephanie’s car Lego set. The three Legos are Lego friends. Love, Aaliyah

Dear Santa,

I wonder if you and Mrs. Claus are doing well this year. I hope so. Could I please have an American Girl Doll for Christmas? I also want the movie, McKenna Shoots for the Stars, and the McKenna book. I will have cookies for you and carrots for your reindeer. Love, Emma

Dear Santa,

I hope you have a great Christmas this year. Have you checked your list yet? Santa, may I have a bike, a purse, and a Barbie Dream House? I hope you have a great flight this Christmas. Love, Ayana

Dear Santa,

I hope that you, Mrs. Claus, and your reindeer are doing good. What I want for Christmas is a 4-wheeler, new Transformers, a skateboard, spy glasses, and a spy watch. I hope you liked my letter. Love, Keylan

Dear Santa,

I hope you are having a great Christmas. I hope Mrs. Claus, your elves, and your reindeer are ok. For Christmas, I want all of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. I also want Assassins Creed Ezio and Assassins Creed 3 for Xbox 360. Love, Adam

Dear Santa

how are you. how is mrs. claus doing. we are ready for Christmas I want to get a new Dairy of a Wimpy kid book please. I want to ride your one horse open slay and I want to see your elves . Your friend, Tristin

Dear Santa,

How are you? I know you are worken. So am I. It is a beautiful day. Is it beautiful there? I want a computer, new shoes, and a big huge from mom-my and daddy. Merry Christmas, Isabell

Dear Ms. and Mr. Claus,

How are you doing? Are you working on Gifts? I would just like to say thank you for the gift last year it was great! May I please have a new wii game, a new blanket for my bed, a new playstaision 2 game, a new pair of shoes, new pj’s, new toys, a new phone, a new football and basketball, a new book, a new bike, and a new ipad for Christmas. If you don’t get me the ipad I’ll be fine just remember I’m in you heart! Oh I almost forgot I am going to leave some chocolate cookies out for you. Love, Xavier

Dear Santa Claus,

How is rudoff the red nose reindeer? Why do you like cookes? I hope you have a good flight on Christmas eev. Im happy you are real. I want lego lord of the the rings, skateboard, new dsi and two ninogo lego sets. You friend, Dylan

Dear Santa,

I want some…Hobre shoes, Shiny heels, and Wegaes (in pink and silver), laptop (with heart on front), Golden retrevir (in the house in Japan), Dog food, Dog house (with small pool), Barbie Dream House, Closet, and Cruse, All Monster high Dolls, ipad touch, Cool phone (phone with pink skin and heart). Merry Christmas, Mollani

Dear Santa,

How are you? How is Mrs. Clause? I whant some…high tops and shiny heels and wegees (in Pink and in (siver, labtop (with heat on top bike, baby alive, crazy cookin, dot and drop, dsi, Monster high dolls all of them, puppy, Bear, scienics lab stuff, easy bake Stuff. Your friend, Kalea

Dear Santa Claus

Can I pleas have a Barbie doll and a trapulen please tanke you for my toy last year and can I please have some hihels and some obese and gel pens, a wind up toy Butter fly, Some new games a 3DDS, chalch, BuBlosape, Sokestukeeyoufor evrsthing. p.s I have cookes and mild and chert for the ran deer. Love your friend, Kacey

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeers doing? Are you doing good? Is Baby Jesus doing good? I would like a angel and bells for my mom. Can you help me with something. Oh I been wanting this for years now. It’s a dress for going out to dinner. I hope that Mrs. Clous is doing good. Love, Marysia

Dear santa claus,

how are you doing how is ms claus doing? how are the elves doing an how ar the reindeer doing. Im fine but heres some stuff I would like for Chrismas a kicking and puching dumei and a brother thats eight like me and he will be in my class room. yours truly Ayden

Dear Santa,

How are you. Are you busy making Gifts? How are the reindeers? Santa please tell all the elves I say Hello. Tell Mrs. Claus I say hello. My First thing I wish for a tiger that is very very nice to me and my mom. My Next thing I wish for is a cat that is very very big. M Last wish is a dog very small. Merry Christmas. Yours truly. Love, Dania

Dear Santa,

How are the elfs? Is mrs. claus ok? Are the reindeer well fed? May I please have a dsi. What do the reindeer like? Can I have more angry birds? Could you get me a dog? I’ll leave ou some cookies, a note, and some warm mild for a present. I’ll even leave some presents for you. My favret is a doll that you can do her hair and make it colorful. Are the elfs making gives? Do you have a mail elf? What is his or her name? Can he or she fly? Have I been good? I don’t know what else I want.

You are the bes, from, Caitlin

Dear Santa,

How are you? Are you having a lovey Christmas? I want a Big stuffed animal cat and little stuffed animal cats and and little stuffed animal dogs. And a my little pony weding set. Love, Emily

Dear Santa

thank you for the sky lander last year how is mrs. claus. are you busy. I want sky lander giants. a new wall track. a new car. new phon. and a new ipod. Yours truly Ryan

Dear Santa Claus,

How are you? How are the elves? How are the rain deer. How is roodoff? I am exited for Christmas. Are you exited for Christmas? I beleave in Santa Claus. I don’t like Christmas. I lLove Christmas. I would like a dimened. I would like a ipod. I wold like a ordomint. I would like to thank for all the presents you gave me for Christmas. Christmas is my best hoiday. but in Florada it doesn’t snow. I still love Christmas because we get new toys from Santa. Merry Christmas Santa Yours truly, Rylee

Dear Santa,

How are you doing. For Christmas may I have a baby hamster. My friend Ronnie says you are not real she also said that I should be on the nauty list. For Christmas I want to spread joy to every house of the world. I would love to let everyone get what they want and no one is mad. Are you busy making presents. If you are I hope that you get a lot of help. How are you doing? If you say good that means great. Love, Alyssa

Dear Santa,

How is the reindeer? Is your elf doing fine? Santa I was the Aviator of October. I’ve been good this year. How is Misses Claus? Is your elves working hard? What’s your phone number? I hope every buddy in my family gets presents. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Misses Claus. Santa can you please get your elves to make me a dirt bike just like my dad’s, candy, an American doll and all the stuff that goes with my American doll that I have now, special gum, bouncy ball, toys. Love, Daisy A.

P.S. You can leave the dirt bike outside.

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Santa doing? I got good grades I got A’s and one B. I will leave cookies for you on the fireplace. Please get us some presents so we will not be sad. Please give us some presents like a furby, horse, baby doll, and a toy cat. Love, Rachel B.

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl this year. How is Rudolph? How is Mrs. Claus? I know you are busy but can you get your elves to make me some roller skates please? Can you get them to make me some zoozoo pets please? Please don’t bring any coal please don’t! Can you make a phone too please? Can you get me a smoothie maker please? Can you make a LaLaLoopsy doll too please? Are your elves working hard enough? Merry Christmas Santa. Love, Briana B.

Dear Santa,

Hello Santa how is Mrs. Claus doing and how is your deer doing? Santa can you please tell your elf to build me a bunny rabbit please. Please build me a bear, ducks, Monster High toys, horse, cat, owl, sheep, shoes, clothes, and shirts. God Bless You Santa Claus. Santa Claus is the best to me. Love, Kendall F.

Dear Santa,

How are your elves? I hope Miss Claus is okay. I hope the elves make lots of toys for the children in the world. I have been very good this year. I am going to Carolina. May I please have for Christmas I would like is a doll, Little Tykes Kitchen, and more and I forgot that I will not forget to leave cookies on the table and milk. I love Christmas because you give and celebrate all about giving. How are the reindeer? I would like Monster High doll too. Love, Payton G.

Dear Santa,

I help my mom do the dishes and the rooms. Santa how is Rudolph? How is Mrs. Claus doing today? Why do you need to know if the kids are naughty or nice? Why do you give the kids coal and not presents on Christmas Eve? Do you have your elves working in the workshop? What is Mrs. Claus doing now? Love, Trinity G.

Dear Santa,

Have I been good or bad? Can you please bring my mom new windshield wipers because her windshield wipers don’t work very well anymore. Can you please bring me Ken’s car and Barbie movies. Some markers for my easel and the new toy makes cake pops. Glowing Gax color mixer and color splasher. Love, Emma H.

Dear Santa,

I have been really good this year. I have been the first Aviator of the month!!! Merry Christmas Santa!! How are the reindeer and Mrs. Claus and the elves? I know you are very very busy but can you pretty pleeeaaaasssseeee give me an American doll cast and wheelchair? Could you fill my living room with presents? Can you bring me some Christmas discs? I know you are really tired from working all of November and December!!!! I feel really bad for you. Is there anything I can do? I made this song for you. It is called “Merry Christmas- Merry Christmas Santa, Santa I know you are busy. I just hope you get done.” Was it good? Merry Christmas and all the other holidays like New Years, Easter, 4th of July, and Christmas Day! Oh I also want they color splasher, cake pop maker, and I really want Just Dance Disney please. Love, Kylee H.

Dear Santa,

How are the elves doing? I have been good even on my tests A’s, B’s and one C. For Christmas I want gamma Hulk smash toy, Wreck It Ralph toy and Skylanders toys. New Wii toy and iPad touch, hulk speaker and remote control jet. In my stocking I want books, Dsi, games, and movies Love, Micah L.

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. So how is Rudolph? Can I have your phone number? I been help my dad and mom. I have cookies and carrots for your reindeer. I wish you a Merry Christmas. Love, Nathaniel N.

Dear Santa,

I would like a Bakugon and I would like a bay blade. I would like some Pokemon cards. Love,Aiden

Dear Santa,

I been naughty but I will be nice. My mom told me to do it. I want a bey blade. I love Rudolph! I love you Santa! Love, Robert R.

Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer? I hope they are okay. If they are write ok here_____, if they aren’t write no her____. I hope they are. I love what you bring me. Love, Alessandra S.

Dear Santa,

I think you are fast. Do not worry we will give cookies. How are you doing? I am 8. I have been good. How fast does sleigh go? I am happy that you are coming soon! I want a dog but if it is too much do not mind. Can you deliver joy to all? My pet cat would like a copy of your hat. I like you! Would you get me a spy collection? Good bye! Love, Emilee S.

Dear Santa,

I help my dad with anything. I have been really good this year. My sister has been good at school and at the house. How is Mrs. Claus doing? How are the reindeer doing with their flying? Are the elves being bad or good? Are the reindeer eating the carrots? Santa are you eating the cookies from every house and drinking the milk? I hope that my family does not get coal. I hope that Santa comes by everybody’s house. I hope you put stuff in everybody’s stocking because everybody will be happy. Merry Christmas! Love, Liam T.

Dear Santa,

I can’t wait until Christmas. How is Rudolph? Is his nose still red? I hope so. I would love a Monster High girl Clawdean. I would also love a big, big, big, teddy bear. I would also love a can of sugar. I would also like some coconut conditioner. Love, Jadyn W.

Dear Santa,

I’ve been bad and good this year. I hope I get some presents. I hope you like my letter! I want an iPad and a iPod touch and a computer, and Skylander giants, all Skylanders, a Bible that has all the celebrations in it. I want an Xbox 360 Kinnect, Play Station, Dsi XL, a remote that turns the lights off and on. A remote that when you talk it will do that, a baby puppy, a book about Elvis, a book about Super Croc! I want a jet toy, a glow in the dark Gak color mixer and a choo choo train and tracks.

Love, Zane W.

Dear Santa,

I hope you get enough cookies to eat. I hope Mrs. Santa is good. I’ve done my best. I’m going to put my reindeer food for the deer. I promise to give cookies now Santa. Leave some for Mrs. Santa. I mean take them to her. Have a Merry Christmas Santa and Mrs. Santa. I’m trying not to be naughty. Santa I want to ask you something can I have your phone number? HoHoHo You are the best! You should take a break making toys… just saying. This is my plan. Love, Troy Y.


Dear Santa,

I want a real puppy for Christmas. I would also like a cotton candy maker and a power wheel car. Could I also get a fortune cookie maker? Sincerely, Amylynn

Dear Santa,

I want some wishes and a garden for Christmas. I would also like a pet turtle, ipod, and a train. Sincerely, Aaron

Dear Santa,

I want two cats and a cotton candy maker for Christmas. I would also like more dogs. Siincerely, Micah

Dear Santa,

I want some earphones and a walkie talkie for Christmas. I would also like a skate board and a cross bow. Sincerely, Kevin

Dear Santa,

I want a cotton candy maker and a cookie maker for Christmas. I would also like a baby doll and an Ipad. Sincerely, Zoe

Dear Santa,

I want a motor cycle and a spider-man ipod for Christmas. I would also like a cotton candy maker. Sincerely, Nathaniel

Dear Santa,

I want an easy bake and a baby doll for Christmas. I would also like a real horse, a camera, a barbie doll, and lollipops. Sincerely, Jaylynn

Dear Santa,

I want a new real horse and a barbie doll for Christmas. I would also like a cotton candy maker, a cookie maker, and a plastic horse. Sincerely, Kadyn

Dear Santa,

I want an ipod and a puppy. I would also like an ice-cream maker and a xbox. Sincerely, John

Dear Santa,

I want an ipod and a bike. I would also like some legos. Sincerely, Peyton

Dear Santa,

I want a new bed and some nail polish. I would also like some sandals. Sincerely, Grace

Dear Santa,

I want a skate board and a PS3. I would also like a four wheeler, a bike, and a dirt bike. Sincerely, Remington

Dear Santa,

I want a pool because they are so much fun. I would love to have a barbie doll house and a few barbie dolls. Could you get me a toy teddy bear and a toy computer? Sincerely, Miranda

Dear Santa,

I want a dirt bike, a puppy, a remote control truck, and an ice cream maker. I would also like to have a tent. I have been really good this year. Sincerely, Layne

Dear Santa,

I want a Nintendo DS, a doctor barbie doll, a bicycle, and a real phone. I would also like a Christmas sweater for my dog Mimi. Sincerely, Jocelyn

Dear Santa,

I wish you could bring me a dirt bike. I love you. Love, Dalton

Dear Santa,

I wish you could bring me some makeup! I would also like a Barbie Design Color and a puzzle. Love, Elizabeth

Dear Santa,

I wish you would bring me my own TV. I love you Santa. Love, Chase

Dear Santa,

I would like a makeover doll with pink and purple hair that you can do. I also would like a Barbie computer. Love, Brook

Dear Santa,

I would like a musical light up Christmas decoration that I can keep in my room. I would also like a 50cc dirt bike. Don’t fall off the sleigh!!! I have been a good boy. Love, Cyrus

Dear Santa,

I want a fake four wheeler and a Santa Claus movie. That’s it. Love, Keegan

Dear Santa,

I would like a dream light. I would also like a big bike. I love you! Love, Lillian

Dear Santa,

I would really like a Picture Barbie. I would also like a castle with every princess in it. Love, Addison

Dear Santa,

I would like a princess castle with every princess in it. I also want a baby doll. Don’t run in to the snow! Love, Jessi

Dear Santa,

I would like the Gotham Jail toy. Don’t fall off the sled!!! Love, Raylen

Dear Santa,

I really want a dream light. Be careful driving those reindeer! Love, Kaela

Dear Santa,

Please bring me a new bike and a bike helmet. Love, Leo

Dear Santa,

I would like a computer and a printer. I also wish that I could have a phone. I hope you don’t fall out of the sled. Love, Destinee

Dear Santa,

I really want a toy motorcycle that I can ride. Merry Christmas!! Love, James

Dear Santa,

I would like the Wii game Skylander Giants. I would also like an electric motorcycle like Gabe has. Don’t get stuck in the chimney while a fire is on!!! Love, Will

Dear Santa,

I want a train. I like Thomas. Love, Cristian

Dear Santa,

I would like a makeup Barbie. I would also like some stickers. Love, Krista

Dear Santa,

I like your gifts that you gave me last year. I love you, Santa!

Faith and Tristen gave me an elf. Its name was Shelf Elf. It is cool to wake up in the morning to see what my elf did.

Santa, I will leave you some cookies and milk by my fireplace. Love, Chloe

Dear Santa,

I love you. I want a 3DS. I will give your reindeer carrots and seeds. I hope you like our Christmas tree. I will make you a card to say thank you for the presents. I hope you like the card. Have a Merry Christmas! Love, Holli

Dear Santa,

I love the gifts I got from you last year. You work so hard. I love you. Love, Hailey

Dear Santa,

I want one thing for Christmas. You are going to be impressed by what it is. It is an ipod touch. I want Mrs. O’Neal to come and listen to me sing in the choir at church. I want it to be a surprise when you are at my Granny and Papa’s church this year when you give the presents out to everybody. Love, Katelyn Madsen

Dear Santa,

I love Santa’s toys. You are a great Santa. You are so big that I will give you cookies and milk. You love cookies so much. You are beautiful in your sleigh. I would ride in it. Santa’s elves build so much. They can eat some cookies and drink some milk. Love, Brooke

Dear Santa,

Can you bring me a play toy for my dog to play with?

Can you bring me a Beyblade for Christmas? Love, Kaden

Dear Santa,

Can you give me a present? It will be a pet

named Elf. Love, Caeden

Dear Santa,

I love your reindeer. I help friends. I like presents. I hope you will give everybody a present. Love, Madison

Dear Santa,

Will you give me a bike for Christmas? Love, John

Dear Santa,

I like the toys you get me. I like your sled. I like Rudolph. Love, Tori

Dear Santa,

I want a four – wheeler for Christmas. Will you get the four – wheeler for me? Love, Austin

Dear Santa,

I love you, Santa. I want a gun for Christmas. Love, William

Dear Santa,

I wish for a Megaman Shark Ship. It comes with a squid. I want zombies and a Buzz Lightyear suit. That’s all. And a Batman too. Love, Shelton

Dear Santa,

I’m sending you a letter of my Christmas presents

so here’s what I want. Lego Friends, LalaLoop Sea Star, Barbie, Barbie Clothes, A little Santa Doll. Love, Savanna

Dear Santa,

I want a ipod. I will leave cookies out for you, but we don’t know where to put them yet. I love you. Love, Jenna

Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy this year. I want an I – pad for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies on the table. Love, Kyle

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl. I want a horse for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies on the table. Love, Ava

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl. I want a baby white tiger for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies on the table. Love, Alena

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl. I want a real horse for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies on the table. Love, Aubree

Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy. I want a cop helicopter for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies on the table. Love, Billy

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl. I want a Barbie doll that takes pictures for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies on the table. Love, Bella

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl. I want an I – touch for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies on the table. Love, McKenzie

Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy. I want an I – pod for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies on the table. Love, Jess

Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy. I want a remote control shark for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies on the table. Love, Zachary

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl. I want an American Doll Marie Grace for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies on the table. Love, Roxy

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl. I want a real horse for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies on the table. Love, Victoria

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl. I want a dollhouse for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies on the table. Love, Allie

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl. I want a coloring book for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies on the table. Love, Addison

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl. I want a baby doll for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies on the table. Love, Jessie

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl. I want a bicycle with a shade. I will leave you milk and cookies on the table. Love, Emma

Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy. I want a remote control car for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies on the table. Love, Trent

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl. I want a puppy for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies on the table. Love, Emily

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a book about sharks and Science Rocks. But Santa, I will be happy with whatever I get. Love, Ethan

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like an I-phone four, four-wheeler, and iPad. But Santa, I will be happy with whatever I get. Love, Adriel

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a doll, a doll house, and a girl cat please. But Santa, I will be happy with whatever I get. Love, Hannah

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a new sled, a play transformer, and a stuffed panda bear. But Santa, I will be happy with whatever I get. Love, Caleb

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a guitar, a motor bike, and a trick bike. But Santa, I will be happy with whatever you get me. Love, Clay

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like Sonic and Mario at the Olympics and Sonic and All Stars Racing. But Santa, I will be happy with whatever I get. Love, Shannon

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like an iPod, iPhone, and a remote-controlled jacked-up Jeep, please. But I will be happy with whatever I get. Love, Blake

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a fish, a puppy, and a skateboard. But Santa, I will be happy with whatever I get. Love, Candice

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like an MP3 player, a Magic Tree House book, and a science set! Love, Tessa

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a Halo 4, 12-pack of Coca Cola, gloves, skylanders, Legos, hot dog, watch, PSP, shoes, and toys. However, I will be happy with whatever I get. Love, Hayden

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a pair of mittens, funny boots, science kit, and an easy-bake oven. But Santa, I will be happy with whatever I get. Love, Seirra

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like Jack and Annie books, Teddy Bear, and clothes. But Santa, I will be happy with whatever I get. Love, Natalie

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like Spinosaurus, train, and toy bat. But Santa, I will be happy with whatever I get. Love, Carrick

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like an iPod 5, dog, and a pony. I will be happy with whatever I get. Love, Lizzy

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a 3DS, Barbie doll with clothes, and a doll house. But Santa, I will be happy with whatever I get. Love, Ema-Leigh

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a TV Box, phone, and a Dream Light. But Santa, I will be happy with whatever I get. Love, Alexus

BobSikes Elementary School

Santa Claus,

I am going to leave out cookies and milk I want an Easy Bake oven and some of the food. Love, Ally

Dear Santa,

I want to know how Rudolph is doing. I want a frog and I want a baby sister. Love, Carlie

Dear Santa,

How are you? I want a little Rudolph. Phoenix

Dear St. Nick,

How are you? I want a Ninja Turtle Subway Car, a Ninja Turtle bedroom set, and some toys. I am going to leave you some cookies and carrots. Merry Christmas! Love, Gracie

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Claus? I want a Rudof fur Christmas. Love, Maranda

Dear Santa,

How is Rudolphf? I want toys. Love, Chase

Dear Santa,

How is Rudof and how are you? I want new toys and I want a reindeer stuffed animal and I want a new new Barbie and I want a little reindeer. Love, Jay Jay

Dear Santa,

How are you? I want a Barbie and a Hello Kitty ear phones and a Dr. Seuss set and my Dreamlight pillow. Love, Caitlyn

Dear Santa,

How are you? I want a Baby Butterscotch, lunchbox, and Furby. Love, Josie

Dear Santa,

How is Rudolph the red nose raindeer? I want a toy unicorn and a toy horse. Love, Arden

Dear Santie,

How is Roodof, the red nose raindeer. I want a fake gun. Love, Eligh

Dear Santa,

How is Rodlph? I want toys. I want a Ninja Turtle subway car and I want a Lego Batman 2 game. Love, Carson

Dear Santa Claus,

How is Rudolf? I want a bike. I will leave out cookies and carrots. Love, Haley

Dear Santa,

I want a be be gun and a hunting game on Nintendo. We are going to leave chocolate chip cookies for you. Love, Jace

Dear St. Nick,

How are your raindeer? I would want a bow and arrow. Love, Trinity

Dear St. Nick,

How is Rudolph? I would want a robot to do the chores, carrots, and a real you wolf. Love, Austin

Dear Santa,

I want a football and I want a basketball goal and I want a bicycle.


