Commissioners drop discussion of chief's removal until further notice

CRESTVIEW — The North Okaloosa Fire District board of commissioners will delay considering the fire chief's removal until the board's attorney has more information.

In an October meeting, commissioners asked NOFD Jonathan Holloway to seek the state attorney general’s office input on revising a department-wide disciplinary policy.

The issue arose when commissioners were unclear of the department’s disciplinary structure.

"There isn't a specified structure for disciplining the chief; we also didn't have one with the office administration," Commissioner Craig Shaw said.

Commissioner Todd McGirr at the NOFD's Thursday meeting asked why the policy was needed.

"Why would we want a policy when it is our decision anyway?" McGirr said.

Craig assured him that other policies would be considered soon.

Holloway said he had only recently sent a memorandum stating the situation and said the office was looking into the matter.  

Holloway said he should receive a response within the next 30 days.

 Agenda items involving the disciplinary policy and the chief's removal were then motioned by Commissioner Craig Shaw and unanimously passed by the board.

With new commissioners McGirr and Rollin Rathbun, the board started the meeting by voting in new positions. McGirr, who defeated Franklin Sauls in the September election, was voted in as treasurer. Craig Shaw, the previous treasurer, was voted in as chair. Willie Terrell was voted in vice chair and Dan Bowers Jr. was voted in as secretary.

At the end of the meeting, Bowers made a motion to help the district save money.

"I make a motion for the board members to be treated as non-employees in regards to their stipend," Bowers said. 

All the commissioners agreed, passing the motion unanimously.

Bowers explained that each commissioner would save the district money by paying the taxes from their stipends. Each commissioner makes $250 a month. 

"It's not a lot of money, but it's enough that can go back into the department," Bowers said.  

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Contact News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbMatthew.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Commissioners drop discussion of chief's removal until further notice