Dear Santa,

My name is Elijah. This year I have been a bit naughty. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: a DS because it’s cool. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: a bike (motorcycle one), a ‘mote control truck, 4 wheeler, and a lunchbox. I promise to leave you some candy canes and some water on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Aniya. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: 3DS because my cousin have a 3DS. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: a princess with a pet with a puppy. I promise to leave you some cookies and milk on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Carissa. This year I have been quite good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: Leapster 2 because I like to play with it. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: some more dress up, power wheels, and a sleeping beauty baby doll. I promise to leave you some sugar cookies and chocolate milk on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Kaiden. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: a 4 wheeler because it is cool and fun. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: a scooter, computer, and a Lego station kit. I promise to leave you some milk and cookies on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Madison. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: a scooter because I didn’t have one before. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: nothing. I promise to leave you an elf toy on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Ava. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: a violin because I like those a lot. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: a toy- a nutcracker, a little snowball toy, a new bike- mine’s a little bit damp and broken. I promise to leave you a guitar on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Christian. This year I have been a bit naughty. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: Transformers and Decepticons because that’s how it’s supposed to be. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: that’s it. I promise to leave you just this letter on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Jayden. This year I have been quite good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: a 3DS because it’s awesome and you can play games on it. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: a brand new bicycle with no training wheels-medium size, a new stuffed rabbit, a bedtime parrot, a new horse, a monkey, and a donkey. I promise to leave you some chocolate chip cookies and milk on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Savannah. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: 3DS because my Leap Pad broke. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: a fake telephone, some clothes, toy deer, diamond ring, diamond necklace, diamond earrings, diamond bracelet, some Band-Aids, toy Barbie house, some cookies. I promise to leave you some cookies and milk on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Ryan. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: Halo because it’s awesome. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: Star Wars Lego with a light saber and Luke Skywalker and Anakin, Monster Egg, and Mama Monster. I promise to leave you some cookies and chocolate milk on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Brayden. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: Skylander Giants because I can play a game on the TV. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: a DS, a new jacket, and two belts. I promise to leave you some milk and chocolate chip cookies on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Reese. This year I have been quite good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: a doll because it is fun. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: some doll clothes and some shoes, some clothes, a Barbie, some high heels, a boy Barbie, clothes and shoes for both Barbies, a necklace, and a baby cat. I promise to leave you some cookies and milk on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Eddie. This year I have been a bit naughty. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: Skylander Giants, the Xbox and Wii one because my dog Boo Boo chewed it. She’s a chewer. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: a new scooter (mine is broke) and a set of boosters for Bot Shots. I promise to leave you some cookies I decorated and milk on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Gage. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: Legos because I like them. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: Snake Bite (monster truck). I promise to leave you some cookies and milk on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Kyra. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: a DS because it is fun. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: a Barbie car, baby doll, and a doll. I promise to leave you some candy and cookies and milk on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Tristan. This year I have been a bit naughty. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: a DS red because you can take pictures. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: an electric scooter and laptop. I promise to leave you milk and cookies on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Jaylen. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: 3DSXL because it is fun. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: an electric scooter. I promise to leave you some chocolate chip cookies and milk on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Jah-sentah. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: a scooter because I never had one. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: a laptop, bike, and DS. I promise to leave you some chocolate and chocolate milk on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Bayleigh. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: a pocket knife because so I can slice things like chicken. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: a doll bunny, a chamber, a baby doll, baseball bat, letter cards to practice ABCs, a baseball, a soccer, a candy cane to eat, a mouse doll, a writing pen, and a star from the sky-you can reach it. I promise to leave you a laptop on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Marquan. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: a 3DS because it is fun. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: a computer and a laptop. I promise to leave you cookies and milk on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Jace. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: a Lego set because it is fun. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: Wii U, Xbox 360, and Disneyland the video game. I promise to leave you some milk and cookies on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Honor. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: a bike because I can ride around. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: a pet, a leash to walk my pet, doggie food, water for my dog, kitty cat food and treats, a bone, a play toy, a collar, candy cane, a sleigh, a reindeer, a playhouse, and a kitty cat. I promise to leave you some cookies and chocolate milk on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Kavari. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: a laptop because it’s not like a real laptop it’s like the one I had before. It’s for learning. If your elves are not too busy I would also like the one I had before. It’s for learning. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: a DS, my own lunchbox, a hockey board, a skateboard, and some new clothes. I promise to leave you some milk and cookies on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Michael. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: a new tank because my brawler on my Transformer is broken. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: bay blade, windup toy pig, top, to get mommy some jewels. I promise to leave you some milk and cookies on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Rory. This year I have been very good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: a video game-Minecraft with pig axe because I do like Minecraft. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: a DS with pen-the color black. I promise to leave you my blue bear on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

My name is Jenny. This year I have been quite good. What I would most like for Christmas this year is: a wrestling buddy because my cousin likes wrestling and I do too. If your elves are not too busy I would also like: a new pet shop. I promise to leave you some milk and cookies on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa,

I want a new guitar and a monster dirt bike. Love, Landon

Dear Santa,

I want a penguin laptop, penguin one foot tall. Love, Aaron

Dear Santa,

I want to get presents for Santa. Love, Lesyia

Dear Santa,

I want a remote control monster truck. Love, Peyton

Dear Santa,

I want a puppy go. I been good. Love, Brandon

Dear Santa,

I want a monster truck that goes in water. Love, Reece

Dear Santa,

I want a 2DXL. I want a wreath. Love, Zi

Dear Santa,

I want an electric scooter. Love, Jayson

Dear Santa,

I want a Monster High doll. Love, Madison

Dear Santa,

I want a trampoline. Love, Charles

Dear Santa,

I want a pool. I want a dog. Love, Drew

Dear Santa,

I want a piece of makeup and Monster High doll. Love, Elora

Dear Santa,

I want an ipod. Will you eat my cookies? Love, Nate

Dear Santa,

I want a unicorn and cat and a horse and a rabbit and a pencil. Love, Zoey

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Claus been doing? Love, Aiden

Dear Santa,

I want for Christmas a Barbie doll and I want a Barbie doll for Christmas. Love, Bailey

Dear Santa,

I want a car for Christmas. Love, Zaniya

Dear Santa,

I want a Monster High doll. Tell Mrs. Claus Hi. Love, Audrey

Please bring me a Dora set. Izabel

Santa you Dear,

EZ bake ovn can you get me? Josie

Pls bring me a dolphin and a teddy bear. Giana

Pez can I hav a setuf (stuffed) red evt (elf) Faku (thank you) Ethan

Santa can I Have a Seeds for Moms gardn. Jasmine

Dear Santa,

Please bring me a baker oven. Beatrice

Samri Pr gs (Samurai Power Rangers) b t me. Nikos

Can you please bring me a PSP? Kendall

I want a monster truck with a thing that drives it. Raya

Ples bring a monstr truk. Jonathan

Pez I have a dump truck and shovl. Michael

Dear Santa,

Please bring me a bike. A red one. Bradlee

Ples doll prinses. Roselin

Dear Santa,

Please bring me a powr rangr toy. Michael T.

Santa Ples bring me a bb gun. Anthony

Santa please can you bring me a Barbie? Janet

Der Santa,

I wot a EZ ovin bakr I love because it bak. Natalia'

Dear Santa,

How are you? Can I have a toy Rudolph? Love, Giselle

Dear Santa,

I want a big Woody (from Toy Story). Love, Will

Dear Santa,

How are you? Can I have a Furby 3DS, 4DS, 5DS please? Thank you. Love, Tucker

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I want a toy please. Can you bring a tangle puzzle? Love, Aaliyah

Dear Santa,

I can have a toy pony? I love you. Love, Aaliyah

Dear Santa,

How are you? Can I have a toy please? I would like a coloring thing and pink scissors. Love, Allyee

Dear Santa,

What’s up? Can I have a radio? Love, Ethan

Dear Santa,

What’s up? I want a big giant horse. I want a real Chihuahua. Love, Isabella

Dear Santa,

I want a monster truck t-shirt and a monster truck. Like, Asher

Dear Santa,

Are you doing good? Can you bring me a ninja? Thank you. I love you. Landen

Dear Santa,

I want a Furby. I want a Fidget. Thank You. Addysen

Dear Santa,

Are you doing well? Please can I have a dog? Love, Kiera

Dear Santa,

What’s up? I want a red lightsaber and a Agent Fin Mic Misile. Love, Aidan

Dear Santa,

What’s up? I want a Princess Hayden doll. Love, Amelia

Dear Santa,

How are you doing Santa? I am doing good. Can I have a dog and a Barbie that you can put makeup on? Love, Allie S.

Dear Santa,

What’s up? I want a toy. I want a Barbie doll and a puppy on my list. Love, Allie C.

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa. How are you doing? What are you doing? How is Mrs. Claus? I want a make-up kit. Love, Loralei

Dear Santa,

I want a fake dog and I want a new Bella. Love, Elizabeth

Dear Santa,

I would like a x box and play station. Love, Xzavier

Dear Santa,

I would like a bk (bike). Love, Zoey

Dear Santa,

I would like a comptr (computer). Love, Desiree

Dear Santa,

I would like a bi bu bik (big boy bike). Love, Chase

Dear Santa,

I would like a spidrman. Love, Daveion

Dear Santa,

I would like a lago fren (Lego Friend). Love, Katy

Dear Santa,

I would like a slepin ba (sleeping bag). Love, Lily

Dear Santa,

I would like a Lego Batmn and Micke Mos Epic 2 (Lego Batman and Mickey Mouse Epic 2). Love, Adian C.

Dear Santa,

I would like a pins dl (princess doll). Love, Faith

Dear Santa,

I would like a toy car. Love, Orlando

Dear Santa,

I would like a shot gn (shot gun). Love, Aiden O.

Dear Santa,

I would like Epic Mickey 2 and I oso wot batman 3. Love, Emma

Dear Santa,

I would like a play staf (play station). Love, Kevin

Dear Santa,

I would like bts and a fon (boots and a phone). Love, Hunter

Dear Santa,

I want a stuffed amma and I want a cat for Christmas. I would like a bed for Christmas and a bike for Christmas and a fish for Christmas and a mcheanflac for Christmas. Love, Malan

Dear Santa,

I would like a four willr. I would like a invizible costoom. Love, Mason

Dear Santa,

I want a ping pong table. I would like a WWE man. I would like a computer. I would like a monster truck book. Love, Tadhg

Dear Santa,

I hope I get a beywheel and a dog from you. Love, Nathan

Dear Santa,

I want a four wheeler. I will have sum deer corn for the reindeer. Love, Brodie

Dear Santa,

What I want for Crismis is a toy shrk. By the way which cookies do you like? Hey Santa, how do your reindeer fly? Love, Jack

Dear Santa,

I want a computer and a toy with the truck. Love, Harvey

Dear Santa,

I want a toy Army Hum v and a toy car and a toy gun and a toy truck and a yoyo. Love, David

Dear Santa,

I want a bike for Christmas. We will set kookies on the table. I been good. I always read at school and at home too. I really want sum bey blades and a helicopter and an airplane. Love


Dear Santa,

All I really want this year is a bike for Christmas. Love, Jaden

Dear Santa,

I want an IPOD. I need a turkey call. I wish to shoot a deer. I want a bear call. I like Christmas kus it is fun. Love, Chase

Dear Santa,

I want a bike and toys and an IPOD. Love, Cassandra

Dear Santa,

I want for Christmas is a brbe and a house that is what I want for Christmas. How are you dowing? I hope you are okay. I want a dog too. How’s Rudolph? Love, Trista

Dear Santa,

I want a helicopter with 4 wheels and a jump pod. Love, Riley

Dear Santa,

Can I have new bike and a remot kontrol helukoter and a remot control airplane and a remot knotrol rase car? Love, Randy

Dear Santa,

All I want is presents dreamhouse, pillw and blanket. Love, Aniya

Dear Santa Claus,

How are you doing? Can you please bring a puppy? I'd take care of it really good! I like an Ipad, a pair of iceskates, Charlotte Cherades, LalaLoopsy, and a painting easel, and a real guitar. Love, Zoe

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I want an ipad, a book light, a toy horse, toy house, and Lala Loopsy doll and a real guitar, a toy reindeer, and a toy piano, and a toy Santa, Love, Christina

Dear Santa,

I want an ipod. So, how are your reindeer? Your sleigh is so big. I will leave you cookies and your reindeer some carrots. Merry Christmas! Love, Jacob D.

Dear Santa,

How are you? I want some DS games for my DS. I want a 3G cover for my phone and all different covers. I will leave you milk and I am going to miss Elvis but next year I will see him again. Oh, and some stuff from Claire's. Love, Gracie G.

Dear Santa Claus,

How are you and Mrs. Claus? I want an Ipad or a 3ds with the new Super Moreya Brothers 2. Love, Brianna

Dear Santa Claus,

How are you, Santa and Mrs. Claus? May I have a phone, and IPad, a makeup box, and an Elf on the Shelf book with the girl elf and my own Christmas dress with Rudolph and I want a nutcracker. Love, Camaryn

Dear Santa,

I want a tablet and a Nerf shotgun for Christmas. Peyton

Dear Santa,

How are you? I want an IPad. Did you like my eggnog? If you did I can give you it again and I love when I see you on TV. Love, Kassandra

Dear Santa,

How are you reindeer? I want an iPad, some LeapPad cards, "Just Dance" Disney party, a golden retriever. LeapPad games, glitter pens, some movies, and Charades game, and I want it to snow and a phone. Love, Ella

Dear Saint Nick,

How are the reindeer? I love you! I want Wimpy Kid books, an IPad that has grownup games on it cause I do not like kid games. I really do not! I want it to snow very much. Love, Gracie H.

Dear St. Nick,

Have your reindeer been well? I want an IPad mini and the rest of the Playmakers, Madden 13 and NBA 13. I wonder if your elves are naughty and are you naughty and are your reindeer ready to fly. You are awesome! Love, Jacob M.

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. What I want for Christmas is a globe that tells me all the cities that every state and country has. Merry Christmas! Love, Larsen

Dear Santa,

How are your elves? Can you bring Cake Pops and a Lala Loopsy, silly hair doll, Suzette La Sweet? Love, Gabriela

P.S. I'll leave milk and cookie for you!

Dear Santa Claus,

How are you Santa? I want an Xbox 360 and the game Call of Duty, and iPad, a DS and all of the Magic Tree House books, and a writing folder so I can write a sentence all the time, and a PSP and a PSI. Love, Michael

Dear Santa,

How's your elves? I want a Lego Vampire Castle, Trash puck series 3, Lego Gold Mine. Can you please make it snow a lot? And please make there be snowflakes, giant ones. Love, Orlan

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeer? Are they ready to fly? I want a foosball, an IPad, some Kaitykazoos, Magic Tree House books, some head bands, some candy, and some Wii games. Are you and Mrs. Claus both coming? I hope your reindeer have been good and are ready to fly. Love, Abbey

Dear Santa,

How are you doing this Christmas? I want chapter books and they are call Magic Tree House books. I want a pink heart pillow that glows in the dark. May I have some new clothes, a Christmas dress, stockings, and a Ferby. Love, Miriam

Dear Santa,

Can I have a shotgun or a go-cart and Grinch pajamas? Levi

Dear Santa Claus,

I want a bike four Christmas. I want it to be black and white. Thank you.

Your frind, Robbie B.

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Claus? is she OK? Oh ya, my mom said Merry Christmas. Can I see the workshop next year? Tell Rudolph I said hi!

Your friend, Adrian D

Dear Santa,

How are you , Mrs. Claus, and the elves? My elf is doing good. hes having a good day and i'm being a good boy and i miss you santa. i wish i would take a picture on your lap. have a good day!

Kaden G. ps. i always love santa

Deara Santa,

How are you, Mrs. Claus and the elves o and the reindeer to. o and rudolph. I deckeraded my house for you I hope you like it.

from, Leah B. Botse, Hexs bugs, 8ball magic, super moereo drossu

Dear Santa,

How are have you and Mrs. Claus been doing? How are the elvs too? I am being good. I love you very much. I want a lot of Legos for Christmas. Love always, Ethan W.

Dear Santa,

I'm a good girl. how is the elfs doing. And this is what I want for Chrismas. I want a nitindo3D, a pear of highhills, fery boote, A stoft animal of Rudolph. And that's all I want for Chrismas.

Merry Chrismas, Amya S.

Dear. Santa Claus,

Thank you for giving us toy. have is elve the self being gening good? and can you and your elves get me and boy elf on the shelf, a Ds i extra large mortal combat. Is your elfs being good thank santa claus. Love, Jordan W.

Dear santa,

how are you and Mrs. claus Doing? When you go bawn the chimney do you have magci. Did you send that elf on the slash! Love always, DeJhun P.

Dear santa,

How are the elves and Mrs. Claus? I rily hope you are having a god time. I have some toys that I want this is wat I want: a N strik elet vortex a lego set.

from: hunter P.

to: santa

Dear santa claus,

How are you , Mrs. claus, elfs, and the reindeer. I want a DS charger, and Hllo Kitty earphones. How do you go down the chimney?

Merry christmas, Lillian G.

Dear santa,

How do you get down the chimney? I've been a good girl. Here are 3 things I want: scooter, army car, and a shark mouth.

Your friend, Camryn B.

Dear Santa Claus,

How are you? I have ben a good girl this year. I want a elf on the shelf some American girl doll clouse and a outfit. So what kind of cookies do you like? I hope you have a good christmas. Love always, Alexandra M.

Dear Santa claus,

I have bein good this yarur. code you bring me a airplane ad a boy elf on the shelf. bay the way how are Mrs. claus doing? Can you bering my mom and dad som things. santa cluas can you get me a nafe.

Your friend, Kaden H.

Dear santa clas,

I hope I ben good for you. I chrid my hardist to be good. for you. I whant the best christmas ever. I hope you can do that I want my family tobe there too. and a elf on the shelf I love you a lot.

Merry Christmas, Allison B.

Dear Mrs. Claus,

I talked to you because I heard santa is on break. How is your Christmas. Mine is wonderful! What I want for Christmas is to see you and your elfs. Merry Christmas. PS. I made some cookies. Love always, Autumn

Dear Santa,

How is it in the North pole? Here wot I wot for Christma is a elf on the cafst and ipoid I cat wat for you to say Ho ho ho and see the angel, and cookies. Love always, Alaina

Dear Santa,

How are you? What is it like in the noth pole? Do you ever see penguins? Can you bring me a laptop, some makeup and clothes. I am sure you will also bring more than that.

Sincerly love, Ella

Dear Santa,

I want a PSP, Assainss Creed 3 (PS3), Laptop, and last a dog.

Thank you. Love, Aidan

Dear Santa Claus,

What I would like for Christmas is a puppy, an American Girl doll, a Cloudeen wolf doll, some clothes, a cribe life doll, new headphones, some makeup, a horn for my bike, a pair of stompeez, and pairs of boots, and some DVDs, lego friends heart lank city, and a Monster high School, and a la Pe Da Barbie doll with rainbow hair, and a polly pocket roller skating, and a cake pop maker. A bunch of perfume. Love, Taylor

Dear Santa Claus,

I would like a doll house, toy horse, book, toy deer, santa claus doll, dog, and a cat for Christmas eve. Can I have a Christmas hat? Your Friend, Lilly Rose

Dear Santa Claus,

I want a PSP a game boy and a x box 360 and a Playstation and I WISH I MAY I WISH I MITE I WISH I git all my toys tonite. Love, Ethan

Dear Santa,

So wene you read this plaes send a messeige back. I love Santa!!!!! So I will leave cookies for you! And can I please have a new fan please please with ice cream on top and obc on Roblox. Please that is the only thing I want. Obc is extreame biulders club. And can I have a photo of you and the raindeer.

Liam Davis

Dear Santa Claus,

I want a dog and a cat and I want a baby doll and new boots and new clothes and I want a good Christmas and I want a good time. Love, Jah-nya

Dear Santa,

My list: 3DS, paper Mario, Mario stuff, toys, trampoline. Love, Caleb

Dear Santa Claus,

What I want for Chrismis is a baby doll or a house, barbies, dog, cat, trampoline, pool, dollhouse, stuffed animal, pet shop. Your Friend, Evelyn

Dear Santa Claus,

I wish for a Kentucky hat and a Kentucky shirt and a shooting sleeve and a guitar and a recorder and a flute. Sincerely, Trez

Dear Santa Claus,

I want to git a gune and a bowinair for Chrismis and a slingshot. Love, Kira Limousin

Dear Santa,

I wish for Wii, a tie, and a picture of you. Oh and the raindeer and a glowing nose. Four machine cars and a microphone. 1 week. Good luck. Love, Jamieson

Dear Santa Claus,

I want a real trumpet, a fake snow flake, and real poster with you on it. Christmas is my favorite holaday. You are so awesome and cool.



Dear Santa Claus,

I wood like a barbie doll, baby, pens, shoes, shos, and book. Love, Kaylyn

Dear Santa Claus,

I want some toys. My number one lego star wars ships. Number two lego cars. Number three lego monster fighters. Number four star wars lego people. Number five normel lego people. Last number six DSi with games. Oh I almost forgot mint gum and a riandeer that can fly and a slay a taran twister and a DSi game called one hundred in one and angry birds set.


Isaac Alin Scurlock

Dear Santa Claus,

I allways wanted a IPod. I want a dog. I want a genipig. I want Super Mario Brose game. I want Mario Cart game. I want cooke mama. I want a IPod tuch. Love, Bria

Dear Santa Claus,

I want a skoter, new bike, skates, a D.S.i and my family an ipad, a furby, and one of your deers. Love, Isabel Stokes

Dear Santa Claus,

I want a real guitar. I want a real car. I want a real phone. I want a real ipod. A baby doll. And I want a puppy and a pony. I want some shoes and I want a babby doll that can walk and pupy and have a baltol with the stofe to put it in so she can drink it and pepy. And talk and when I let her go she will walk by herself. Love, Ty’Asha, your best friend

Dear Santa,

I’m a good boy and I need new socks. I’ll wear mittens. I’ll read “Bad Kitty”. I really would like a allummbo. I’ll keep the cookies out for you. Love, Joey

Dear Santa,

I will leave cookies and milk on the table for you. I need new boots for school. I’ll wear a dress. I’ll read Biscuit books. I really would like a secret journal. I’ll see you soon. Love, Alice

Dear Santa,

I want a Ben 10 toy. I need some clothes. I wear the clothes but what I really want is for everybody to be happy. Love, Dakota

Dear Santa,

I would like some clothes and Christmas dresses. I’ll wear shirts and pants. I want a puppy. I will leave cookies and milk.

Love, Gean

Dear Santa,

I need a new bed. I’ll wear a Christmas dress for Christmas. I’ll read Christmas books. I want an IPOD. I hope to see you soon. Love, Kiara

Dear Santa,

I want a new pool and jumpolean. I want a PS3. I’ll wear a soft sweater. I’ll read “Hurry, Santa, Hurry”. I really would like a Christmas dress. Love, Kaleishia

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I will put cookies out. I’ll need a helicopter. I’ll wear a Christmas outfit. I’ll read Christmas books. I really would like a helicopter. Love Halie

Dear Santa,

I want to know if the raindeer are good. If they are, I am happy. I want to have a bike for Christmas. Love, Benjamin

Dear Santa,

I need clothes. I’ll wear my Angry Bird shirt. I’ll read my Dragon book. I really want a 3DS. Love, Waylon

Dear Santa,

I’m a good boy. I’ll wear Christmas clothes. I’ll read Christmas books. I really would like a puppy, so my other dog won’t fight. Love, Tristin

Dear Santa,

I would like a remote control helicopter, a remote control race car and a remote control airplane. I would like a spy net and wall track. I want a Santa Clause suit so I could be just like you Santa Claus. Love, Zay

Dear Santa,

I can’t wait to see you. I need new shoes size 6 in woman’s size. I want some new clothes size 10\12 and some jewelry with some bracelets. Love, Alyssa

Dear Santa,

I can’t wait to see you at Walmart again. All I want for Christmas is my Nanny back. Love, Carmela

Dear Santa,

I can’t wait to see you this year! I want a XBOX 36 please. Bring it please! Love, Marshall

Dear Santa,

I need rock star clothes and a guitar. I’ll wear my Christmas clothes. I’ll read my Christmas books. I really would like glasses. I’ll leave you some cookies and milk. Love, Garrett

Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas is a globe, legos, horse family set, Etch-a-Sketch, camra, train with tracks, imagine my dollhouse, Buaety Castle, Toys R Us ball pits, vido game, more fake food for my kitchen set, chalkboard, Barbies and princesses. From: Brigitte

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a horse farm, a go kart, a binder, make upset, a buck nife, crab erings and most of all I want a mary Cristmas. Sincerely, Trinity

Dear Santa,

I would like an ipod touch for Christmas. I know the true meaning of Christmas! Christmas isn’t about presents it’s about Christ’s birth. I would also like easy bake for Christmas. What would you like for Christmas? Sincerely, Alyssa

Dear SC,

I want the Avengers action figures and a wii u with games and a Ipod. Can I have a power rangers suit and a skate board and a remote control tank, and a war war 3 tank. Sincerely, Drake

Dear Santa

Can I please have powr ranger roller skates. Can I have another kitten for my kitten to play with. Can I have the snake bite monster truke remote control, and a new bike tire for my brother. Last thing I want is a wii u. Love, Trace

Dear Santa,

How old are you? I’m 7. Well I want a long mirror, a pin for my 3DS, and a lego set, a computer, and a ipad, peace sign, things for my room, Elvis things, lime green things, baby blue things, 3DS games, Colt things, TN things! Sincerely, Hannah

To Santa,

I want a real hors and a tea set and I want a furbe and the ultmit dream castle, and a monstr high girl. Brandi

Dear Santa,

If I have been good the stuff I want is a peano, a lalaloopsea, a clock, moxie girl, scarf, a good life, a dog collar, a member on animal Jam, a puppet a 100 chart, a sister, a Ipod. Love, Kaylee

Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas is a windows 8 Mortal Kombat, light up controller for xbox, a bubelgum mushen, a trampoline, a football, a Golden Retriever and last but not lest a geny pig and more stuff oh, and a wii u and can my dog get something? Love, Tristan

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want an Amazon kindle, Ipod, make up and more! My favorite time of year is Christmas because its Jesus’s birthday and because you get to come. I can’t wait to get presents. I made my tree beautiful. You are getting a very yummy treat for you. Yours truly, Heidi

Dear Santa,

I want a brother, a puppy, a new costume, and a new toy. I want a new shirt. I want a pool, a new lunchbox, a hat and a new bike. I want a fone. I whant a dollar. Love, Isaiah

Dear Santa,

Can I have all of the monstr high doll’s. Can I alos have a tea set. Can I have a tree house, a real cat that moves, a 3 ds, a stuffed animal pony and a stuffed animal tiger, just like my momy’s big bear, except it is not mine. Katlan

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a laptop, games for my wii and DsiXL, Color Activity Stuff. Christmas is my favorite time of year because it is Jesus’s birthday, and because everbody gets presents. My birthday is close to Christmas. Love, Lillyian

Dear Santa,

I want three college footballs which are Oklahoma, Norter Dame, and boise State and two jerseys. I want an octan lego set with the gas station it picks the cars up, a tow truk and I want the blue plane lego, the lego garbage truk and helmets. Love, Colton

Dear Santa,

I will love it if I can get a badol ship set and a cool baker and sum more barbee dolls and a basketball and a Pokemon white 2 and a pack of markers and a barbee foto fashin. Love, Millian

Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas is a water gun, halo 4 and halo lego set, nerf gun, imaginex, controller for play station 2, DS, a new book, a board game and a case of stuff I’ll need for school. Love, Ezekiel

LaurelHill School

Jesse – I would like a yellow truck and 2 four wheelers 1 for my brother and 1 for me.

Mason – Basketball goal and pump the pig and a monster truck.

Skyler – I want a 2 door jeep to ride and a toy motorcycle.

Rylee – I want a pony and a truck like my daddy's.

Ryan – I want Hex bugs and books for my baby sister.

Bradley – A basketball goal, a remote helicopter ,a toy tractor, pump the pig and a BB gun.

Rileigh – A bracelet and a baby doll.

Triston I want a lawn mower and a toy gun.

Ava – I want a new Barbie car and a Barbie horse for my sister.

Tiannia – I want a strawberry kitchen and strawberry cash.

Zacaris – Remote car, a toy motorcycle and a barn.

Cayden – A new Bratz horse, new boots and a pink gun to go hunting.

Andrew – A basketball and goal and new boots.

Avery – Tinker bell and a Justin Bieber book.

Amiyah – I want a Barbie doll and a princess doll.

Trenton – Toy cars and some games.

Jacob – Army suit, remote helicopter and cars.

Payten – A toy car to drive.

Dear Santa,

How are you Santa? Will you please give me a toy for Christmas? Pretty please! I would also like a Nook! Your friend, Maci

Dear Santa,

Hello how are you doing? I would like all Justice stuff, and an IPad touch, and a hello Kitty case. Oh, am I on the nice list? Your friend, Alyssa

Dear Santa,

This year I would like a swimming pool and lots more! I love you! Your friend, Alex

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Clause doing? For Christmas I would like an Ipad 2, an Nintendo 3DS, a blue and purple laptop case, a Laurel Hill sweater, the Diary of A Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth book, a 100 dollar bill, and also an IPhone 5.

Your friend, Rylee

Dear Santa,

I love you and I just want to ask you how it is up there in the North Pole? But there are a few thing I would like to ask you for a few things for Christmas! I would like a big surprise and I would also like for my sister to come home! Your Friend, Jesa

Dear Santa,

It has been a while since you have came to visit me! For Christmas can I have a four wheeler, a nerf gun, and also an iPad. Hope you make it to Christmas. Your Friend, Joshua

Dear Santa,

How are you Santa? What do I want for Christmas, you may ask! Well I would like an ipod, a Yorkie puppy, a guitar, a DSI, a remote control phone, an iPod phone, and also to help my family! I love you Santa, you’re the best! Your friend, Mackenna

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? How is it in there North Pole? For Christmas I would like an Xbox 360, WWE Friday Night Smack down game, and maybe a few other games too! Thank you Santa! I love you and I can’t wait until Christmas when you visit my house! Your friend, Devon

Dear Santa,

How old are you Santa? Oh and how are you doing? For Christmas I would like to have a play station 3, a bunch of games for it, I also want a star wars the clone wars life saver! Your Friend, Chance

Dear Santa,

Am I on the naughty list? Are your reindeer well fed? If they are, come to our house. I made cookies for you. I will unlock the door on Christmas Eve and Christmas. I hope you have a great time at my house and I want all the girl toys, not the boy toys. Your Friend, Kairi

Dear Santa,

I want all of the Brave toys and all of the Monster High, and the new La – di – da, and all of Hello Kitty toys, and all of the Weeks Club toys. I would also like a new bike, and a new scooter that you can fold up, and it only takes two pushes, it goes real fast! And a million dollars would be nice. Your Friend, Payten

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? Santa, for Christmas I want an Xbox 360 and a game for it called WWE Friday Smack Down game. I love you Santa. You are the best! Hope you make it here and I really want to see you, really bac. Hope you make it to Christmas. Your Friend, David

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? What do you want for Christmas? But I know what I want for Christmas. I want a Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days book, and a banjo, a trumpet, a flute, and a piano. Also an iPod and drums. How is Rudolph? Your Friend, Gracie

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I want a game called Little Planet Carting for PS3. Merry Christmas! Your Friend, Neal

p.s. How are your reindeer doing?

NorthwoodElementary School

Dear Santa,

I want a bow and arrow and five guns. I also want twenty knives. I will make you proud Santa, Mrs. Claus and Lacardo the Elf. From, Phoebe

Dear Santa,

I want an X-Box for Christmas. I was good and bad this year because it is awesome. I want an X-Box because you can play games. I want a Playstation too. From, Issac

Dear Santa,

I want an alligator Pillow Pet , hat and pocket knife for Christmas. I would like the fishs’ scales after I have caught the fish. I have been good this year because I follow the rules. From, Caden

Dear Santa,

I want a fake dog from you. I want two hats from you this year. I’d like a Santa hat and an elf on the shelf like Lacardo. I love you Santa! From, Joyce

Dear Santa,

I was nice this year. The reason why I was nice is I have been helping my family cook, clean and work. Because I was nice, can I please have a big present? I’d really love to have an electric scooter. From, Jadyn

Dear Santa,

I was good this year because I helped my mom cook cookies for Christmas. I want Hail Fire (sp?) and a saw gun. From, Koltin

Dear Santa,

I have been good. I want a Princess and a skateboard. I love you Santa. Happy Christmas! I’m hoping I’m on the Good List today. From, Makayla

Dear Santa,

I have been good. I want an IPad, IPod, and a Discovery Kid’s Jewelry Box. I love you. From, Abby

Dear Santa,

I have been nice. Here is what I want: 3D SXL, All 460 Pokemon cards, Lego Death Star, Spy Gear, Gun Safe, M16. Merry Christmas Santa!! From, Oakley

Dear Santa,

I am good Santa. I want a toy for Christmas. I want an ICarly video camera. Thank you Santa. I like you. From, Tyler

Dear Santa,

I love you. What I want for Christmas is to see you and a Furby. You are the best Santa ever and I will always believe in you. Your elf has been watching me. I hope you and Lacardo have fun too as much as me and my family. I love you and Mrs. Claus too. From, Erica

Dear Santa,

I want a dollhouse. I was nice because I changed my baby brother’s diaper. He was crying and I knew it needed changed. From, Stacia

Dear Santa,

I was nice. I helped my mom. I want a rocket. From, Connor

Dear Santa,

I want a skateboard and a sword. I also want Pokemon cards. Merry Christmas! From, Ray’Shon

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want an elf in my house. I have been good to my Uncle Boot. I want an IPOD. Please, can I have a big Barbie doll? For my cousins, can you bring them anything they want? From, Jaida

Dear Santa,

I want a little motorcycle that goes fast. It’s like a real life bike. I also want a Playstation 3 and DS. I also want Grand Theft Auto games. From, Josh

Dear Santa,

I want a real skateboard. Merry Christmas! From, Dalton

Dear Santa,

I want a Christmas toy bike like Santa has. From, Matthew

Dear Santa,

Can I have a flufey pupey? How are your Elfs doing? Can I have a black robot? How is Jack Frost doing? Have a good crismis Sata Clos.

Your friend,

Jonathan L.

Dear Santa,

I wont to have a doll from Christmas Plesz I want it bcozs I wozs good and nis.

Your friend,

Alexis B.

Dear Santa,

Santa can I have a tv. Santa can I have a fling shot. Santa can I have a black and white pup. Santa can I have a fone.

Your friend,

Trey C.

Dear Santa,

How and the elf doing? I wot a mostrhid doll. How is misiss slos doing? I lover you.

Your friend,

Abbi H.

Dear Santa,

I what a new bick. And I what a toy pooll to. How are your ElFes to. Mawe Cismis miss closs.

Your friend,

Claira H.

Dear Santa,

I wot a littl firtruk. Chrisms is the bst houw are the Eefs if it snow I wil be hape.

Your friend,

Evan P.

Dear Santa,

I wut a now biek for Chismis and boree dol. And mor tos.

Your friend,

Sydney A.

Dear Santa,

I wut a red truk now game colud II. And I wut too see jak. I wut too see miss santa. Love, DeMarco S.

Dear Santa,

I want a fire bike, a remote control fire truck, and a fire truck bed. I love you Santa Clause and your elves! Why do you wrap presents? Love, Parker S.

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Cos and How Jack. Santa I wut a Barbie if you can get me a boy Barbie. Santa can you macke it sown Sonta how is the Elff. Thax you got my ledtr PS love Ciarra

Your friend,

Ciarra W.

Dear Santa,

I wut to have a zoozoo pet. And a berby pool with a pupy with it. And a prity pres with sede spots on it. And I wut a berby. Love, Elyza B.

Dear Santa,

What I wont for Chrismas is a Xbox 360 cunet. Thanck you for last year prezints. Santa how is misis clos? Santa is on the nise list.

Your friend,

Elias A.

Dear Santa,

I wunt transfrowrs and lagog giys and a cputre haw is jac frost! Thac you Santa luv Brice hav a good day Santa.

Your friend,

Brice F.

Dear Santa,

Can I see rodoff? I wunt a robotickl. For mom a prs. Love, Harry H.

Dear Santa,

I wunt a now popey and a dese and a blue truck cole but you make up the best presits I like your radar. And a I pod and a now wii game of WWe.

Your friend,

Yohvonta F.

Dear Santa,

How for your raindir? Chrismais the best wont a new bicke drtbick! Love, Jayce H.

Dear Santa,

I want a byootifl Areil! What is the Elfs doing? My bruver wans cars. Marye crismis . Love, Isabelle P.

Dear Santa,

I want a Elf and legos and a monster truck and a three ds and a car and hot wheel cars and trucks.

Your friend,

Levi H.

Dear Santa, how is ms clos doing I wnt to hav a pony for crisms I wnt to hav a litl elf for crisms. Love, Crystal

Dear Santa, Haw Doyou make presents! I Have a toy mashene. WaWe! That is osum! May I Have a frbee Pleas? Love, Kamber

Deart santa, haow is mrs. Clas doing and hoaw are you doing to. i wut a nrf gun for crisms. I mis you nad hoaw is the radeer doing are they doing good and i wut to figur out your resipe for hot coco and haow is rodof doing? Love, Kaiden

Dear Santa, how are you and how are the raders. Whi do you ware red? Is misis clas. Is she okay. And for crismis I wont one uf your elf cus my bruther is bad. I am good Santa and i wont for crismis the resupy sowe my mom can make hot coco. Love, Ava

Dear Santa, Who is the Bos when u are going! How is Mrs. Clalls! Who is the top elf! Why do u wer that red shrt all the tim! How is roodoff and the uthers! How do u not get cold! How do u get all a rown the Erth in one night! And how do u go down a chimne! And I wood like to now yare recupe for yare hot chocklit. Love, Zac

dear santu, hoow do you get in one haos all ovre the wrld in one nit it wood be nis if you Tel me plees. Well, you get me a bik. Love, Eric

Dear Santa, How do your rain dear fly? I wot a D.S. and a D.S. game. Love, Brooke

Dear Santa, How is Mis clos? How are the ran deer? How do the randeer fly? How do you sty worm? Can I ples have a plice outfit, pantball gear, evre thing a spy has and a roll-a-boll camru, hutin gear, armey outfit and a hum-v, 3ds. Love, Ben

Dear Santa, whay do you hav soaw manny elfs. Can I have a nintndoe 3DS. P.s. how is roodoff and the uthers doing? Get redey for the big night make shor you don’t loos eney randeur. Haw are you so quiet. How do you fliy Santa. Haw is Miss clos dowing make shor she dos not get sick. Can I pleess hav Elf on a Shelf. Did youmake SPrincles. Love, Kayla

Dear Santa, Thanks for evrythig you give to us. Wiy do you owas wer red. Do you drink hot-coco whyl you ar driveg the slay? Can I ples hav a nrf gun. Love, Jace

Dear Santa, I hop theis yeir I can sit in your lap. So, dear santa, haw is misis clos doing. I hrd that Mis closs has sum yume hot coco. Can I ples have theat resupe for a crismis presint. Love, Kalina

Dear Santa, I wont a elf hat. And randear antlers. I have been good at school. Wy do you were red all the time. I want a santa hat. Haw is mrs clus and the randear doing. Make sher the ransear don’t get sick. Make sher you don’t get sick santa. Love, Coen

Dear Santa, I want c pooter for crismis. How do you make toys at the worth poll. Way do you were red clows at the north poll. How is mis closs and the randders. Are they good Love, Azaleea

Dear Santa, waer is the nort pol y do you live in the noth pol. Wen are you cumeg to see us. Whi do you com at nit. Wut I want for crismis is clos and shoos and toys too. Wiy do you haf to fliy and I wut a DS like my bruthr. Love, Rachel

Dear Santa, how are you doing. Your elf in the shelf was stuck all weekend. And I have one to and he was on the clock, and have a very good chrismis. Love, Matthew D.

Dear Santa, I wot a eze bac ufin and I wot a Black Bick hao are the randers and I wot a par uf shoes and I wot a postr. Love, Juliya

Dear Santa, can you please make me a kasmic pegsus and a galex striker. Love, Matthew S.

Dear Santa, get how coco to make your dear feel beedre. I need you to get me twister with my freed. The hot coco will make your dear bedre. We dreing coco win we watch movee. Love, Nallely

Dear Santa Claus,

Wut I want for Christmas is a bike. And toy nija turtuls action figgers. And a toy plane. Love, Jermiah

Dear Santa,

I want new roller blades, 4 transformers, 2 autobots, 2 despptcpns, and water goggles. Love, Aidan

Dear Santa,

I want a new Barbie car and I want a new roller and I want a new clothes and I want a new comptre and I want a new books. Love, Teasia

Dear Santa,

I want a foshin cukee makre. Love, Sofia

Dear Santa,

I want a new jewelry box. A new bike. Some books. Some clothes. A kid Barbie. Some Barbie clothes. Love, Lacey

Dear Santa,

I want a new play motrsickle, new crismis books and the best crimis ever. Love, Harley

Dear Santa,

I want a mrmad please. Can I have a toy cat. Can I have mackup and a mackup stand please. Can I have a toy borbe horse with a borbe with it. Love, Athena

Dear Santa,

I want a new wrtr gun. I have been a good boy. Love, Bryan

Dear Santa,

I want a new bike, jewlry box. Love, Samantha

Dear Santa,

I want a babe ulive and a car for crisms and a bunsh of toys. Love, Tiffany

Dear Santa,

I want brbie furnicher and a brbie car sum books and a bike. Love, Malaha

Dear Santa,

I wont a big brbey car and I olsow want a frbeples make it ranbow and I osow wont a Hello Kitty bike. Ples make me hapey and I olsow wont a makuo stuf and a babe brbey. Love, Mia

Dear Santa,

I want you give me a mackup stnd, lipglos, bick with no chraning wills, xbox 306, and a ds. Love, Destiny

Dear Santa,

I have be a good boy this year. I want new shooz. I want new gepe. I want a vest. I want a new hat. I want a hat like your. I want rolloer blades. Love, Isaiah

Dear Santa,

I want a leshic scoodr. I want a rc helukoprs. I want Lego doman 2. Love, Ryan

Dear Santa,

I want a wallet, mincraft, big control plane, car, cumputr, books, ipad, ipod, kindl, lava lamp, soap, hampstr and clook. Love, Lucas

Dear Santa,

I wont to have a bingbag cher, a lalaloopsty, brown boots with some pink spolcols and a taplipt and a pink cow glrl boosts and a pink hat and a pink ribin to go on yro neck, and a pink vest, and lots of lalaloopsty stuff. Love, Alyssa

Dear Santa,

I have been a very good girl. For Christmas, may I please have a girl elf on the shelf and a Nabi and a Santa dollar and a giant candy cane in my stocking. Love, Sarah

Dear Santa,

Please give me a DSI and 3 DS, easy bake oven and a big humongous bear and make me famous. I would also like a magic wand and a lot of love for my family and you. I want your elves to have a good time. Love, Desiree

P.S. I’m a very good girl.

Dear Santa,

Can I have a PSP, a XBOX, a BB gun, and a Halo game for the XBOX? Love, Seth

Dear Saint Nick,

Can I have a laptop, DS IXL, a paper jam (but real), and a Lalaloopse. Love, Tiarra

Dear Santa,

Christmas is my favorite holiday and I want a 3DS, a doll, a ball with starts and moons on it, and give me a surprise too. I’ve been good. I also want a IPAD touch. I’m really good and I also want love and kindness. Love, Shania

Dear Santa,

I want a hot wheels track that is a race that has two loopty loops and a giant teddy bear, a nerf pazooka, and a 3 DS. Love, Cameron

P.S. I am a very good boy.

Dear Santa,

Please give me lots of monster high dolls. I never been mean. I’m 8 years old. I wish I could see you. You are sweet like candy. How can you fit down a chimney? Have you been not nice? So that’s all I got. Love, Skye

Dear Santa,

Can you please give me a nerf gun and an N-force shield? Santa, I am 7 years old and I like to play outside. Can I please have a bow and arrow? How can the reindeer fly? Can I please have a toy pole axe? How do you get down the chimney? Love, Drake

Dear Santa,

I want a bike, a ripstick, and I want a remote controlled helicopter. I want a ramp, so I can ride my bike on it, a helmet, and knee pads and elbow pads. I also want an IPOD and an IPAD and a microphone and a paint ball gun and the best one of all…a BB gun and a DSI XL with a Mario cart game. Love, Aaron

Dear Santa, I would like a pony and a BB gun and a camera and a new dress for Christmas. I would also like a guitar and a laptop. I am 7 years old. Love, Lottie

Dear Santa,

Please give me lot of hair ties. I have never been mean to somebody. I am 8 years old. I love to play outside, so I would like some tuff to play outside. Love, Ella

Dear Santa,

I am 7. I would like a phone, a Lego set, a laptop, a WII U, a full screen TV, a pirate of the Caribbean, a pocket knife, Nintendo 4, BB gun, a marshmallow gun, a hamster, a remote controlled helicopter, my own dog, a candy zooka, a refrigerator, a gun case, the north pole, and a snow gun. Love, Skyler

Dear Santa,

I am 7 years old. I want a shield, a BB gun, a pocket rocket and a mini car that runs on gas. I would also like a marshmallow gun. Can I get a bow and arrow? Can I get a hamster and a remote controlled helicopter? Have you ever been naughty? Can I go to the North Pole? I would like a phone. Love, Xavier

Dear Santa,

I was being good yesterday. I wish you could come to our house some time. I know you are kind and funny. Here are the things I want: a new Buzz Lightyear, A DS Nintendo, a race car game, a red scooter, a remote controlled helicopter, the Foolish Tortoise book, and a slushy maker.

Sincerely, Elijah

Dear Santa,

I want for my present a microphone, a bike, and a BB gun. I would also like a motor bike, a box with a present that I can give to my friend. Love, Marquette

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like lots of Monster High dolls. I also like the doll house; can I have it for Christmas? How is Mrs. Claus doing? Does she like to bake? How are you doing? Are you ready for Christmas yet? My name is Andrea. I am 7 years old. What do you want for Christmas? I will ask mom for money for you. Christmas is coming fast. Love, Andrea

Dear Santa,

How do you make it around the world in one night? I really like you. My sister and I really like you. This is something that I want for Christmas; I would like a Baby Butterscotch horse and a pillow pet. Love, Allison

Dear Santa,

I was naughty this year. Please bring me some coal, so I can make a torch. I am going to set a trap. I will put a cookie on the ground. Then I will put the stick in the ground. Next, I put the box on a stick. Last Santa will get stuck.



Dear Santa,

I hope you come by my house on Christmas Day.

I have been a good girl for the last year. Will I ever see you? This year I want many things for Christmas like a 2-square ball. Love, Aliana

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl this year.

You should read the news, it is pretty cool. It has cool news and a lot of good stuff in it, and my teacher is cool too. I want a doll, a toy car, and a basketball. My Nene and Grandpa that never come to my house and I want you to bring them to me. I miss them.



Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl this year. I wish I could see you. You are a very jolly person. I wish I could ride in your sleigh with you. I hope you give me everything I asked for like a puppet stage. Love, Sasha

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl all year and my sisters have too. I made my mom a present even one for her birthday. I made cookies for you Santa. And I made a shirt for my mom, my nana, and they are pretty. And I made hot chocolate. And my mom birthday was yester daySanta. I want an electric scooter, a pair of skates, and a reindeer. Love ,


Dear Santa,

I was a good girl, I help my mom with my sister. I also was nice to my dogs. For Christmas I want stuffed toys, a new school dress, and a pet cat. I hope you were good.



To Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Santa, can I have some Pokemon cards on Christmas Eve. Can I have an XBox and a Wii for Christmas? A radio and a Doctor Dreadful Aliens for Christmas. I want cotton candy maker for my little brother Boogie. A Wii for Simone and Sidale to share plus a cotton candy maker for me.



Dear Santa,

How are you? How are the reindeer? I want a cooking set and a video game. I want a cooking set because I like to cook. I want a video game because O like video games. Three things I have done to be good are:

1, Listen to the teacher.

2. Listen to my parents.

3. Do my homework.

Please bring those two things. Thanks!



To Santa,

All I want is the true joy of Christmas. Also some toys. I would like Hero Factories. I would like a bell from your sleigh. If you miss our house it is okay. I love the trampoline you gave me last year. I would like some wood to burn but not too much because Lathan is a pyro. He wants money. How many deer do you have? Love, Logan

Dear Santa Claus,

Christmas is coming soon and I am looking forward to your visit. This Christmas I would like many things for Christmas: First of all, I would like BeyBlades Destroyer Dome. As well as Lego game Minatorrees. Finally BeyBlade.

I have been a good boy this year, so I think I deserve these presents. Three good things I have done are:

1. Helped at school.

2. Only 1 time under green.

3. Never lower than a 70.

When you come down the chimney, please look in the kitchen. I am going to leave cookies and milk on the table for you to have. Thank you Santa, I am very excited.



Dear Santa Claus,

Christmas is coming and I am looking forward to your visit. This year, I would like many things for Christmas:

First of all, Buzz Lightyear. As well as, cars.Finally,Legos

I have been a good boy this year, so I think I deserve these presents. Three good things I have done are:

1. Help mom.

2. I help my dad.

3. Fed the dog.

When you come down the chimney, please look in the kitchen. I am going to leave cookies and milk on the table for you to have. Thank you Santa, I am very excited.



Dear Santa Claus,

Christmas is coming and I am looking forward to your visit. This year, I would like many things for Christmas:

First of all, my birthday is June 4th I would like some new clothes. As well as, night clothes.Finally, some new shoes.

I have been a good boy this year, so I think I deserve these presents. Three good things I have done are:

1. I want to go to church.

2. I played outside.

3. I went to my cousin’s house.

When you come down the chimney, please look in the kitchen. I am going to leave cookies and cupcakes on the table for you to have. Thank you Santa, I am very excited.



Dear Santa Claus,

Christmas is coming and I am looking forward to your visit. This year, I would like many things for Christmas:

First of all, I would like a Mario game for my 3 DS. As well as, an electric helicopter.

I have been a good girl this year, so I think I deserve these presents. Three good things I have done are:

1. I wash dishes.

2. I cleaned windows.

3. I cleaned my bedroom.

When you come down the chimney, please look in the kitchen. I am going to leave cookies and milk on the table for you to have. Thank you Santa, I am very excited.



Dear Santa,

I am Ashley and for Christmas I want a puppy, a dollhouse, a dog house, and a flat screen TV. I have questions for you. Do you use Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer at Christmas? But I also want more Barbies, a cat for a stuffed animal, I also want a lamp for the bedroom and a Barbie House.

I am 8 years old. I will be 9 on February 9th. I am thinking that my brothers Chaz, Dustin, and Zach do not believe in you, but I do Santa. Do you like cookies and milk? What do you want for Christmas? I was not naughty this year. I have been helping my friends and my uncle. I will make you some hot chocolate. Love, Ashley

Dear Santa,

How are the elves doing? For Christmas I want an easy bake oven, hair color, lip gloss, high heels, and a colorful unicorn dream light. I also would like some more baby doll clothes and clothes for my American Dolls, Molly and Julie. I also want a girl nutcracker, elbow and knee pads, nail polish, more pet shops (things to put on the pet shops), and a basket for my bike. A pet guinea pig or hamster would be nice. I would also like more coloring books and sheets, baby alive that learns to be potty trained and how to walk, a crib, stroller, and doll set for my doll house. Love, Abigail

Dear Santa,

I’ve been good all year and I know those elves on the shelves have been telling you if my brother and I have been good or not. How is Rudolph? Love, Devren

Dear Santa,

I want a cat for Christmas. I want a bike also. I want my family to have a good Christmas. Your friend, Kila

Dear Santa,

I want an iPod speaker. I want a Call of Duty Black Ops II shirt, dog tag, and game. I want a Desert Eagle Airsoft. Your friend, Marc

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is a baby, makeup, and skates. I want a Barbie and a LaLa Loopsy doll. I like your red nose and cheeks. Love, Alysianna

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want 2 Bratzillas and some boots. I want a new leap frog and baby dolls. I want some new books. I want stocking for my family. Is the North Pole a long way? Are reindeer real? I want all the poor, hungry children to have food this Christmas. Your friend, Martia

Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas is a violin, nail polish, and hair things. I also want jewelry. I want to know if you can make my kitten a white collar. I think all of your reindeer are very cute. How big is your sack of toys?



Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas is a Nerf gun and an X-box 360. My mom wants money. Then we will get a big house. That is not all I want for Christmas, I also want a new hot wheel. Love, Jamarius

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a pony, new game, new bat cave, and a second dog. How do your elves make all of the presents in time? Is Rudolph cut? Does his nose really glow like a light bulb? Did he really save Christmas? Does he really pull the sleigh every Christmas? Well, see you this Christmas. Your friend, Nathan

Dear Santa,

I just wanted to tell you that you’re my hero. I also want you to know that Christmas is my favorite holiday. Oh, and Santa for Christmas all I want is for the poor people to have food, warm clothing, and to be loved. I want you to know that I’m not expecting you to bring me everything on my Christmas list. Santa, please give poor people presents. Santa, I want to ask you if you can give your blessing to all the poor people. Oh, and Santa you’re the best person for the job. Love, Alicia

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like an X-box 360 and a math book. I would also like some books, computer, basketball court and ball. Your friend, Maddox

Dear Santa,

I am excited for the holidays. This year can I please have a Horn Toad, wings, and roller blades. I’m also giving you a present this Christmas. Guess what? I saw you at the Christmas parade too! Have a great Christmas. Love, Joslyn

Dear Santa,

I like your reindeer. They are the best of all. I hope I get an iPod. I also hope I get a motorcycle. I will leave the milk and cookies out for you and the carrots for Rudolph so he can do a great job. I hope you have a great Christmas. Merry Christmas, Santa! Love, Obian

Dear Santa,

All I want to tell you is what I want for Christmas. I want a 3D DS, shimmer body art, ipod, clothes, electric scooter, costumes, and shoes. How do you get your reindeer to fly? How do your elves make toys? I want my family to have the best Christmas ever! Love, Alyssa

Dear Santa,

I am so excited for Christmas! For Christmas I want some stuffed animals, a net and a little pet shop. I can’t think of anything else. I hope I get lots of presents. Love, Gabby

Dear Santa,

I want a puppy for Christmas. And the next thing I want is a jar of bows to put on my puppy’s little ears. And I want it to be a girl. I want this because a puppy is little and cute. Love, Jazzy

Dear Santa,

I want a basketball shooter that can go on your closet and a BB gun, bow n arrow, and remote control helicopter. Thank you, Jaden

Dear Santa,

I would like to have a wii u game and the gymnastics American Girl doll. Sincerely, Cameryn

Dear Santa,

I want Halo guys then I want a army Lego box guys. I like a Star Wars squishes. I like Star Wars Legos and I love you Santa. Love, Seth

Dear Santa,

I would like a baby bunny and I would like a baby puppy. And I want a globe so I can see the Earth. I want princess Barbie dolls. And I would like a monster high doll. That’s all I want for Christmas Santa. Love, Cadence

Dear Santa,

I want a flying airplane and a toy monster truck that has a remote to make it go. I also want tiny fake people with tiny wands and guns. And I want it because I can put my fake people on it and then I can drive it. And I want a Nurf Gun but not the one that shoots out orange things but blue things. From, Braylen

Dear Santa,

I want a Xbox 360 two play Left for Death. And I will take care of it. I will have fun with it. I will get more games and do my homework and play it. From, Aaron

Dear Santa,

I want a gun that will actually really shoots so I can go hunting with my dad. I want a Playstation. I want a Xbox 360 too. Love, Javin

Dear Santa,

I want another dog so that my dog Daphne has someone to play with. I want a new DS game call Style Savvy Trend Setters. Your friend, Leonie

Dear Santa,

I already got what I wanted for Christmas a new four-wheeler and new puppy but I also want a dirt bike and a new pain set. Sincerely, Eve

Dear Santa,

I want an easy bake oven and an American Girl doll. Maybe I would like a trampoline. I want a ultimate dream castle. Love, Tayelor

P.S. I don’t have a chimney so use the front door.

Dear Santa,

I want a 3DS and I want Bayblades. I also want a video game and a movie. Love, Jacob

Dear Santa,

I want a 3DS and I want America Girl Doll Addie. I want an easy bake ultra oven. And I was a la la loopsy doll. And I want a dog. Sincerely, Cherish

Dear Santa,

I live in an apartment so you might want to go through the front door. What I really want for Christmas is an American Girl Doll. Her name is Molly. She is the only one that has a dad in the army. And anything you want to give me too. Love, Rilee

Dear Santa,

I want for Christmas is an Orbies relaxer. And I want for Christmas is an Elf on the Shelf. I want a cotton candy maker. I want you to visit us. I want my cat back that is lost. And that’s all. Love, Maddy

Dear Santa,

I want a iPad and a Orbee Spa. And an American girl doll. And I want a new Monster High bike and doll. And I want a new four-wheeler. I probably want more but that’s good for now. Love, Madison

Dear Santa,

I want Call of Duty Black Ops 2, a BB gun, a free style bike, a phone, and a pack of skittles. Love, Aiden

Dear Santa,

Can I have a SpongeBob toy? And 3DS with Mario Brothers 2. I also want the black, white, and brown pony that I saw at the store. And the baby dolls that I saw in a comic book. Merry Christmas! Love, Haley

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? Please, would you give me a DS for Christmas? Love, Anna

Dear Santa,

How are you and the elves? Will you think I’m old enough to have a Nintendo? This year could you please bring me one? And please bring the game Plants vs. Zombies and a Rock ‘em Sock ‘em Game and more Skylanders. Love, Josh

Dear Santa,

May I please have a game, please? Love, Memphis

Dear Santa,

How’s Mrs. Claus? Would you please bring me some Hidey-High Tops and a stuffed spider and a stuffed peanut? Love, Lily

Dear Santa,

How’s the weather in the North Pole? How are the elves doing? I hope you have a good Christmas. P. S. I want a Skylander named Hotdog. Love, Nicky

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Claus doing? How’s the reindeer doing? May I please have a Skylander Giants and an iphone? Love, Grayson

Dear Santa,

Thank you for giving the presents last year. I enjoyed them and thank you for sending the elf to our class. Please can I have a Barbie doll and a stuffed polar bear and play doh. Love, Ayana

Dear Santa,

I would like an X-Box and a skateboard and I wish my Mom had a new car. Love, Javan

Dear Santa,

I would like a baby rabbit and a baby bird and an elf and a ball. Love, Ashleigh

Dear Santa,

I want a PSP, a Super Heroes Packet, a Spiderman that switches heads and a Green Goblin Sandman and Venom. Love, Ian

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Claus and the elves? Would you please bring me a big bag of baby dolls? Love, Katiya

Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer? I would like a DSI and DSI games. Love, Ryan

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the things I got last year. I want my family and my friends and my Christmas tree. Love, Gabby

Dear Santa,

How are you? I will like a robot, a Ninja Masters Spin Jujitsu Lego box and the Amazing Spiderman Game. Love, Isaiah

Dear Santa,

My mom would like a new orange dress and a teal one. My Dad wants a new hat. I would like a rag doll for me, and I would like a robot for my brother. His name is Connor. Love, Karlie

Dear Santa,

May I please have a doll house, a Princess Castle, and a scooter? And that will be all. Love, Kristy

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Claus? How many reindeer? I want princesses, a baby doll, and a stuffed snake. Love, Ailani

Dear Santa,

How is Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer doing? I want a new dress and a new stuffed animal and a new doll. Love, Brianna

Mrs. Thomas's second grade class

Dear Santa,

You and the Elfs are a great team. How are the reindeer doing? Is Mrs. Claus alright? Christmas is almost here. I have been good this year. I will leave you some chocolate milk and cookies. The elf on a shelf is in our classroom. We named him Elvis. I saw him move! Love, Christopher

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is the Elf on the shelf and some clothes from Justice. I also want a tv, a baby doll, a DSI 3, a puppy, an IPAD, and the Cat in the Hat book. Love, Payton

Dear Santa,

I would like a toy gun. That is all I want. How are the reindeer doing? I like it that you sent the Elf on the Shelf to our classroom. Love, Brett

Dear St. Nick,

How are you and the reindeer? How is Mrs. Claus? My class loves Christmas. You are the best. I live in Florida. Your welcome for the cookies. Love, Laila

Dear Santa,

I want a pony, a toy car, and I want to get on purple on Friday. Does Mrs. Clause have a baby? I love you. Love, Leda

Dear Santa,

I want a Spider Man toy, my two teeth, an Elf on the Shelf, and a mini four wheeler. How are you doing? When you touch elves do they really disappear? Love, Carter

Dear Santa,

Thank you for my gifts. I’m a big fan of Rudolph, the red nose reindeer. I know the true meaning of Christmas is Jesus b-day. I love you. Love, Madison

Dear Santa,

I want a monster high collection, a DS, an IPAD, and a toy car. I also want a IPOD, a piggy bank, Just Dance 4, a bike, and a fake Elf. And a dog. Love Saniya

Dear Santa,

I wish I had a bow and arrow, spinning paint gel, ant farm, and I want to have an elf in my room. My Christmas tree was hard to decorate. I am going to set out milk and cookies for you. Love, Jessica

Dear Santa,

Will you give me a IPAD pretty please and a home and a dog and cat? Have a good day. Love, Shelby

Dear Santa,

I am not going to be home on Christmas. I am going to be at grandpas house! I want a football, basketball, baseball bat, soft base balls, bow, pellet gun, air soft gun, scooter, IPad, and a rode and real. Love, Hunter

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a monster high doll and can I get a boy and a wear wolf girl? I want an American Girl doll with a small bed and clothes just like mine. I want a toy elf and some coloring books. Love, Bella

Dear Santa,

I want you to have a good Christmas. I want an IPad mini and an IPod touch. I also want a new golden watch and a wod and weel. It will be so cool. I have been good all year. Please Love, Rilee

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a swimming pool, a puppy, and a toy elf on the shelf. Saint Nick I have to ask you something, how do you make toys? Please answer this from the North Pole. Love, Taylor

Dear Santa,

I wish I had an X Box 360 and a wilu because they are fun. I want a toy car. Oh! How are your reindeer doing? And your elfs? My brother wants a toy too. Love, Braden

Dear Santa,

I can’t wate till Christmas! I want a DSI, Mario smash brothers, and the game Mario. Love, Eli

Dear Santa,

I do not want anything for Christmas. I want the poor kids to have presents. I want to know how the reindeer are doing? I want the poor kids to have food, water, and drink. Love, Savannah


Ryleigh: Please may I have a tiger a queen princess dress and a doodle bear butterscotch.

Hailey: Please may I have a Barbie and gumballs and candy a girl helmet.

Kealei: Please may I have a Pop the Pig and Stompies and a princess Barbie doll.

Cely Mar: Please may I have a princess with a Barbie.

James: Please may I have a DS and a Wii and a 3DS.

William: Please may I have gumballs and the race car and flag.

Abbey: Please may I have a baby doll.

Nathan: Pleas may I have a buzz light year and a toy tractor and a toy pirate ship and toy dinosaurs.

Easton: Please may I have a monster truck with a gun on it fake bullet.

Fabian: Please may I have a helmet and Cars Xbox game.

Noah: Please may I have a star wars video game.

James: Please may I have a DS and a Wii and a 3DS.

William: Please may I have gumballs and the race car and flag.

Abbey: Please may I have a baby doll.

Nathan: Pleas may I have a buzz light year and a toy tractor and a toy pirate ship and toy dinosaurs.

Easton: Please may I have a monster truck with a gun on it fake bullet.

Fabian: Please may I have a helmet and Cars Xbox game.

Noah: Please may I have a star wars video game.

Nicolas: Please may I have a bumblebee and a transformer shirt and a DS and a transformer Santa Claus.

Ayla: Please may I have a Jasmine Doll and Jeanette Doll.

Ava: Please may I have a Britney, Eleanor, Alvin and Theodore, Simon.

Ashton: Please may I have a big race car.

Taylor: Please may I have a monster high doll and gum.

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! For Christmas I want the shoos that have the weels on the back, a remote kuntrol truck and a new amazing spidr-man video game.

Love, Kaden Joyce

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I hope that you are doing well. For Christmas, I would like a bike, 3DS and an ipod. I love you!

Love, Illyana Johnston

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I hop that you are doing well. Can I have a bike? Can I have a hamster and can I have a gun?

Love, Cyrus Nichols

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I hope that you are doing well. For Christmas, I would like a bike, ipod and mak-up too.

Love, Wynisha Coward

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I hope you had a great year. I would like a cuddleuppets, stompees and an elf on the shelf. Have a Merry Cristmas! I love you!

Love, Desirae Esmond

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I hope that you are doing well. For Christmas, I would like mack-up, a tablit and a hair kit with glittr and jools. Have a very merry Christmas! I love you!

Love, Kaylee Mercer

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I hope that you have a good Christmas. I love you. For Christmas, I want a moder scooder, bebe gun and a pistol.

Love, Trei Haynes

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I hope that you are doing well. For Christmas, I would like shimmer and a make up set and a ipod touch. Have a very merry Christmas! I love you!

Love, Rowan Chapman

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I hop you had a good day! For Christmas, may I haf an Elf on the Shelf? I luf you!


Christian Tolentino

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! May I have a fone, a goldfish and a Elf on the Shelf?

Love, Skye Denmon

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I love you! May I have a bike, high heeles, and food? Have a merry merry Christmas!

Love, Lilly Miller

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I hope that you are doing well. For Christmas, I would like erings, an Elf on the Shelf and and ipod touch. Have a very merry Christmas! I love you!

Love, Izabella Orezzoli

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I hope you re doing good at the norf pole! I would like an Elf on the Shelf, I would like lagos and I would like monster fighters.

Love, Alexis Fontinel

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I hope that you are doing well. For Christmis I would like a wii U, 3DS and a Popfizz Skilander. Have a very merry Christmis! I love you!

Love, Oliver Lara

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I hope you have a good yere. For Christmas, I would like a Elf on the Shelf, compudr, and a box of food.

Love, Elizabeth Ballard

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I hope that you are doing well. For Christmas, I want ten tic-tacs, a slushey maker and a wii U game. The game is New Super Mario Bros. U.

Love, Christopher Davies

Dear Santa,

Thank you for all of my presents last year. This year I want some boots that is hot pink and black with hearts. Love.


Dear Santa,

Thank you for all that stuff that you gave me from all of those years. You are the best. I would like three things for Christmas. I would like a Play Station and XBOX and PSP. Your friend, Jerilmy

Dear Santa,

Thank you for all my presents last year. I love my new boots. I want an Easy Bake Oven. Love, Savana

Dear Santa,

Thank you for all my presents last year. I love my new game. You gave me a good present. I love it. I love to play with it. I want new pink and black boots. I like to wear them to school and I want a shirt with a heart on it. Your friend, Destiny

Dear Santa,

Thank you for things I want and I don’t really want anything. I just want my family to be happy and I want a game and I want an awesome toy, too.



Dear Santa,

Thank you for all my presents! I love my new board. And thanks for my new clothes and my new scooter and my new microphone and my new helmet and my new little pet shop! I want a new Little Pet Shop.


Dear Santa,

Thank you for all my presents last year. I would like a big stitch pillow pet and a mushroom chair and a 3DS. Your friend, Chandler

Dear Santa,

Thank you for all my presents last year. I want new boots. I want a new shirt. I want new pants. I want new games. I want a new coat.


Dear Santa,

I need a TV and a XBox and a game called Left for Dead. Please, Santa.

Your best friend,


Dear Santa,

Thank you. I would like some toys and a pack of nail polish.


Dear Santa,

I am so happy with all the presents last year. I have been nice this year. I would like more toys. I like you. I like your helpers. I would like a white Ferbie. Love, Marc

Dear Santa,

I love my presents from last year. I want an IPad and a lot of presents.

Sarah K.

Dear Santa,

I love Christmas. You are my friend, Santa. I want to get a remote control truck for Christmas. Love, Ray

Dear Santa,

Thank you for all my presents last year. I love those presents you give. Now I want a Strawberry Shortcake set and a mini suitcase. Your friend, Ayanna

Dear Santa,

Thank you for all my presents. It is good. Thanks for my stuff. I want an Xbox and a motorcycle. Your friend, Tyvi

Dear Santa,

Thank you for all my presents last year. I love my new Tablet. I think I will need a lot this year. Can you please get me some high-top boots this year.

Thank you,

Sarah N.

Dear Santa,

I want a Dream Lite for Christmas. Santa, I will make you food and a drink. What do you want to drink? 0 Milk, 0 water, or 0 juice? Fill in a bubble next to what you want. I love you Santa. Love, Kaelyn

P.S. Sorry I wrote my signature. There wasn’t an eraser, Santa. Love, Kaelyn. Remember Dream Lite.

Dear Santa,

Thank you for all the presents you gave me last year. This year I would like Color Splashers. You do not have to get it for me. It is something I would like.

Thank you,


Dear Santa,

I believe Santa. Please help me because my daddy is not gowing to come for Crismis. But my mommy is gowing to be here to make a Crismis tree. For Crismis I want a xbox for Crismis. Love, Briant

Dear Jesus,

I believe in you Jesus. How will you make sick people bedr. For Christmas I wot Everyone to feel bedr. Love, Ernie

Dear Santa,

I believe in you. Please bring presents to sick kids. Because I ben good. I was wondering how your deer go urownd the wrld? Please bring me cloes. Love, Kayli

Dear Santa,

I believe in Christmas. Please give uther people that are sick presents. This year I was good I was not bad. I wont a power ranger toy please. Love, Alexander

Dear Santa,

I believe in Christmas. Please give to people who don’t have toys. This year I was veay good. Is Mrs. Clos feling betr? Please bring me a brbe hows. Love, Aniston

Dear Santa,

I believe in majik and love. Pleass bring me some closs for my Amarkin grle doll. I believe in you olsow I will olwas believe in you. Love, Gracie

Dear Santa,

I believe in Santa Clous. Because Santa Clous gives toys to kids or babies. I want pokemon cards please. Love, Hyunwoo

Dear Santa,

I believe you will bring hope to the world. Please bring all the sik kids presits. I believe you can bring love and care to the world. I wat a Ipod. Love, Destyni

Dear Santa,

I believe in you. Can you please brenge presents to sick kids and I wish for a reel ponee because ponees are cute. Do you like cholckit cookees or rasin cookees? Love, Cassandra

Dear Santa,

I believe you have a bunch of reindeers. Please git me a ninga. I will give you cookies. Luv, Ian

Dear Santa,

I believe in love and I believe in friendship. This year I was very good. Please bring me a army guy. Love, James

Dear Santa,

I believe in friendship. Can you bring a toy to my brother. I wot a Ds3. Love, David

Dear Santa,

I believe in you. I want a new bike and a stuffet cat and any thing else. Please bring my sister presents because she is sick. Love, Laynie

Dear Santa,

I belive in Christmas. Do you like macdame nut or choclit? Please take presents to sick kids. I wish for an Ipad and have a happy New Year. Love, Ricky

Dear Santa,

I believe in miracles. Please take this present to sick people. I wood riley want toys that are Batman and Lago Ninjago and a holl bunsh of gogos. Love, Justin

Dear Santa, I’v bin very good this yeer. I set the table. I kleend my room this week. I’d like a ches game plees. And a bike. Love, Dallin

Dear Santa, Haw do yur randers fly? For Christmas I wont a pony and I wont a dotr mommy. Love, Felicity

Dear Santa, In order for me to get a American dall I have to tell you what I do to help my parints. I take out the trash. I wach Amy when they are asleep. I hope that’s good enuf for you. By the way what cind of cookies do you like? Love, Elani

Dear Santa, I wish that you will bring me a xbox for Crismis. Love, Sawyer

Dear Santa, I hope you have a good merry Christmas. I hope you can get me Assassin’s creed three for my xbox 360. But what I really want to know is what your favorite cookie is and how your rain deer fly. Love, Joah

Dear Santa, How do your rane dear fly? Do they eet pixee dust? Enneeway I ben good. We found your elf. I want a leeppad 2, a baybeey butr scosh for Kinsley. A new viteo game to go with a new DS3 and a blue cru. Love, Miranda

Dear Santa, What iIs your favrit cooke? I want sumthing for my Mericin Grl dall. I tried to do my best. Love, Emily

Dear Santa, What kind of cookies do you like? I am going to help pack up . I want a 3DS. Willl you come to my classroom? Love, Cooper

Dear Santa, How or you doin an wood you come in my room to see what lever I am on in AR? I wish for a RC and a NUK town map for back OPS2 and how do your randers fly? I love Santa. Love, Phillip

Dear Santa, I have been good this yeer. I took the mail in. What is your fafret cookees? Love, Maddie

Dear Santa, I want a bayblayd for Crismis for Michael David Holtman. That is my name. Is yor randyrs name with the red nose reely Rudof? Love, Michael David

Dear Santa, I have did a lot. I made my bed. I tuk the trash. I want a bik. love, Talia

Dear Santa, How many cookes have you ate? What kind of cookes do you love the most Santa? I am helping my mom with my baby sistr and bruthr. How many raindeers can fly? I want for Chrismas is books. Love, Amriel

Dear Santa, I help with the dishis. Can I haf a IPod? Love, Haley

Dear Santa, I bin doing my chors. I clened my room. I want lego city miner set. Love, Tim

Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I brushed my theeth everyday. By the way what do you use to make your raindeer fly? I would like a American girl doll, air brush, control cars, a book, Junie B Jones whole pack. Love, Jaden

Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I whant a DS that is pink. Which kind of coocees do you like? Love, Ava

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl.I have listened to my parents by cleaning my room.I want a real Chihuahua so I can feed it dog food. Santa, how is your raindeer? I will leave cookies and milk for you. I will leave carrots for your raindeer. Merry chrimas! Love, Scarlet

Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy. I help my mom and dad clean the dishes. I want a PSP3 player because I get to play Mario 2. I want a real dog. Is a bull dog. I will feed it. I will leave you coockes and milk. Yor Friend, Julio

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Claus and your reindeer? I wont a kindle fire so I can play games. I can play Temple Run on the kindle fire. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. I have been a good girl. I did not move my clip at school. Love, Jayla

Dear Santa,

Merry Chirstmas! I’ve been a good boy. I help my friend cleen up his room when his mom says to. I do my chores when my mom says to. I do my homework when my mom says to. I want a laptop because when I’m board I can do something. How do you get all the diliveries Santa? Love your friend, Erik

Dear Santa,

I hope that you give me some of the things that I really want. Some of the things that I want are a real computer. I want a computer because I never had one ever in my life. I can play on it. The other thing I want is a Monster High school set. I can put my monster dolls in it. Do you cook with Misis Claus. I think I am making some of your favorile cookies. I love your raindeer. Have a grate Christmas. Love, Rayn

P.S. I love you.

Dear Santa,

I would like a black and gray bulldog and a chew toy for it. I would like minutes for my phone and a computer. I want minutes for my phone so I can call people. At Christmas I will be at my uncle’s hause. I will give you a coke and oreo couces. How is your rander? Merry Christmas. Love, Katy

Dear Santa,

I have bin a good boy. I have been lisuning to my mom and dad. Can I plaes have an I pod so I can play games. Can I ples have an I phone? I whant the I phone so I can call my frends. Can I ples have hed phones with a speaker? How are your reindeer? How is Mrs. Clos? Merry Christmas! Love Your Frend, Evan

Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy. May I plese have a DS3, a transformer with a traler, and a Wal-mart truck with cars in it. How is your Randeyes? I wil giv you M &M coockes and chokit milck. Love, Ronan

Dear Santa,

Can you plez get me a psp3 and an I pod? I want to play games on them.

I Lisind to my mom by clening my room Wen my mom told me to do it. I love you Santa. I have fun putting Crismis lights up and I have a sign that says Santa plez stop here. I love you Santa. How is your rander? I thick I will try to give you some cookies and milk. Love, Mackenzie

Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy. I alwas do my homework. I want a Buzz Ligtyear that has a gun and pop out wings. I like ToyStory 2. Can I have a Nintendo DS so I can play Mario3? Can I have a spung bob sqr pants game for my Leapster 2? I will leve a sprite and menem cookis. Love, Michael

Dear Santa,

I believe I want presents for Christmas. I want Monster High Dolls for Christmas and I want barbies and a Barbie home for them. I want a baby alive. I will leev you some sweet cookeys for you and milk. Love, Tiana

Dear Santa,

I have been good in school. I have never got on red or yellow. How do your randear fliy?

How is Mrs.Ciaus? Ples may I have a wii and a cd player? How would you feel iff I gave you choclit milk and oreo cookes? Love, Grace

Dear Santa,

I want to see your elfs and Misis Clos. I want a 3DxL because I like to play games. Santa, I will lev cookes and millc for you. Love, Andrew M.

Dear Santa,

I have ben a good girl and I want a good chihauhua and a toy Barbie for Christmas. I also want a little baby. I want a Chihuahua because I haven’t had a Chihuahua. Santa, how is your rander and Ms. Clos? Love, Kaniyah

Dear Santa,

I have been a very good girl. I take care of my baby Sister. I cleen my Room when my mommy wants me to and I Respect her. I want an ipod with polk a dots On it. Ihe ipod needs to be purple. I want An iphone too. How is Roodof and Dasher? How do your randeers fliy? I will put a cooke and milk out for you. Love, Avani

Dear Santa,

My name is Eli, and I am 6 years old. I live in the great city of Crestview. This is in the state of Florida, but I’ll bet you already knew that! This year I have been very good. Some things I would like for Christmas this year are a car, red AXE soap set, blue AXE soap set, green AXE soap set, and a brown AXE soap set.

Merry Christmas and Warmest Wishes!


Dear Santa,

My name is Decorian, and I am 6 years old. I live in the great city of Crestview. This is in the state of Florida, but I’ll bet you already knew that! This year I have been very good. Some things I would like for Christmas this year are a PSP, sled, football, a basketball hoop, and snow.

Merry Christmas and Warmest Wishes!


Dear Santa,

My name is Zoey, and I am 6 years old. I live in the great city of Crestview. This is in the state of Florida, but I’ll bet you already knew that! This year I have been very great. Some things I would like for Christmas this year are a Furby, bike, teddy bear, dolls, and a pony. Please help the sick boys and girls feel better.

Merry Christmas and Warmest Wishes!


Dear Santa,

My name is Tyler, and I am 6 years old. I live in the great city of Crestview. This is in the state of Florida, but I’ll bet you already knew that! This year I have been very good. Some things I would like for Christmas this year are a golden GOGO, silver GOGO, Skylander Giant, and more Skylanders. Merry Christmas and Warmest Wishes! Love, Tyler

Dear Santa,

My name is Alyssa, and I am 6 years old. I live in the great city of Crestview. This is in the state of Florida, but I’ll bet you already knew that! This year I have been very good. Some things I would like for Christmas this year are a horse, drums, and a Dream light.

Merry Christmas and Warmest Wishes!


Dear Santa,

My name is Garren, and I am 7 years old. I live in the great city of Crestview. This is in the state of Florida, but I’ll bet you already knew that! This year I have been very good. Some things I would like for Christmas this year are snow, a real reindeer, and a XBOX 360. I also want you to know, that I like your reindeer.

Merry Christmas and Warmest Wishes!


Dear Santa,

My name is Nigel, and I am 7 years old. I live in the great city of Crestview. This is in the state of Florida, but I’ll bet you already knew that! This year I have been very good. Some things I would like for Christmas this year are a XBOX 360, boots, a puppy, glasses, and a real reindeer.

Merry Christmas and Warmest Wishes!


Dear Santa,

My name is Jayden, and I am 6 years old. I live in the great city of Crestview. This is in the state of Florida, but I’ll bet you already knew that! This year I have been very good. Some things I would like for Christmas this year are a puzzle, Legos, puzzle mat, XBOX 360, and Black Ops. Thank you for last years presents!

Merry Christmas and Warmest Wishes!


Dear Santa,

My name is Hannah, and I am 7 years old. I live in the great city of Crestview. This is in the state of Florida, but I’ll bet you already knew that! This year I have been very good. Some things I would like for Christmas this year are a Furby, bike, and a horse.

Merry Christmas and Warmest Wishes!


Dear Santa,

My name is Alexa, and I am 6 years old. I live in the great city of Crestview. This is in the state of Florida, but I’ll bet you already knew that! I love your reindeer and I like their names. This year I have been very good. Some things I would like for Christmas this year are a Barbie car, Barbie house, Barbie clothes, and Barbie shoes.

Merry Christmas and Warmest Wishes!


Dear Santa,

My name is BreighAnn, and I am 7 years old. I live in the great city of Crestview. This is in the state of Florida, but I’ll bet you already knew that! This year I have been very good. Some things I would like for Christmas this year are a camera, a laptop, a Build A Bear, and some presents for the sick boys and girls.

Merry Christmas and Warmest Wishes!


Dear Santa,

My name is Aaliyah, and I am 6 years old, but my birthday is coming up. I live in the great city of Crestview. This is in the state of Florida, but I’ll bet you already knew that! This year I have been very good. Some things I would like for Christmas this year are a car, big pool, and that thing that you jump on (diving board). Thank you for my presents last year!

Merry Christmas and Warmest Wishes!


Dear Santa,

My name is Malik, and I am 7 years old. I live in the great city of Crestview. This is in the state of Florida, but I’ll bet you already knew that! This year I have been very good. Some things I would like for Christmas this year are XBOX 360, a bike, and Skylanders. I also like your elves.

Merry Christmas and Warmest Wishes!


Dear Santa,

My name is Kennedy, and I am 7 years old. I live in the great city of Crestview. This is in the state of Florida, but I’ll bet you already knew that! This year I have been very good. Some things I would like for Christmas this year are a XBOX 360, video camera, and something for the boys and girls that are sick.

Merry Christmas and Warmest Wishes!


Dear Santa,

My name is Emma, and I am 7 years old. I live in the great city of Crestview. This is in the state of Florida, but I’ll bet you already knew that! This year I have been very good. Some things I would like for Christmas this year are a desk, candy, monster high dolls, teddy bear, and a puppy.

Merry Christmas and Warmest Wishes!


Dear Santa,

My name is Carter, and I am 6 years old. I live in the great city of Crestview. This is in the state of Florida, but I’ll bet you already knew that! This year I have been very good. Some things I would like for Christmas this year are a remote controlled boat and airplane, a puppy, and a skate board. Thank you for all the presents last year!

Merry Christmas and Warmest Wishes!


Dear Santa,

Do the elves work 24/7? All I want for Christmas is an X-Box 360. Santa, I have no chimney, but the front door is going to be unlocked. Love, Billy

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Claus? How are the reindeer, elves, and Rudolph? I like art and playing with my friends. I want a bike. Love, Nova

Dear Santa,

I’ve been good all year. How are you, Mrs. Claus, and the elves doing? Is Rudolph doing ok? I want a bike and a dog. Love, Jaylen

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Claus? I am good at riding my bike and skateboarding. It is fun. I have a mean dog and some nice dogs. Can I have a monster truck and a new skateboard to ride? Also a X-Box 360 and new games would be nice. Love, Tommy

Dear Santa,

I hope you come to my house. I just can’t wait for Christmas. Oh—15 more days! How is Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer feeling? I love the Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer song much. Every time I get home from school I listen to it. I wish I could give you a hug and love. I want to have Gak for Christmas. Love, Ameyah

Dear Santa,

Thank you for bringing me presents last year. How are you and Mrs. Claus? How do you ride the sleigh? Does Rudolph have a shiny nose? I have been doing my work at school. For Christmas I wish that my family is ok and the one thing I want is an iPad. Santa, be careful when you go on the porches because I have two cats and a bulldog. They will want you to play with them. Love, Angela

Dear Santa,

How are you, Mrs. Claus, the elves, and the reindeer? What is your house like in the North Pole? How was your year? I want a doll, Teddy bear, toy cat, and a toy dog. Love, Jasmine

Dear Santa,

What is your favorite color besides read? Have you ever counted the toys in your bag? Has it ever rained before at the North Pole? Just to let you know you need to watch out for my dogs. I have a big one and a small one. Bye Santa. Love, Annalise

Dear Santa,

I hope you have a safe flight. I have been a good girl this year. What I want is a jewelry maker. What is Rudolph or the elves get sick? My cats and dog are very playful. Love, Hayden

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Claus? For Christmas I want a new bike and Legos. I hope you have a good Christmas Santa. How are you and Rudolph? You are the best! My little brother wants a Pillow Pet to sleep on. Love, Mike

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. Santa, how does Rudolph’s nose glow so bright? Santa, do you play with your elves? Why do you live at the North Pole and it’s so cold? One thing I want for Christmas is for all of my family to be together. Santa, here are some warnings: watch out for the car, trees, and generator outside our house. Love, Isis

Dear Santa,

You’re one good man! I like your clothes and hat Santa! Can I get presents on Christmas? I want 3 games called Mario Galaxy, Paper Mario, Sonic Colors. Love, Evan

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? What do you want for Christmas? My favorite reindeer is Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. My favorite place is the North Pole. I would like a new bike for Christmas. Love, Jeremiah

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Claus? How does Rudolph’s nose shine? How did you meet Mrs. Claus? I want a stuffed animal and a jewelry box with jewelry in it. I would also like a new shirt, book, and pair of pants. I love Christmas! Love, Camila

Dear Santa,

I am a 2nd grader that is good at video games and likes to play outside. Do you really have a naughty or nice list? Is it cold in the North Pole? Love, Kyle

Dear Santa,

How are you Santa? I been trying my best to be good. I hope I’m not on the notey list. Thank you for the pack of cars last year. That was very nice of you. I wish you couled get me a DSi and a drit bike and a faelier. Be careful with your trip!

Good luck,

Caleb J.

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa! It been a long sinse I talked to you. Actally a long long time to be exact! I think I’m on the nodey list because I always hit my little sister or kick her. I forgot because all the presents were last year. I would want for Christmas is my two front teeth—REALLY! And maybe some books and some shoes for the Philipines people. I wish you have a good time sending all the presents to the good children.

Best wishes,

Angel M.

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa. How is everyone at the North Pole? I have bean good and I have bean bad too. I try to do the right thing but I keep get in truble. Thank you for the bike last year. This year I want 3 DSXL, Legos, and new cars. I hope you have a good time on the last day of Christmas. Your friend, David P.

Dear Santa,

I hope you give lots of boys and girls presents this year. Santa, I got in trubull a cupul times but I hope I am still on the good list. Thank you Santa for giting me an xbox last year. This year I want to be on xBOX live, a red xbox controller, and a speciel skin xbox. Love, Sergio

Dear Santa,

I love Rudolph’s shiney bright nose. Mrs. Claus makes the best candy canes. I’ve been so, so, so good lately. Is my name on the nautey list? Boy, I hope not. Thank you for giving me a pink Bee Bee gun and I love it too. Please, I really want a baby puppy, a new four wheeler, and DSI. Have fun when you are ridding in your sleigh back to the North Pole.

Your girl,

Jaelyn T.

Dear Santa,

How are you doing and mrs claws. I’m trying to be polite. Well Santa, I had been good and been bad this year. Thank you for the bike but I still need a new one. Would you give me a wiiU. That’s all for me because Christmas is about giving and shareing. If you don’t see cookies left out just help yourself.


Quinn A.

Dear Santa,

I hope you give lots of boys and girls presents this year. I hope I be good this year because you are waching me. Thank you for getting me a Polle Poket for Christmas last year. I want a forshen coochie maker, ferbi, and wugle pet for Christmas. I hope you have fun giving presnts to the other kids. Love, Lilli M.

Dear Santa,

Sometimes I’ve been good and the times I get bad is when my brother comes by and anoyis me a lot. This year, I would like a puppy, new clothes, and a 3DS. Have a good Christmas and be safe.

Good Luck,

Sienna S.

Dear Santa,

How are the elfs? Elfie has some good hiding spots. I have been kind of good this year. Santa, thank you for getting me my Baby Alive from last year. It was great! I would like this year an eletric scooter and a ipod touch. I will give you a lot and a lot of cookies. Merry Christmas to you Santa!

Riley B.

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Claus doing? I wish she is not sick or you too. I try my best at being good and try getting my work done. I just thank you for the back gan game and candy. At Christmas I whant a back gan tow game on x-box 360 and supper Mario brother tow on DS and a dragon game on x-box 360. That is all I whant for Christmas. Merry Christmas to you Santa and your family Santa.

Your best boy,

Mark R.

Dear Santa,

I hope you are doing good. Are your reindeer doing awlright? I was kind of good this year so I hope I’m not on the naughty list. Thank you for the Scooby Doo board game you got me last year! This year I would like an ipad, Baby Butterscotch and an x-box. If you or your reindeer ever get hungry there is milk and chocolate cookies for you guys.

Your best friend,


Dear Santa,

I will try to get my mom to make chocolate chip cookies for you. I don’t know if I am on the noty list or not but I am trying to be good. Thank you for my toy dog last year. I liked it. Could I have Abby, Cleo, and Lagoona from Monster High? I will try to get mom to give you three cookies instead of two. Merry Christmas Santa!

Fly safely,


Dear Santa,

I hope that you are the best giver and you are the best. I think that I have ben good you are good. I thank you that giving us the drums. I wood like a 3DS and Super maireo stiger land, sonick transform. Pleese. I will try to geive you some cookes.


David S.

Dear Santa,

I am asking you for a good Christmas and I hope that you have a good Christmas too. I have been good but don’t ask Mr. Creel. Thank you for every thing I got last year. For Christmas I want a Hello Kitey Kereyoky, Furilfrens Bony (puppy), and Furilfrens Butterscotch (pony). I will leave carrots for your raindeers and Oreos for you. Your friend, Liliana

Dear Santa,

I am glad you bring presents to people and I am thankfull. I have ben bad, but I realy tried to be good. I am thankfull you got me a rip stick and I am glad you got me a bike. I would like a Bay-Blade, and a Star Wars setup, and some more WWE giyes. I will leave some cookies and some milk for you and some for Rudolph too. Your friend, Aiden M.

Dear Santa,

Are the elves making good presents for all the children. I will make you some peanut butter cookies for you and some carrots for all the reindeers. I’ve been really really good and only a little bit bad. Thank you for my Lala Loopsi doll. I love it and I play with it a lot. I want a Bardie with a camera in the back, a big Stuffy and baby Butterscotch the pony. I hope your reindeers have enough magic to fly your sleigh to my house. Your friend, Alexis K.

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeer this year?

Santa I have been good this year.

Thank you Santa for the Barbie set you brought me last year.

This year can I please have a D.S., a Furby and a Kindle Fire. Your friend, Trinity

Dear Santa,

I believe in every body at the North Pole.

Santa I have been good.

Thank you for the Ipod.

I would like some more baby doll stuff.

I would Love some Hello Kitty stuff and a DSI.

Dear Santa be safe when you go around the world. Your friend, Reagan

Dear Santa,

How are your elves doing this year?

I have gotten in a little trouble this year but I hope I still get presents this year.

Thank you for giving me that D.S.I. it is fun playing with it.

What I want for Christmas is an Ipad, Monster High stuff, and Hello Kitty stuff. Thanks!

Have a good ride and stay safe on the ride. Your friend, Daniela

Dear Santa,

Have you had a good year? Have your elves been good this year?

I have been a little bad and good.

Thank you for the D.S. you brought me last year.

I would love an Ipad, a Monster High helmet, and Hello Kitty things.

Have a good year. Your friend, Marta

Dear Santa,

How was your year? Was it great?

Santa I have been good this year.

Thank you for the Wii game you gave me last year.

This year I would like a 3DS for Mario Bros 2, Mario Fortune Street, Mario, and a Wii U Bros U.

Please be very nice Santa and stay safe!

Best Wishes,


Dear Santa,

How is your year going at the north pole? Santa, I have been in a little bit of trouble and a little good.

Santa, thank you for getting me Mose Trap 3D.

For Christmas I would like an Xbox 360, a 3D DS, and Halo 4 for Xbox 360.

Santa please leave me the three things I wanted most.

Good Luck,

Gabe K.

Dear Santa,

How are you Santa? How are the elves doing?

I have been good here. I get green a lot, but sometimes I get yellow and orange but not red.

Thank you for the Marvel game. I would like Sky Landers for my mom’s home, and Sky Landers Giants for my mom’s home too, and a 3DSXL.

I hope the elves miss me. Love, Stephen

Dear Santa,

Santa I like your reindeer.

I have been a little bad. Please bring me presents.

Thank you for getting me a bike last year.

This year I would like to get a puppy, a bike, and a computer.

I love you. Have a great year. Your friend, Autumn-Lynn

Dear Santa,

How are your Reindeer?

This year I was good.

Thank you for giving me a phone, a bike, and a Dsi. Thank you for giving those to me.

Please, can I get a Monster High Doll, an Ipad, and a phone again.

Good luck have a good year.

Good Luck, Aasha

Dear Santa,

How are your deer doing Santa?

Santa I was a little bad this year.

Santa I got an Xbox last year.

This year I would like a wrestling man, a phone, and an electric scooter.

You have a soft white beard. Your friend, Javion

Dear Santa,

How is Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer?

I've been good this year.

Thank you for the bike you brought me last year.

This year the only thing I want for Christmas is a laptop.

Have a great year! Your friend, Jamyah

Dear Santa,

How many cookies do you think you will get this year?

I would say I would be in the middle of nice and naughty.

Thank you Santa for getting me a D.S.. It is so fun. This year I would like an Ipad, Halo 4 Xbox, and Batman The Dark Night Rises movie.

I hope you get more cookies than you think!

Good Luck, Nick

Dear Santa,

I love the toys you gave me.

Santa I do not know if I've been good or bad this year.

I would like to get a laptop, some Lego Friends, and a T.V. That is what I want.

That is all for this letter. Love, Honglinh

Dear Santa,

I hope you had a great year. How is your family doing? I hope you and your family are great.

I could say I was in the middle of good and naughty.

Thank you for the Kreo Transformers.

For Christmas may I have an Ipod touch, a spark scooter, and a three wheeled scooter?

I hope you and your family will have a very, very good year. Good luck!



Dear Santa,

How are you doing this year? I like your reindeer.

I've been good today.

Thank you Santa for bringing me a car last year!

I would like a Hot Wheels car, D.S., a truck, and stuffed animals.

Have a safe trip. Your friend, Gabriel W.

Dear Santa,

I know you brought presents. I know your rain deer live at the North Pole. Love, Hunter

Dear Santa,

How where you this summer? How is Mrs. Claus? Thank you so much for my Barbie dolls but my Dad threw them away. But this year I really really want a Kendal and a ipod and a tablet. I want the tablet to have panguins. Love, Marianna

Dear Santa,

I hope you had a great summer. I was very good this year. I would like a Wii and a dream dazzler hair dresser and a blue furby and a just dance game for Wii. Love, Sabrina

Dear Santa,

I have your elf Scout. And for Christmas I want sum candy and for Christmas I want a puzzle. And your elfs work really hard. Thank you elfs. Love, Alyson

Dear Santa,

I hope you had a great summer. Thank you for the monster truck. Can I please have a fone for Christmas? I hope you have a great time. Love, Michael

Dear Santa,

I hope you had a lot of sleep for Christmas. How are the elfs doing? Pepper is great! I would like Monster High dolls called Venus, Duce and Nevera. Love, Ikia

Dear Santa,

Did you have a good summer? How has Mrs. Claus been? I need a art set and a ipod and Mario Party on Wii and a lot more stuff. Love, Dominic

Dear Santa,

I hope you have a great happy Christmas because you give me a present. You give Pepper the power to fly. I hope you have a great Christmas. Love, Elizabeth

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the doll house last year. I loved the doll house. I have your elf Snowflake. Snowflake tells you how I have been. Love, McKenzie

Dear Santa,

How are you doing today Santa? Thank you for the note you sent me. I believe in you to come to every girl and boy’s house tonight. I want a good dream to everyone. Love, Piper

Dear Santa,

I hope you are well. You are doing a great job. What I want for Christmas is a tablet, a ipad. I will be on my best behavior. Love, Ray

Dear Santa,

I will be good and I love you Santa. You are the best Santa Clause I ever had and I love my friends. I love Mrs. Claus and I love my teachers. Love, Makayla

Dear Santa,

I can have a good day. You know I am a good student. Love, Bryce

Dear Santa,

Thank you for bringing a drum set last year. I want a DS. I want my rapper to be rainbow color. Love, Rayvin

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? Are the reindeer big and beautiful?

May I have a hamster? May I have a picture of you? I hope I am not on the naughty list. Love, Faith

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Claus? How are the reindeer? How was your vacation? I was trying to be nice and do some chores. I heard on the newspaper that Santa goes Skype! Oh, I would like to tell you what I would like for my stocking. I would like a Mini Nutcracker, Hay Doll, and a Mini La La Loopsy. Love, Sophia

Dear Santa Claus,

How are you doing? I would like a bike. Can it be purple? Can I have jewelry? I would like an iPad and a MP3 player. I would like a dog and a DS. Love, Kaylee

Dear Santa Claus,

How was Thanksgiving? How is Mrs. Claus? I have been very good this year. I would like to get a blue computer and ten GoGos. For my sister, I would like a puppy and a regular purple DS. Your friend, Jalyssa

Dear Santa,

I have heard a lot about you. They say that you are a really good man and that you are awesome and magical. Oh, I forgot, how are you doing? How are the reindeer? Oh, and especially, how is Rudolph? I am going to put out cookies and milk for you and some carrots for the reindeer. I am going to put a lot more for Rudolph. Oh, and how is Mrs. Claus? I have heard that she bakes really good.

I have been really good this year. I have been helping my sister with the dishes and I have been helping my mom with dinner.

I would like a laptop that is red, pink, or gray. I can be any of those colors. I also would like a Hello Kitty pillow that has a pocket in the back with stuff in it that I saw at Wal-Mart. My sister really wants a pink electric scooter. Ho, and I have one more thing, and it is a brand new red bike. Your friend, Charity

Dear Santa Claus,

How are you doing? How is Mrs. Claus? How was your Thanksgiving? How are the reindeer?

For Christmas, I want a hot pink computer. I have been good this year. I want an iPad and jewelry. Love, Zariah

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? How is Mrs. Claus?

Santa, I wish I could have a toy dragon. It is red and the wings are orange. I also want a microphone. It is in a red box. The color is like a candy cane. I have been very good. Your friend, Neshaun

Dear Santa,

I heard a lot of great things about you. They said that you are rich. Oh, I forgot, how is the reindeer and Mrs. Claus? I have been very good.

These are the things I want: a Baby Alive, a computer, touch screen Verizon phone, a DSixl 3D, some jewelry, and make-up. My mom might want something too. and my step-dad and of course, my dad. So, get them something that will make them happy, and by the way, their names are Lashana, my mom, Anthony, my step-dad, and Javis, my dad. Love, Ja’nyrah

Dear Santa Claus,

How are you doing? How was your turkey? My turkey was good. How are you reindeer? I will like a PSP games, PSP case, a watch, and a cat. Your friend, Camren

Dear Santa Claus,

What are you doing? Are you giving gifts to the children? Are you having a good time with Mrs. Claus in the North Pole?

I wish to have a transformer. Love, Yair

Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas is a computer, desk, and a pencil Love, Jalen

Dear Santa Claus,

How are you, your animals, elves, and Mrs. Claus doing? I hope they’re doing good and you are too. I hope I’m on the good list.

In December, I would like to have an Xbox360, Batman 2, a puppy, and a turquoise necklace that Native Americans made for art. Love, Matthew

Dear Santa Claus,

How are you doing? How are the reindeer doing? How is Mrs. Claus? What did you eat for Thanksgiving?

I have been very good this year. I would like to get 10 gold gogos and a DS to go with the DS My Sims Agent DS game. Your friend, Levi

Dear Santa,

How are you and the reindeer doing? I have been very good this year. For Christmas, I want a coloring book for Christmas and a new pair of clothes. They can be striped. The color I want them to be is red and black. Your friend, Nathan

Dear Santa,

Did you have a good Thanksgiving? I did. I had a great time. For Christmas, I want Halo 4, a new Mongoose bike, and a computer (I mean a laptop). Love, Marshall

Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer? How is Mrs. Claus doing? Is it cold? What do you feed the reindeer? What do you like to do after Christmas? How’s Rudolph doing?

I have been very good. I would like a chalk bike. It has chalk on the back. I would also like a computer that is hot pink. I also want a hot pink zebra stripe shirt. Love, Kailey

Dear Santa,

I like your reindeer’s necklaces and I like your hat. I have been nice. Thank you for the gifts you gave me. I would like Lego people and a house to go with it. I wonder do your deer fly? Your Friend, Talayah

Dear Santa,

You are a nice person. I have been nice. Thank you for the computer last year. I want a Batman costume for Christmas this year. Will you give me a lot of presents for Christmas this year? Your Friend, Alex

Dear Santa,

I like your reindeer. I have been nice. Thank you Santa, for the DS game. For Christmas I want a Build a Bear Rednose Reindeer. What is your favorite color? Your Friend, Ayana

Dear Santa,

I love you! You are my favorite guardian! I have been nice all year! Thank you for my Hello Kitty game for my Wii. This year I would like an Easy Bake Oven. Do you like Gingerbread cookies and milk? Your Sweet Friend, Kadi

Dear Santa,

I like your hat. I have been nice. I thank you for the Legos. I like the Emerald Night. I want to know how you get to the North Pole? Your Friend, JW

Dear Santa,

You are awesome Santa. I am nice. Thank you for my Transformer. This year I would like a real tank in my back yard. How old are you? Your friend, Drew

Dear Santa,

You are my favorite of all. I have been nice. Thank you for the doll you got me. I want an Easy Bake Oven this year. What is one of your reindeer’s name? Your friend, Damaris

Dear Santa,

I like your reindeer that pull your sleigh. I have been very nice. Thank you for the fidgit friend you got me last year. I want a Furby this year. Will you have a good Christmas this year? Your friend, Lili

Dear Santa,

I want to thank you for giving me toys. I have been a good boy. Thank you for the toy car. Would you bring me an electric guitar? Can I ride on your sleigh with my friend Cole? Your Friend,  Adonus

Dear Santa,

I like your sleigh. I have been nice. Thank you for the Under Armor shirt. I want a zombie brain. Do I have to be good? Your Friend, Aiden

Dear Santa,

I like your suit. I have been nice this year. Thank you for all of the presents last year. I would like my mom to have a baby this year. How light is Rudolph’s nose? Your Friend, Kylie

Dear Santa,

I think your coat is nice. I have not been good. I want to thank you for my purse . I would like nothing. Are you real? Your Friend,  Julia

Dear Santa,

I think you are the nicest man ever. I don’t know if I have been naughty or nice. I think nice. Your Friend,  Cole

Dear Santa,

I like your hat. I do not know if I have been naughty or nice. But I bet you know. I can’t remember what you got me last Christmas. But whatever it was, thank you! What I want for Christmas is a sky lander giants and TMNT secret hideout. Does Rudolph the Rednosed reindeer really live? Your Friend, Malakai

Dear Santa,

I think you are happy. I have been nice. I got a DS last year. Thank you for it. I want head phones for my ipod. Will you have a good Christmas? Your Friend, Shadaisha

Dear Santa,

I like you because you are the best. Santa I am sorry if I am lying to you but I think I have been nice. I want to thank you for my bike. I would like a monster truck that can go off road. How do you give presents to all of the kids?  Your friend, Kaos

Dear Santa.

You are awesome because I love Christmas! I’ve been goodish because I sometimes don’t listen. Thanks for my Wii I got last year. This year I want a Blackberry, a DSI game, and another for any DS. But not a 3DS game. PS- I love Christmas! Your friend, Nicky

Dear Santa,

You’re the most coolest guy I’ve ever known in my entire life. I was bad and good. Thanks you for that toy gun that I got last year. I want a new bike. I hope you have an awesome Christmas! Your friend, Brenden

Dear Santa,

I have been bad to my mother. Thank you for the jewelry box, jump rope and pool I got last year. I want a bike, some candy, and a Read my Word Bible. Love, Amaya

Dear Santa,

I love you. Don’t be working too hard. I’ve been bad. I want to tell you how sorry I am. Thank you for the bicycle. I would like a red drum set. I would like a violin. I want a phone.You are the best Santa even if you don’t get me it. Good luck, Dixie

Dear Santa,

I was good a little. I want a wrestling board. For Christmas, I want, for me and my brothers, a trampoline. I want an IPAD.

Santa, I want a phone. Best Wishes, Rakis

Dear Santa,

Thank you for giving us presents. Santa, I have been very good! Thank you for the Barbie doll last year. What I want for Christmas is a Boom Cube and a blue Furby and a Novi Star.

Do not work too hard in the workshop. Good Luck, Nevaeh

Dear Santa,

I am looking forward to Christmas and seeing something under the tree.

I’ve been good a bit and bad a bit.

Thank you for the Angry Birds black bird I got last year.

I want a scooter, blue elephant cuddle up it, and a pig stuffie.

I hope the reindeer don’t get tired flying.

Your friend, Hannah

Dear Santa,

How are you?

I been good but at the same time I am bad and mean.

Thank you for the Barbie house last year.

This year I want Polly Pocket, three Barbies, and a new TV in my room.

You are nice Santa. Your friend, Chloe

Dear Santa,

I love you Santa!

I was good. Thank you for giving me a bike last year. I want a tablet. Have a good night. Your friend, Bill

Dear Santa,

I love you Santa.

Santa, to be honest, I have been kind of good and kind of bad.

I thank you for that chalk and dry erase board.

This year, I want a cuddle up it, Kendle Fire, Password, and a journal.

Santa, thank you for giving me a lot of toys. Love your friend, Lana

Dear Santa,

Thanks for giving the whole world presents.

I’m good and bad sometimes.

Thanks for giving me the remote control fire truck.

I want Pokemon cards and some books so I can be a millionaire at school.

You are nice Santa.

Your friend, Keith

Dear Santa,

Thank you for Christmas!

I’ve been a little bad but I’m still good.

Thanks for the pogo stick last year.

I would like a tablet and an IPhone and the Dreadful game.

Thanks for Christmas again!

Your friend, Alex

Dear Santa,

I love you because you are so good.

I only moved one start on this day in my class, but I’ve been really good at home.

Thanks for the TV in my room last year.

I would like a Furby and one Paris motorcycle that is pink and DVD player.

Tell Rudolph the red nosed reindeer I said “hi”. Your best friend, Jocelyn

Dear Santa,

I like you Santa Claus because you’re nice.

I was very bad but I’m trying to be good.

Thank you, Santa Claus for the guitar last year.

Santa Claus, for Christmas I want a Nial and Harry doll and a very cool Dreadful set.

Merry Christmas, Santa Claus. Best Wishes, Monica

Dear Santa,

I have been good to my teacher. Can you please bring me a Xbox 360 and a Wiiu? I also want a Barbie doll. I really want an easy bake oven to bake yummy treats. A camera to take pictures would be nice as well. I hope you have a safe trip.

Love, Tyniyah

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I have been good to my mom and said “yes mam”. I also say “yes sir”. I want a Wiiu and a game. I want the New Super Mario Bros U. I also want the big bat man cave. Love, Isaiah

Dear Santa,

I have been good. I cleaned the house. I cleaned my room. I feed the cats, dogs, and rabbits. Will you please bring me a pillow pet and a toy puppy? A phone, some Xbox games, and make-up would be nice too. Love, Brittani

Dear Santa,

I have been good all year. Can you bring me a ipod, please?

Oh! Please don’t eat too much cookies. Love, Noah

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I dust for my mom and clean my room. Please can you bring me the Lego police station, Lego truck, and all the Star War and Ninjago Legos?

Love, Christian

Dear Santa,

I have been good by doing what my teacher says. I really want a Kindle Fire and Rap Star microphone for Christmas. I would also like a password journal and a new jewelry set.

Love, Lamarria

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I help my sister with the dishes. I helped my sister take the trash out. Will you bring me a bindy Barbie? The one like my sister has. I would also like a 3 DS. Love, Savannah

Dear Santa,

I have been good. I helped my mom cook corn pie, cake and banana pudding. So can I get some LaBraun South beach and a padded arm sleeves for basketball. Love, J’Marcus

Dear Santa,

I have been good. I help my mom do the dishes. I help my mom do the dishes. Please would you bring me some presents? I want a Wiiu game. I also would like a DS game. Love, Mackenzie

Dear Santa,

I stayed on green almost all this month and I really really want it to snow this Christmas. I want four feet of snow for Christmas. I also want a pony named butterscotch and Life in the dream house. Love, Elizabeth

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. All I want this year is to spend time with my family and to have hope, love, joy, and to be kind. I just want to spend time with my family and to open presents. I wish I could meet you! Can you wake me up so I can see you this year? Love, Calleigh

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I clean up my room. I did my homework and got on green every day at school. Can you please bring me a Kindle Fire? I want a Kindle Fire because on weekends we get to watch T.V. and I am not allowed to go down stairs to watch T.V. and I am not allowed to go in my brother’s room either. Well that is all I want this year. Love, Bela

Dear Santa,

I have washed the dishes for my mom. I have been good this year. I really want the electronic Barbie. She can take pictures. I also want the electronic horse. The horse can bend it’s neck. Love, Alexis

Dear Santa,

I have been good to my teacher and my mom. So will you get me a Xbox 360 and a T.V.? I want to be able to hook it up in my room and play all day. Love, Keandre

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I helped my mom, Grndpa, Grandma, and my aunt. I help them with the laundry, the dishes, and vacuumed.

I really want a new cupcake maker, a furby, and a purse. I really hope you can get it all. Love, Sydney

Dear Santa,

I have been really good I washed the dishes for my mom, and I cleaned up my mess at the table after I was finished with my food. Santa I would like you to bring me a Christmas Barbie doll and some boot covers. Last of all I want a dress with red and green stripes. Love, Arianie

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I helped my mom and dad. I helped my mom by washing dishes. Please will you bring me a connect? So I can talk with my friends online while we play games. Love, Jacob

Dear Santa,

I like your beard because it is fluffy. I have been good or bad. Thank you for bringing me a baby doll last year. May I please have some clothes this year and more clothes and more clothes. I will leave you some cookies. Your friend, Jayce

Dear Santa,

How are the elves? Good or bad? I was good last year. Christmas was wonderful. I would like a doll. I would also like a robot. Your friend, Kaitlyn

Dear Santa,

I will make sure I leave food for the reindeer. I have been good this year. Thank you Santa, for getting me a pirate set. I would like a new slinky, a glow in the dark shark, and a lego Ninjagu. Thank you. Your friend, Gregory

Dear Santa,

How are you? Have a Merry Christmas. I have been good this year. Thank you for giving me the Justin Beiber doll. What I would like for Christmas is the Secret of the Wings dolls. I promise I will leave you some chocolate chip cookies with milk. Your friend, Julianna

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I have been good and bad, but mostly good. Thank you for the baton. I want a baby doll, a phone, and a book. I hope you like cookies. Sincerely, Ondrea

Hi Santa,

How are you? I hope you like my mom’s cookies and milk. Thank you for my Mogo Strike last year. This is what I want this year: a PSP, and new Xbox game and an Ipod touch. I will leave something to clean up after the reindeer. Your friend, Shawn

Dear Santa,

I will leave some milk and cookies. I have been good and bad. Thank you for the Pokemon game last year. I would like more Pokemon games, 3DS, and Pokemon posters. I will leave food for the reindeer. Love, Jeffrey

Dear Santa,

Thank you for giving me presents. I have been good. Thank you for giving me nail polish last year. I want a violin, a guitar, and a drum set. Please! Love, Chloe

Dear Santa,

How do you get all over the world in one night? I have been good all year. Thank you for my TV last year. This year I would like a Kindle Fire, Lego Star Wars DS, and a Lego Star Wars set. I will leave you some cookies. Your friend,

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I have been good this year. Thank you for the presents last year. I would like to have Hot Wheels, Geo Trax, and an iPad for Christmas this year. I will give you cookies and milk. I promise that I won’t drink much of the milk. Good Luck, Tommy

Dear Santa,

Thanks for the Christmas year so jolly. I have been good and bad this year. Thanks for the Power Rangers. They are fund and you are to. I would like an Xbox, a hot tub, and a PS3 for Christmas. I wish you a Merry Christmas. Your friend, Anthony

Dear Santa,

Thank you for not giving me coal so that I can throw it in my face. You can decide if I have been good or bad. Thank you for all of the Star Wars stuff. This year I would like a metal detector, a BB gun, and a collectable Mercedes Benz car. I will leave your reindeer some food but please ask them not to eat the napkin. Your friend, Alex

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the Cooking Mama game last year. This year I want roller skates for Christmas. I will leave some milk and cookies. Your friend, Delanie

Dear Santa,

I like your beard. I have been good and bad this year. I would like a Ben 10 Omniverse video game for PS3, Ben 10 Ominverse action figure, and a $1,000,000 for Christmas. Thanks for the jacket. I will leave you cookies and milk.

Your Best Friend,


Dear Santa,

Do you sing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer every time you go to someone’s house on Christmas Eve? I’ve been a little bad but mostly good. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the electric scooter. Can I please get an iPad, iPhone, and an iPod? I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Love, Kira

Dear Santa,

I promise I will leave you cookies and milk. I will not drink all the milk. Santa, I think I have been a little bad and a little good. I want to thank you for my presents. What I would like this year is a phone, camera, and a Justin Beiber poster. I love you, Santa. Love, Madison


Dear Santa,

I wish I will get this one alien thing that has food. I want Bey Blades and a battery. Be careful on your trip. I hope everybody gets what they wanted. Your friend, Dawson

Dear Santa,

I wish for a Angry Bird and a Spiderman toy. I want a pig stuffed animal to play with, a bowling ball, and I wish for a hockey table. Does Rudolph really have a shiny nose? Love, Gabriel

Dear Santa,

For a present I want a remote control car and a plane that when you throw it, it flies. I want a box of Hot Wheels, because they are cool! Please come to my house first. Love, Tyler

Dear Santa,

I want a X-box 360 for Christmas. I really like to play games on it. I am gonna be good and let my cousin play games with me. I want a remote control truck, too. I love you Santa. Thank you for the presents. Love you, Caden

Dear Santa,

I want a rainbow train set to put in my playroom.  I want a one year old baby puppy to live at my house. I’m going to name it Chrissy after Christmas. I also want a  little baby twin sister. I love you, Santa. Love, Savannah

Dear Santa,

I want a I-pad touch, a LARGE one. I want a MP3 player and

a cell phone that shuts. I want a fake motorcycle that can fit me.

I ain’t little, so I need a pretty big fake motorcycle. I love you

very much. Love, JaQuavion

Dear Santa,

I want a game. I want a DORA game, because I want to play

with Mom. I want a baby doll, and I want a skateboard. I want

a new laptop. Love, Chyanne

Dear Santa,

I want a Easy Bake Oven. I am going to bake a cake for

my Mom. I want a real phone too. I will leave you some

cookies on the kitchen table. Do you like vanilla cookies?

I love you. Qu’Kniya

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is a toy house cat. I haven’t met

your reindeer yet, but I want to. I want to meet Dasher, Cupid,

and Blitzen. I’ll see you later. Love, Garren

Dear Santa,

I want red bike and helmet with skulls and spikes on it. I want

a nerf gun to play with my little brother. I want a baby boy dog.

I’m gonna name it Charlie Brown. I really want my own room.

One more thing, I really want a lot of toy cars and trucks.

I love you Santa. Love, Trevor

Dear Santa,

Ho, Ho, Ho! I like school and doing Reading Eggs. I wish I

could get a new movie called “Little Foot.” It is a dinosaur

movie. Little Foot has a lot of friends. I want a new remote

control shark. I saw it on TV and it is something scary. I

wish I get for Christmas a new toy light sword, and a new

Ironman costume. I think that’s all the things I want.



Dear Santa,

I want a special toy from you. I want a toy polar bear, and

I want a toy horsey. I want a new shirt for my pet bunny.

I love my pet bunny so much. Love, Kyla

Dear Santa,

I want a Baby Alive that walks. I want a real touch screen

phone. I want a lollipop maker that is kind of like an Easy

Bake Oven. I want a baby that I saw at Walmart. She

had a white outfit on ,and it got flowers on it. I want a

puppy for Christmas. I promise to take GOOD care of it. Love, J’Nya

Dear Santa,

I want a bear for Christmas. I want a duck too. Are your

reindeer okay? I hope I see you soon. Love, Kaitlin

Dear Santa,

Why does Mrs. Claus make cookies? Why does Rudolph paint toys? Please bring me the Wii Mario Bros. U. Please give Kristian a Blay Blay. Please give Kendall a new Barbie. Can you please give my mom a new table and my dad a camera?

Your friend, Carter

Dear Santa,

Why do you live at the North Pole? Why is your elf at the school?

My dad wants a new pen and new gun. My mom wants some pink bed sheets. I want a go-cart. Please can I have a playhouse to play school in? Love, Alyee

Dear Santa,

I like Rudolph. Please bring my mom a camera. Please give my dad a computer. I’d like a Blay Blay. Please bring a baby book for my baby sister. Why does Mrs. Claus make cookies for you? Love, Ryan

Dear Santa,

Why does Rudolph have to be in the front? Why are you so fat?

I want a play set for my Barbies. I think my mommy wants a bracelet. My dad likes to play soccer. Love, Asline

Dear Santa,

My mommy and daddy don’t want anything for Christmas.

I want a doll, a black one too. Please give me a cotton candy machine. You can make your own cotton candy.

My little sister wants a cartoon show toy. My big sister wants a new purse. Love, Takayah

Dear Santa,

I really want my own globe like my teacher’s. I want daddy to have a new DS cause he loves it! Mommy really likes a snow globe but not like mine, one that snows when you shake it. I want my sisters to have tablets. Love, Bayleigh

Dear Santa,

Why do you have to eat the cookies kids leave behind?

I want a baseball and bat. My sister wants a stuffed kitty. Please get mom a new set of lip gloss. Please get dad a camouflage hunting tent. Love, Cody

Dear Santa,

Why does Mrs. Santa give out candy canes?

I would like a real Chihuahua. Please give mom a necklace and bracelet. For dad, a coffee cup. One of my brothers wants a Blay Blay. The other wants a trophy. Love, Micaylah

Dear Santa,

May I please have Sky Lander’s Giants? I want to get Robbie a castle that has a giant, green ogre and red dragon. My mom likes a snow globe. Dad likes polar bears, so basically a polar bear shovel. Love, Brandon

Dear Santa,

My mom wants a toolbox. My dad wants a computer. My sister wants a Dream Light. I want a Butterfly Dream Light.

Why does Mrs. Santa make Christmas cookies? I love to take a picture with Santa.

Your friend, Daylin

Dear Santa,

Do you drink chocolate milk?

I want a Bat Cave with Batman and Robin and one elevator. I want a bad guy too. Mommy wants a box of rings. Daddy wants a machine gun. Alex wants some Power Ranger stuff. Drew wants a little gun. Love, Aiden

Dear Santa,

I want an ipad and a scooter. My mom wants a No Scrub. Daddy wants a computer .

Why do reindeer keep pushing you? Why did the elf come in our room at school?

Your friend, Kylea

Dear Santa,

I want a new camera for dad. For my mom, get her a new house. I want a DS and a cotton candy maker.

Why is your elf in our classroom? Why does he look like a doll? Love, Za’Vinci

Dear Santa,

I want a Barbie and my sissy wants a toy that is so crazy.

Mommy wants a flashlight and Daddy wants a toolbox.

Why is the elf so funny because he is going to our class? Love, Haley

Dear Santa,

What are the reindeers doing? I want a movie that is Star Wars. It is Star Wars, the Clone Wars. Please get mom a ring. Please bring my dad a Star Wars necklace. Love, Evan

Dear Santa,

I like you because you bring presents and your reindeer.

Please give me a Blay Blay, a helicopter and some cars.

Please give my mom a necklace. Am I on the naughty list?? I want to be on the good list. Love, Giovanni

Dear Santa,

I want to know how the elves have sharp ears.

I want a big, giant, Lego Sponge Bob and a Flying Dutchman ship. My mom likes perfume and dad likes guitar stuff. My cousin Ashlyn likes make-up and clothes. Love, Hayden

Dear Santa,

I love the presents you give me and I will love the space toy that I would get.

If I get a beautiful toy that would be great! Maybe like a princess toy.

I’ve been very good. I have been finishing all of my work from one to two to three and I have been doing all the patience I have. Love, Bailey

Dear Santa,

I like you. You are so sweet and you are nice. I would like a toy. I have been an angel.

I really would like an ironman toy. And I wanted to tell you that I like Rudolph ‘cause he is a helper and he has a red nose. Love, Rex

Dear Santa,

You are nice. You give me great toys. Thank you! Santa you are so nice you are going to get a present back from me.

Merry Christmas! From Braylon

Dear Santa,

I want a rocket ship from you. I have tried to be good.

Are your reindeer doing okay?

I like Comet. He is cool! I like his name too.

Merry Christmas from Vincent

Dear Santa,

I like your reindeers. They can really fly. I want a Hello Kitty stuffed animal if you think I have been good. I have been minding my mama and my teacher. You give me a lot of toys. Thank you. Love, Mackenzie

Dear Santa,

I like your little beard, it is long and white. I think it is funny when you laugh “Ho, Ho, Ho.”

Can I have a rocket ship for Christmas this year? My brother’s name is Chris. He has been pretty good, but sometimes he doesn’t.

I love you Santa, can I have a battle ship too? Love, Jesse

Dear Santa,

My mom wants a new car, you can pick out the color. And I want something else for me, a nerf gun. And a workshop for my dad. And that is for my uncle too. And my brother wants a nerf gun too. Dear Santa Claus, say hello to Mrs. Claus for us. Love, Ethan

Dear Santa Claus,

I have been a good girl. I hope you’ve been watching me. I sent a letter to you earlier.

I hope you got it. We are giving it to you.

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. I love you Santa Claus. Cadance

Dear Santa,

I love you Santa. You brought me the best toys last year. I want a Barbie and a box of crayons and a baby doll with a stroller. I have been good. I ‘ve been listening to my teacher. I love my teacher. She is the best teacher. Love, Neveah

Dear Santa,

I like to play with my friends too Santa, so I can be on his Santa list. He is my favorite, because I like Christmas the best. I been good and I been working at home. So I love Santa. Dear Santa. Love, Torrie

Dear Santa,

I forgot something I want for Christmas. It is a dream light. And I like all the gifts that you bring me, because they are so good. I wish for them so I know what to do with them.

Is Mrs. Claus doing okay? What are you getting her for Christmas? Love, Jenna

Dear Santa,

Why do you have a cherry nose? Why do you live in the North Pole? Isn’t it cold?

Why do you have a red suit? Why do your reindeer fly? Why do you have a sleigh?

What are you bringing for Christmas? Love, Marshal

Dear Santa,

I forgot to tell you about the Barbie toys and a cat. Please bring a cat.

I also forgot that mostly I wanted a dog to go with the cat. And a giraffe, if they have any at the North Pole. My letter is already in, but I just forgot some.

Rudolph is the best! How are all your reindeer?

Santa, you are good. I like you. Mrs. Claus is cute in her red dress. Love, Alexis

Dear Santa,

I love you Santa. I have tried to be really good this year. I love Mrs. Claus too. She is pretty.

Are you getting tired? Are the elves working too? Thank you for the toys and Merry Christmas. Love, Elijah

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I wish for a Spiderman Wii game. And I don’t have any Spiderman games for my Leap Pad.

I am being really, super duper good! Once I accidentally shot my Spiderman bullet into my eye with my web shooter. It is better now though.

I wish also for a cup holder for my bicycle, because I might get thirsty riding around. One time when I was riding back home my first time, I fell and I hit my knee. Ow, that hurts.

I don’t have a keyboard. When you plug it into the wall you can turn it way up to play it. Could I please have one of those? My cousin Easton in Georgia got one for Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you and Mrs. Claus. Love, Rylan

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find Sonic Knight, Wiiu Console, and Sonic under my tree. Love, Xavier

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a girl Lego set, Walk and Talk puppy, and a Butterscotch pony under my tree. Love, Summer

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a Mario Game for Wii, lunch box, and play money under my tree. Love, Serenity

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a soft hammer, a Toad toy From Super Mario, and rainbow bowling pins under my tree. Love, Robby

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a Barbie doll, cake pop maker, and Stompees under my tree. Love, Shyann

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find an Ipad, a computer, and a phone under my tree. Love, Lela

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a Kindle Fire, Lego Batman, and four wheeler under my tree. Love, Connor

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a dinosaur, a toy shark, and Legos under my tree. Love, Isaiah

Dear Santa,

I have been very gud this year. I would really like to find a car, a princess house, a book, and a castle under my tree. Love, Michelle

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a race car, a DS, and a playset under my tree. Love, Darin

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a Masouy Doles, GI Joe G, and Hello Kitty Dolls under my tree. Love, Sydney

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a motorcycle, a bike, and legos under my tree. Love, Esau’

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a car and toy truck under my tree. Love, Zachary

Dear Santa, Is Mrs. Claus baking cookies? I bet they’re good. What I want for Christmas is an Xbox and some more trash packs. I love you, Santa! Love, Easton

Dear Santa, How is Rudolph doing? How are the elves doing? I hope Mrs. Claus is doing O.K. I want an iPod. I wonder what the elves are making for the children and parents. I will leave you some cookies and milk. Love, Mercedes

Dear Santa, Is Mrs. Claus OK? Can I have a necklace and a doll house? Can I have a hamster? I love you! Skylar

Dear Santa, I want a remote control dog and I want another big dog and I want a remote control cat. Love, Caydence

Dear Santa, How are the elves doing? I want an Xbox please. Merry Christmas! From, Seth

Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? What I want for Christmas is an iPod touch and a cover for my iPod touch. I want a Nook and a cover for my Nook, a picture of you and Mrs. Claus. Love, Khloee

Dear Santa, Is Mrs. Claus OK? I want a cat and a book and a dog. I have been good. How are your reindeer? I hope you are not sick. From, Kambria

Dear Santa, I want a remote control ship and an Xbox and a bubble gum machine. From, Elyjah

Dear Santa, I wish I had an X-wing Star Fighter. Is Rudolph’s nose working? Love, Joshua

Dear Santa, Is Rudolph’s nose working? I want a Star Wars game. I want a race track. Love, Noah

Dear Santa, How are the elves doing? I want a real hamster. I want a Bible for Christmas and a Nook for Christmas. From, Cloe

Dear Santa, What do Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Comet and Vixen and Rudolph and Blitzen do? What are the elves’ names? I want an Xbox 360 and a Wii and sky lander giants and a new skateboard and a dog. From, Paxten

Dear Santa, How are the penguins? I want for Christmas sky lander giants, sky landers when sparked the dragonfly, a Bible and a cable. Love, Adam

Dear Santa, I want a teddy bear for me. Love, Tony

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am going to leave you some cookies. May I please have a doll and one of those big dollies and a new Monster High Radio and a new green Monster High Doll? May I please have a happy, bouncy puppy? Love, Laela

Dear Santa, I want a Star Wars book for Christmas, another Star Wars book, a Star Wars Game 2 and a Star Wars Game 1. From, Justin

Dear Santa, I want a pop gun, an iPad and I want shoes. I want board games. Love, Cory

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I have been good osoe bad too. Can I have a Barbie Guitar, Ipad, Make-up, Noow bike, jres-up things, and make the last oun a spries. Love, Lily

Dear Santa,

Hellow santa I kno you have been watching here is a list of things I want Ninjago set, new football, glow fish, Adventure time toy, Sonic and the allstar for playstation 2. Love, Elijah

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I cled the kichin I been very good. I wot a Ipad, password journal, Easy Bake oven for Christmas. Love, Kiera

Dear Santa,

I mist you frum last Christmas. I raymber (remember) wien(when) you gave me a xl but I wot a regrlr ds. wuat I wot for Christmas is a fyn (phone), a nrf gun with blis (bullets), a ulegrk cuwtr (electric scooter), and a gany pig and with a kage and sum food for the giny pig and sum budyn (bedding) for the giny pig olls a toy big car. Love, Brayden

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I can cen (clean) can you pes (please) git my a slide phone, and a my little pony doll. Love, Jessi

Dear Santa,

How have you been? Have I been good? can you plees get a 3DS game, clothes, a Lalaloopsy, Stompees, Lego friends, Books, Snow pjs, and a bike pless for Christmas. Love, Madison

Dear Santa,

How have you been? Iv been a gud grll. I wunt a uletrick (electric) sckootr, dansy (dance) clos, art stuff, trer (chair). Love, Jaycee

Dear Santa,

How have you been? Can I plese have a new bike, in a new ipad touch, in a new stuffed cat. And the rest to be a surprise. Love, Cherish

Dear Santa,

How have you been with the toys? I hope you are good. For Christmas I wloud (would) like a bopit smash, and Novistars. Love, Vanessa

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I’ve been very good. I helpd make cookies. I want a Mario Kart Wii Set, Lego Ninjago Faspvre truck, Iron man mask and Iron man blaster. Love, Liam

Dear Santa,

Haw yoow bin? I hav bin good I klen miy room I wot for Christmas is a furby and a dsi and a easy bak oven and a bik monster high dolls. Love, Taylor

Dear Santa,

I woted Soneick toys and lego batman tow Soneck and moreeyow (Mario) game andn spidr-man web soudr (shooter) and ligtnman (Lightening) Mqeen qack (track) set. Love, Jerod

Dear Santa,

Santa how have you been? So can I have this A 4 wheeler, a snake, a fishing kit a nrf gun plese. Football to Love, Thomas

Dear Santa,

I want a skateboard, a car set, a toy spider man, a toy transformer Love, Aiden

Trevor – I love you so much and I want a Samsum galecsy three (Samsung Galaxy 3). I want a dulucks (deluxe) q.47 aer saft gun (P.47 Air Soft Gun) and a monster track all arcad games, a 100 bucks, a sodu msheen and puzuls and a bunny and a pool and a campyouter (computer). Merry Christmas.

Mason – I wot a gine pig, a motahhlakotr (remote control helicopter), a dees (DSI), a fon (phone), a 4wwelr (four wheeler), any bik it has a kik sten.

Harmony – I want a bunny. A delxe housekeeping set. Monster high dolls, 1PS, girl books, Barbie dolls, a lps bike with training wheels and a lps helmet, a four wheel, a lps car, new pretty cloths, art stuff, popcorn maichen, ice maichen, ice cream machen, arcad games, soda maichen, a pony, a compret (computer), 100 bucks, or puzzles, air hockey, and bunny stuff, a phone, a 3ds with games.

JaQuavion – I want a toy and a another toy. I love you

Estrella – do you no that the randere like roodof the red nose randere? Do you know what I wunt? A I pod for Christmas, love you santa.

Landon – How or the randers and yur miz santa? Love you. Mere Christmas

Yasmin – I want for Christmas is a Barbie and a Barbie House and a Barbie room for it and some clothes and I love ur presetse.

Nick – haw do you mak the toys? How do you git uvr to my house?

Oscar – I want a roboot, a helak (helicopter) an a toy car.

Adin – haw is blisin and comet and dashr and desr? I love you and rodof.

Rachael – santa i like roodof, he is the dest. He shos you the way to tawns and cidys

Elizabeth– I want a dog and what do you do?

Mckenna – I wat a berbie dol. How is irats (reindeers). Thang for the pes (thanks for the presents).

Chasen – I wanent a dolr, a toy gun, and another bicke.

Dear Santa,

I am so happy that Christmas is around the corner. For Christmas I want a Furby. Last time one of the reindeer gave me a kiss on the cheek. I am hoping for a Barbie stocking. I really hope I get a iPad. Your Friend, Sophia

Dear Santa,

How is your wife? Is she okay? Does she have a cold? Are you okay? I want a DS game. It is called Mario Sticker Star. Your Friend, Louis

Dear Santa,

I want a toy horse and its name is Peanut Butterscotch. I want a tablet. What does Mrs. Claus do? How do you get to every ones house? How do your reindeers fly? You rock Santa! Your Friend, Aniya

Dear Santa,

I love Christmas Santa. It is fun. Santa can you bring me a Barbie house please? I want a Barbie. Your Friend, Brooke

Dear Santa,

I want a snake bite. How do you get down the chimney? How are your reindeer doing? Your Friend, Matthew

Dear Santa,

Me and my mom are giving you options about a tablet or a iPad. I want a Furby. I’m so excited. I would like a Barbie bike for Christmas. I love your reindeer. I know the names: Dasher, Dancer, and Comit, and Ceyoopit, Doner, and Vixsen. I want everything good. Your Friend, Ariana

Dear Santa,

I want my dad to be happy by my grades. I hope that I bring my grades up. Your Friend, Bobby

Dear Santa,

I wonder how you get to every house. You make fantastic toys! I love Santa. I want a Junie B. Jones book. Your Friend, Tessa

Dear Santa,

I am so excited about the Christmas coming up. I really would like a iPad. I want to no about Miss Claus. Can I have a make-up box? Your Friend, Sydnee

Dear Santa,

How does your reindeers fly? I want some zigtaps. Can I get a iPad? I want a new fishing pole. Can I get a remote control boat? Your Friend, Mikey

Dear Santa,

Thank you for giving me some toys and coming to my house. I want to see the reindeer. I am so happy because you love me and I love you! Your Friend, Lauren

Dear Santa,

I would like a pretty doll. I like to have a play set. I’m so excited that Christmas is coming. I was wondering how you get to the houses. I’m so excited about Christmas. Are you happy? I would like to have a iPad. Your Friend Adrianna

Dear Santa,

Can I have a real reindeer and an electric guitar? Can I have a iPad? I never get on the naughty list. Can we have 5,000 rabbits? Your Friend, Jacob

Dear Santa,

What’s going on in the North Pole? Do you really have a reindeer that’s name is Rudolph? But the thing I really would like is a iPhone 5. How is your wife Mrs. Claus? Is she good or is she bad? She’s probably good. You are really nice so thank you. Your Friend, Robert

Dear Santa,

Can I have two Bayblades named Cosmic Pegasis and Faglinglee One. Can your reindeer fly? Your Friend, Parker

Dear Santa,

How are the elves doing? How are you doing? Are you going to make it? Since I did chores, can I have a pair of slippers? Since I cleaned my room, can I have a pair of pants? And since I obeyed the rules, can I have a pair of tennis shoes? Can I get my mom a sweater? Can I get my dad shoes? Now can I get my friend a new tv? Love, Austyn

Dear Santa,

Have you been eating too many cookies? Are the reindeer getting away? Am I on the good list or on the bad list? I have helped by helping my brother clean the yard and cleaning the big room. I would like a ps3 if you make systems. My mom would like iPad wrapped into a present. My dad would like a tool set and my brother would like a new shirt. Love, Zachery

Dear Santa,

I’ve done chores at my house. I cleaned up my dogs’ puke and poop and pee. I want a Furby, stuffed animals, a ds game and more. And my mom will want jewelry and dad will want a flat screen tv and a king size bed. My brothers and sisters will want some clothes and for my brothers angry bird toys and truck. Ps. I also want a bow and arrow. From, Kayla

Dear Santa,

Can you bring me some toys because I cleaned my room and played with Graycee? I also obeyed mommy! If you can, I will want skylander giants, a pool, and Benten watch. So how is Rudolph? Is his nose glowing bright? How are the elves? Are they being good? How are you? Do you like your job? I heard you eat cookies you’re lucky! Love, Jacob

Dear Santa,

Can you say hi to Rudolph? Santa can I have an easy bake oven, Barbie doll, and Ken doll? Can you give mom an Elvis pillow and Dad a football key chain? Brody would like Fall out New Vegas 3. That’s all I want please. Love, Miranda

Dear Santa,

How did you enjoy your summer? How are you? How do your elves see us? Hey! I cleaned my room every day, and ate all my dinner, so can I have Lego monster fighters haunted house and can my mom have lip gloss? And can my dad have a key chain? And can my sister have a stuffed animal. Love, Brad

Dear Santa,

How are you doing this year? Can you get Laney and Raney a baby doll for Christmas? I hope you just drop them off at my house. I have been good at school. I never am bad at school. I hope you bring me presents. I have been good. I would like a foot massager and a baby doll for Laney and Raney and a blanket. Love, Skyler

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Santa Claus doing? How are the reindeer doing? I cleaned the dishes and helped her clean up the house and Santa I want for my dad a monster truck and a new broom for my mom. A new Barbie for my sister and a remote control car for my brother. Love, Corrie

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I was really good this year. Well, I helped watch my baby sister and feeding the dogs. Oh! I stayed on green mostly! Can you bring 3 bones-one in Dallas, the rest in Florida? And for me a Furby and Pokemon. Oh! And what I mostly wanted was the 4-headed dragon. Your friend, Jackson

Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer? I did my chores this year. I made good grades this year. I have been good this year. So I should get an American girl, a Kindle Fire, and slippers. For my Dad-he would like an arrow. For my mom a candle and for my brother, he will like a new video game. Love, Shelby

Dear Santa,

Hi! How are Rudolph and the elves? I have been nice to my brother so I would like an ipad with kids’ wifi. I would like for my brother—army men, mom-comfy slippers that she can wear anywhere and for my dad—shoes. Can I have one more toy? Well, I would like to have a mermaid that swims. Love, Jasmine

P.s. I would like Christmas cookies for when we go on vacation.

Dear Santa,

I wish you a Merry Christmas. I cleaned my room and washed the dishes and washed the car. I would like a reindeer and a Monster High doll. Please bring Mrs. Rogers a new projector and my grandma a new van!

Love, Angel

Dear Santa,

Hello Santa! I hope you have a nice Christmas. I need to tell you that I have been good. I helped my nana clean the backyard. I would like for you to bring me Lego Monster fighters, Lego police, Lego Indiana Jones, and Lego Creator. Would you please bring my mom something nice?

Love, Jameson

Dear Santa,

How are the elves doing? Are the reindeer doing well? Is Rudolph doing well? Is Mrs. Claus making toys for Santa? Have a good Christmas! I have been good this year. I did my chores this year. Would you please bring me legos and a wind blower? Can you bring mom and dad something too? They would like earrings and play station. Love, Nate

Dear Santa,

How are you doing Santa? Am I on the naughty list or the good list? What are the reindeers names? What are the elves up to? Are they watching us? I did the dishes and chores and cleaned my room. What I want for Christmas is an ipod, a skylanders giants case for my ipod, and a skylanders giants game for ps3. I also want a legobox filled with small legos and a dragon fire work. My mom wants slippers and dad a coat. Love, Jesse

Dear Santa,

How are the elves? Are they sleeping on the job? How is Mrs. Claus? Is she sick this week? I have been good this year. Can you get some learning stuff for my little sister Lylah? Is Lylah on the bad list or the good list? Am I on the bad list or the good list? Can you get me an Ipad for Christmas, the DS game My Little Pony, and Hello Kitty gloves (small)? Love, Lahna

Dear Santa,

How have you been doing? Can you ask Mrs. Claus if she can send me some of her chocolate chip cookies? Are the Elves working hard? Anyway, what I want for Christmas is: The Polk a Dot Box at Wal Mart that has a key and a lock, more makeup, a puppy, Karaoke machine with two microphones and all the One Direction Dolls. I have been good this year. Your friend, Kaylah

Dear Santa,

Are the elves working hard? How is Rudolph? Is he ready to fly? Are you doing good? How is Mrs. Claus? Is she doing good? I would like a Batman the Dark Night Action Figure, a Joker Action Figure and a Spiderman action and a Captain America Action Figure. Your Friend, J.P.

Dear Santa,

How are your reindeer? Is Rudolph ready for the big night? Are you ready for the big night, too? How do you deliver toys around the world in one night? I have been good and I want a green gun, a Lego Star Wars set, an Xbox 360 , a Wii, and some Halo Mega Bloks. Your friend, Gabriel

Dear Santa,

How is Rudolph? Is he ready? How are you and Mrs. Claus? Are the reindeer ready? Is the sleigh ready? Please bring me a PSP and a guinea pig. Your friend, Gunner

Dear Santa,

How have you been? How are Mrs. Claus and the reindeer? I would like an American doll with pink glasses, a Kindle Fire, and a baby pig. Thank you for being a good Saint Nick. I have been good this year. I am going to save you some cookies with milk and the reindeer some food and water. Your friend, Caitlyn

Dear Santa,

How have you been since last Christmas? How is Rudolph? Is he ready to fly? I have been good. Please bring me a puppy, a Razor Rider 360, a PSP, iphone 5, and a clock. I will leave Rudolph a carrot and water, and you some cookies and milk. Your friend, Donavin

Dear Santa,

How have you been since last Christmas? Are the Elves working hard? I have been good. Please bring me a PSP, a phone, a DSI, and Legos. I will leave you cookies and milk. Your friend, Isaac

Dear Santa,

How have you been? How is Rudolph? Is he going to lead the sleigh this Christmas? I have been good. Please bring me a DSI and a four wheeler. I will leave you some cookies and milk. Your friend, Keenan

Dear Santa,

How have you been since last Christmas? How is Mrs. Claus? I have been good. Can you please bring me a Littlest Pet Shop, a Barbie car, a real kitten, a new Lalaloopsy doll, and a puppy? I am thankful for what you bring me. Your friend, Lona

Dear Santa,

Are your reindeer ready for the big night? How is Rudolph? I have been good. Please bring me a Gunship, Lego Arc 1 – 70 Star Fighter, Lego Star Wars 3 game, a pack of Clones, and a remote control helicopter. Your friend, Michael

Dear Santa,

I have been good all year. How is Rudolph and the other reindeer? I hope they are ready for the big night. Please bring me an X – Box 360, a remote control motor airplane and a Wii. Your friend, Jamar

Dear Santa,

How have you been since last Christmas? I have been good. Please bring me a Monster High camera, a Nintendo Wii, a Hello Kitty bike, a jump rope, and finger nail kit. Your friend, Samajah

Dear Santa,

How have you been since last year? Are your reindeer ready to fly? I have been good. Can you please bring me some toys for Christmas? Your friend, Aubrey

Dear Santa,

How are Mrs. Claus and Rudolph doing? Is Rudolph ready to fly for the big night? How are you this year Santa? I want an ipod, a password journal, and a phone for Christmas. Your friend, Isis

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Claus? Are the Elves working hard? Are your reindeer ready for the big night? I have been good this year. I would like an iphone 4, a guinea pig, a 3DS, makeup, Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days, ipod, ipad, a baby pit bull, and five gold rings. Your friend, Layla

Dear Santa,

How is Mrs. Claus and Rudolph? Is Rudolph ready to take off? Are the other reindeer ready too? Do you have all the toys ready? Have the elves been working hard? Is Rudolph ready to light that nose and to lead the way? Please bring me some toys for Christmas. Your friend, Kendell

Dear Santa,

How have you been since last Christmas? Are the elves working hard? How is Rudolph? Is he ready to fly? Please bring me a Lalaloopsy mermaid doll, a big tablet, 5 Novistars dolls, and Moxie Girls Mermaid doll. I will leave you some oatmeal cookies and the reindeer some water and carrots. Your friend, Dade

Dear Santa,

I like your ranedear ekspeshly roodoff. How did you get your magik. I walnt a four wheeler. Oh befour I finish the letter I walnt to no how your ranedear fly. Love, Alise

Dear Santa,

How did you get magic and raindeer Santa. Can I have a new bike and a new scooter please Santa. Love, Tyler

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year, I helped my sister take care of her friends baby. I also helped out my sister unload the dishwasher. Santa, would you please get me Ninjago, Lego Avengers, and Super Mario Brothers 2. Your Friend, Carson

Dear Santa,

I like you and all your raindeer especially Rudolf The red nose raindeer. I want books, toys, and family. I have been a good gril. I want to see Ms. claws and you. P.S. Merry Cristmas to all. Love, Aryanah

Dear Santa,

I have been an amazing boy this year. Your amazing to me. Now I want to ask you qestins. Can I pleas have a gote cart, and a DSi From, Hayden

Dear Santa,

How aer you doing I hope that you get a presin. I have ben good. For crismas I what Aassns III games for Xbox and Brav for Xbox and 3 DS and Books. Love, James

Dear Santa Claus,

How do your raindeer fly? There’s one little thing I want for Christmas, and that’s to see you live. I’ed like to see Roudof too, or another raindeer. How do you make it around the world in one night? Your friend, Julian

Dear Santa,

I like your dears and I wut for Christmas is a gocor and a bik and a toy Santa and a NFL football game and a hot wil car. I like Christmas. by, JaTerion

Dear Santa,

I been a sweet girl. Thik you for thet note you gave me last year. You are relly nice. I like your sote it is nice. I want a lot of toys. Mary Crismis. Love, Tiffany

Dear Santa,

I wot to no how the riandear fliy? how do you bild the toys in one day? I triy to be good I do my homework I love you are the best. I wot four Christmas is a ipad, phone, cputer that’s it. Best bud, Paige

Dear Santa,

My whole family has ben good. this year. I do not complain about chores any more. I just say in my mind do your chore. I got to play the xbox. I want only call of duty black ops two. Love, Nolan

Dear Santa,

I want a baby doll that can eat, drink, and talk, and some polly pkets, and a Happy napper oh before I rap up the sentence how do you and the tooth fairy have magic. Love, Skya

Dear Santa,

I have been a great boy. And I have a few questions. Frste how do you know if we children have been nottee or nice. Nexs question how did you getn so big. Now hers wate I want a bouncy haws with a slide, a wii with a few games. Your friend, Haden

Dear Santa,

How do you get to every house in the world. What magic do you use on the raindeer. I want a electric scooter for chirstmas. I seen the elf on the shelf. Santa are the elf on the shelf wathing evry body. Do the elf jump on you. I hope I get my present. I love you Santa. Love, LaRianna

Dear Santa,

I was so good this year. Me and my sister want clothes, toy houses, and my sister wants a pote chair, and I want a beautiful ringbow wig. for Christmas. I need to ask you some quechin how old are you. Love, Grace

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I hope everything is going well. I have been good this year. Could you please bring me an I-pad tablet, a bike, basketball goal, a puppy, a horse, a basketball, a cat, two toy guns, a journal, a coloring book, a real b b gun, a bake oven, and a bunch of candy? Happy Christmas!! Your friend, Kylan

Dear Santa,

How are you? I hope you are ready to take off to deliver toys to all the good girls and boys. I really want for Christmas is an I-pad touch, I-phone, and sparkle statue. How are you elves doing? Santa I hope you aren’t too busy to read my note. Your friend, Averee

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I hope everything is awesome. I have been good this year. Could you please bring me an I-pad tablet, and I-pod, and a cell phone for my sister. I would also like a computer, toy gun, forlast is beaten the new game. I will leave a plate of cookies for you and milk. Happy New Year! Your friend, Jose

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I hope everything is going well. I have been good this year. Could you please bring me an I-pad, I-pod, and lots of things. I want a little puppy ,furby, new clothes, a Barbie house. I will leave you some milk and cookies. Your friend, Kendall

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I hope everything is going well. Tim, my elf is so cute! I have been good. Are Rudolph and Mrs. Claus doing well? I’ll leave you some cookies and the reindeer some carrots. May you please give me the I-pad? Your friend, Kristian

Dear Santa,

How has your year been? I hope you and Mrs. Claus are having a great time at the North Pole. For Christmas I want an I-pad, a puppy, some new clothes, a digit, furby, an ultimate ez bake oven, and a big fluffy dress. I will leave you some cookies and milk. Your friend, Carrie

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I think you give the best presents ever. We love you! My sister is ten. I want a cotton candy maker, ez bake oven, cookie maker and a baby. I hope you have a safe trip. Your friend, Versailles

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I hope everything is going well. I have been good this year. Could you please bring me a bike, I-pad mini, 3DS, money, a robot, cars, knex, a cord for my xbox, legos, and Star War legos? I hope you have a safe trip. Your friend, Joshua

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I hope Mrs. Claus and the reindeer are doing well. I know it is very cold up there. They will love it down her in Crestview because it is not that cold down here. How is Rudolph doing? I hope no one is picking on him anymore. I have been good this year so can I please have an I-pad, a picture of a farm day, a big bag of candy, a picture of the North Pole, and a journal? Now you know what I want for Christmas! Have a safe trip. Your friend, Brooklyn

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I hope you are doing great! I would like red tablet, Monster High dolls, mermaids, ez bake oven, and some make up (two boxes that I saw at Wal Mart). I hope you have a safe trip. Your friend, C.J.

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I hope everything is going well. Is Mrs. Claus doing well? Is Rudolph doing well? Is the North Pole very cold? If it is tell me on Christmas. I would like some Monster High dolls, a puppy, an I-pad, and a new puppy. I will leave you some milk and cookies by the tree. I hope you have a safe trip! Your friend, Elizabeth

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I hope everything is going well with Mrs. Claus and the elves. Could you please bring me an I-pad, a puppy, an ultimate ez bake oven a journal, and some costumes? I will leave Rudolph some carrots and you some milk and cookies. Your friend, Brittany

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I hope everything is going well. I have been good this year. Could you please bring me an I-pad tablet, cars, some new clothes, Xbox 360, electric dirt bike, and Bama back? I will leave you some milk and cookies by the tree. Merry Christmas!! Your friend, Cullen

Dear Santa,

How have the reindeer been? I hope Rudolph is feeling good. I want an I-pad, a play gun, and a phone for Christmas. I really want a 92 inch flat screen t.v.

I hope you have a safe trip. Your friend, Avery

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I hope everything is going well. I have been good this year. Could you please bring me a 3DS Xland, love for my family, and an I-pad. I will set the cookies for you next to the Christmas tree. I hope you have a nice, safe rid. Your friend, James

Dear Santa,

How have you been this year? I hope you and Mrs. Claus had a great year! I know it is very cold at the North Pole. I hope you have a warm trip. I would like an I-pad, Star War Legos, and some toys for my little brother. Merry Christmas! Your friend, Ethan

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? May I have a yipit, snow globe, Furbby and 3DS? Could you bring me a Barbie Princess, Barbie car, Scribblish, and Sponge bob Square Pants game? I would like a fijit pet, too. How about the poor people get presents, too, please! Is Rudolph OK? Are all the reindeer OK? Your friend, Norah

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Claus feeling? May I have an iPod, an American Girl and four pairs of earrings? Can I have a Baby Alive and some Christmas socks and some make-up would be nice. Could I have some Barbies and some Barbie clothes? I would like some Justes clothes and shoes for me and some puppy’s clothes for Xeana. I need an iPod charger and a case. I would like a Furbby stroller for the Baby Alive and the play set. Thank you for everything. Love, Sierra

Dear Claus Family,

How are you doing? Can you bring me a pony, a Monster High doll and Dork Your Diary? Also I would like you to bring me a purse, a peace dress, and new clothes. May I have a scarf, hat, and a jacket and a helmet for my bike? Please can you get me a Lalaloopsy, Diary of a Wimpy Kid book, and new shoes? I love you Claus family! Your friend, Baylee

Dear St. Nicholas,

I’d like a remote controlled helicopter spy kit, Fisher Price construction site, a radio controlled car and a radio controlled helidrive. Can you bring me The Avengers dress up kit, Lightning McQueen micro drifter, and the dark knight rises with Batman? May I have Blackopps II, Santa? Love, Trevor

Dear Santa,

How are you and the elves doing? Thank you for my bike you gave me last year. Can you please bring my sister a Brat doll and a figit? Can you please bring me a Furbby, Hello Kitty pillow and a phone? Love, Davonya

Dear Santa and the Elves,

May I have an iPod, please? I would like a power scooter and an xbox360 game, too. I will be fun to have an Xbox 360. Love, Karson

Dear Santa and the Elves,

May I have a bay blade? Can I have a bay blade stadium? Can I get a bay wheel destroyer dome?

Are you doing well? Are you ready for Christmas Eve? Your buddy, Andrew

Dear Santa Claus,

May I have Legos and a Spiderman toy? Can I have a Bionical and an iPod? Your friend, Nicholas

Dear Claus Family,

How is Rudolph doing? Do your elves know how to make a Bay blade, Mario wii games, Legos, and Pokémon cards? Also can you get 2 wii controllers? Best wishes, Adam

P.S. How many materials do your elves have to make toys?

Dear Santa and the Elves,

My Christmas wish is . . . to be with my daddy, mommy, my sister, my Grandma Burf and my dog, Dixie. My Christmas wish is to have a great Christmas. Especially for the kids with their parents overseas. I hope they get to spend Christmas with their loved ones and open their presents! Can you please bring me Furbby and Bratz? Your friend, Adrienne

Dear Claus Family,

Santa, this year I would like a Brawling buddy and a fishing pole. I would also like a flute, slippers, and a LSU poster. The last thing I would like is a bow and arrow. I have been good this year and I am working hard in school. Don’t forget to go on a test flight with the reindeers! Best wishes, Connor

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? May I have PS3, WWE Brawlin’ Buddy, Skylanders Giants for the wii and Skylanders. Love, Warren

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? May I please have Lego Spiderman, the Power Attack Bat Mobile, a new bicycle, and the Black Spiderman toy? Dressing up my dog in your suit is a family tradition. Thank you! Love, Alex

P.S. The bicycle has to have training wheels.

Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer doing? May I have Just Dance 4 & 2, a Bean Bag Chair, Video Camera, Draw & Chalkboard, and a keyboard? Have a good Christmas! Sincerely, Riley

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Claus,

How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? Are the reindeer ready to fly on Christmas Eve? Would you please bring me Monster High dolls, Barbie dolls, and a Kindle Fire? Can you bring my sister a Nintendo D.S., paints, and an easel? I would really like a Nintendo D.S., too. I wish you a Merry Christmas! Love, Alice

Dear Santa,

How are you doing today? I’ve been waiting for December to come. This year can you bring me three Kirby Plushes and Kirby Returns to Dreamland? Santa, you can land on my rofe because my rofe is made out of steal. Please put my four gifts under the snowy tree. I hope you fly back to the North Pole safely. Your friend, Machai N.

Dear Santa,

How are you doing today? I hope the elves are doing well to and I hope you have a good flight here. I am tring to be a good girl by saying please and thank you. This year can you bring me a heart necklace to share with someone and a T.V. for my room? Please bring a bunny for my sister and brother. I made some special cookies for you. I will put them on the table. Maybe you can share them with Mrs. Claus! Your friend, Grace S.

Dear Santa,

How is Rudolph doing? I have ben helping my mom clean the house. Please bring my mom juelry because she likes sparkly things. I want an electric bull dosser that I can drive, a computer, and a Mario Brothers Ds game. I will leave milk and cookies out for you. Your friend, Trevor H.

Dear Mr. Claus,

Do you take vacations? You should! I have been good this season and the other 3 seasons because I have done my chors. Could you please bring me Deestrours, 2 red and 2 blue, with an Xbox 360, and Halo 1,2,3, or 4. Oh, can you bring me Skylanders Giants to? Have a holly jolly Christmas! Your friend, Jake E.

Dear Santa,

I hope the elves aren’t sleeping on the job! I think I’m on the good list of all the names because I treat others the way I want to be treated. For Chrismas I want a controller for my Xbox 360. Please bring a movee for my brother. Your friend, Sam D.

Dear Santa,

I hope you have a good rest for the flight! I have tried to be a good girl this year by saying please and thank you! Can you please give me a June B. Jones book and 3D chalk? Would you please give my moma a necklis becas she loves necklises? Your friend, Jayde B.

Dear Santa,

I tried to be good this year by helping my brother clean up his room. Please bring me an I Pod Touch so I can play games on it. I will leave milk and cookies out for you. Love, Madison B.

Dear Santa,

What do you do when it isn’t Christmas? I have tried to be good this year by helping Trevor when he had a hert leg. So can I please have a Flash Rider? Can you get my brother a dance game? Your friend, Robby K.

Dear Santa,

I hope you are well rested to deliver all the presents! I’ve been a good little girl and I make straight A’s every year. I really want a dog named Sugar Rush! My brother and I say thanks for the hard work. It must be exausting flying 24 straight hours! Sincerely, Maziah D.

Dear Santa,

What do you do when it’s not Christmas? I have been good this year by being nice. I would love it if you would bring me a Wii game and a waterproof camera! Can you pleas bring my sister some earrings becaus I love her! Love, Emma L.

Dear Santa,

I hope you have a good flite. I think I should be put on the good list because I’m nice to my brother and to the people in my school. Here are 3 things I would like for Christmas: a waterproof camera (Could you please take a picture of you and the deer with it?), a police girl outfit and a trampalean. Happy Holidays! From, Madison D.

Dear Santa,

Am I on the good list or the bad list? I have helped out at home taking care of my sister and bruther. I would like a computer. I hope your ranedeer do not get sick befor Christmas! Your friend, Aidan B.

Dear Santa,

I now that you are bisy but I have a question. How do you do it in one night? I have tried to be good this year by being sweet. This year could you bring me a Kindl Fire? Don’t land so hard on my roof this year because we had to fix the leak in the ceiling last year! Love, Alyson S.

Dear Santa,

I hope the raindeer are helthy and redy to fliy to all the houses. I help my sister wen she is hurt. Can you bring me a 3DSXL game Santa? I will leve cookies and milk for you. Love, Ivan A.

Dear Santa,

Do the elvs have all the toys rede for the children in the world? I hope I’m on the nice list because I help people, I am friendly, and I say thank you. Can I ask you to give me a ATV Lazer Tag, a Lazer Tag, and a PSP Vita? Can you please bring my bruther, Kamrin, a skatbord? Merry Christmas! Your friend, Augustine C.

Dear Santa,

Do you take vacations? I have been good this year. I hope your elves make me a lot of presents! I want a kindle fire and a DS. Can you take my presents to Boston? I will be there with my family. I am going to make you the best cookies and milk ever! But don’t spill the milk on the floor! Your friend, Makayla C.

Dear Santa,

How are you and the elfs doing? I have been good. I help my mom with the baby and I say good things to others. I want a DS, a Xbox, shoes, clothes, a scooter, a Pillow Pet, and I Pad, and a 3DS. Can I be an elf to help you get ready for Christmas next year? Love, Amilianna C.

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find Sonic Knight, Wiiu Console, and Sonic under my tree. Love, Xavier

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a girl Lego set, Walk and Talk puppy, and a Butterscotch pony under my tree. Love, Summer

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a Mario Game for Wii, lunch box, and play money under my tree. Love, Serenity

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a soft hammer, a Toad toy From Super Mario, and rainbow bowling pins under my tree. Love, Robby

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a Barbie doll, cake pop maker, and Stompees under my tree. Love, Shyann

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find an Ipad, a computer, and a phone under my tree. Love, Lela

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a Kindle Fire, Lego Batman, and four wheeler under my tree. Love, Connor

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a dinosaur, a toy shark, and Legos under my tree. Love, Isaiah

Dear Santa,

I have been very gud this year. I would really like to find a car, a princess house, a book, and a castle under my tree. Love, Michelle

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a race car, a DS, and a playset under my tree. Love, Darin

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a Masouy Doles, GI Joe G, and Hello Kitty Dolls under my tree. Love, Sydney

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a motorcycle, a bike, and legos under my tree. Love, Esau’

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I would really like to find a car and toy truck under my tree. Love, Zachary

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I have been good osoe bad too. Can I have a Barbie Guitar, Ipad, Make-up, Noow bike, jres-up things, and make the last oun a spries. Love, Lily

Dear Santa,

Hellow santa I kno you have been watching here is a list of things I want Ninjago set, new football, glow fish, Adventure time toy, Sonic and the allstar for playstation 2. Love, Elijah

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I cled the kichin I been very good. I wot a Ipad, password journal, Easy Bake oven for Christmas. Love, Kiera

Dear Santa,

I mist you frum last Christmas. I raymber (remember) wien(when) you gave me a xl but I wot a regrlr ds. wuat I wot for Christmas is a fyn (phone), a nrf gun with blis (bullets), a ulegrk cuwtr (electric scooter), and a gany pig and with a kage and sum food for the giny pig and sum budyn (bedding) for the giny pig olls a toy big car. Love, Brayden

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I can cen (clean) can you pes (please) git my a slide phone, and a my little pony doll. Love, Jessi

Dear Santa,

How have you been? Have I been good? can you plees get a 3DS game, clothes, a Lalaloopsy, Stompees, Lego friends, Books, Snow pjs, and a bike pless for Christmas. Love, Madison

Dear Santa,

How have you been? Iv been a gud grll. I wunt a uletrick (electric) sckootr, dansy (dance) clos, art stuff, trer (chair). Love, Jaycee

Dear Santa,

How have you been? Can I plese have a new bike, in a new ipad touch, in a new stuffed cat. And the rest to be a surprise. Love, Cherish

Dear Santa,

How have you been with the toys? I hope you are good. For Christmas I wloud (would) like a bopit smash, and Novistars. Love, Vanessa

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I’ve been very good. I helpd make cookies. I want a Mario Kart Wii Set, Lego Ninjago Faspvre truck, Iron man mask and Iron man blaster. Love, Liam

Dear Santa,

Haw yoow bin? I hav bin good I klen miy room I wot for Christmas is a furby and a dsi and a easy bak oven and a bik monster high dolls. Love, Taylor

Dear Santa,

I woted Soneick toys and lego batman tow Soneck and moreeyow (Mario) game andn spidr-man web soudr (shooter) and ligtnman (Lightening) Mqeen qack (track) set. Love, Jerod

Dear Santa,

Santa how have you been? So can I have this A 4 wheeler, a snake, a fishing kit a nrf gun plese. Football to Love, Thomas

Dear Santa,

I want a skateboard, a car set, a toy spider man, a toy transformer Love, Aiden

Dear Santa,

I like your ranedear ekspeshly roodoff. How did you get your magik. I walnt a four wheeler. Oh befour I finish the letter I walnt to no how your ranedear fly. Love, Alise

Dear Santa,

How did you get magic and raindeer Santa. Can I have a new bike and a new scooter please Santa. Love, Tyler

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year, I helped my sister take care of her friends baby. I also helped out my sister unload the dishwasher. Santa, would you please get me Ninjago, Lego Avengers, and Super Mario Brothers 2. Your Friend, Carson

Dear Santa,

I like you and all your raindeer especially Rudolf The red nose raindeer. I want books, toys, and family. I have been a good gril. I want to see Ms. claws and you. P.S. Merry Cristmas to all. Love, Aryanah

Dear Santa,

I have been an amazing boy this year. Your amazing to me. Now I want to ask you qestins. Can I pleas have a gote cart, and a DSi From, Hayden

Dear Santa,

How aer you doing I hope that you get a presin. I have ben good. For crismas I what Aassns III games for Xbox and Brav for Xbox and 3 DS and Books. Love, James

Dear Santa Claus,

How do your raindeer fly? There’s one little thing I want for Christmas, and that’s to see you live. I’ed like to see Roudof too, or another raindeer. How do you make it around the world in one night? Your friend, Julian

Dear Santa,

I like your dears and I wut for Christmas is a gocor and a bik and a toy Santa and a NFL football game and a hot wil car. I like Christmas. by, JaTerion

Dear Santa,

I been a sweet girl. Thik you for thet note you gave me last year. You are relly nice. I like your sote it is nice. I want a lot of toys. Mary Crismis. Love, Tiffany

Dear Santa,

I wot to no how the riandear fliy? how do you bild the toys in one day? I triy to be good I do my homework I love you are the best. I wot four Christmas is a ipad, phone, cputer that’s it. Best bud, Paige

Dear Santa,

My whole family has ben good. this year. I do not complain about chores any more. I just say in my mind do your chore. I got to play the xbox. I want only call of duty black ops two. Love, Nolan

Dear Santa,

I want a baby doll that can eat, drink, and talk, and some polly pkets, and a Happy napper oh before I rap up the sentence how do you and the tooth fairy have magic. Love, Skya

Dear Santa,

I have been a great boy. And I have a few questions. Frste how do you know if we children have been nottee or nice. Nexs question how did you getn so big. Now hers wate I want a bouncy haws with a slide, a wii with a few games. Your friend, Haden

Dear Santa,

How do you get to every house in the world. What magic do you use on the raindeer. I want a electric scooter for chirstmas. I seen the elf on the shelf. Santa are the elf on the shelf wathing evry body. Do the elf jump on you. I hope I get my present. I love you Santa. Love, LaRianna

Dear Santa,

I was so good this year. Me and my sister want clothes, toy houses, and my sister wants a pote chair, and I want a beautiful ringbow wig. for Christmas. I need to ask you some quechin how old are you. Love, Grace

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: North county letters to Santa Claus