CHECK IT OUT: Opposing views database available

American speculative fiction writer Harlan Ellison once said, "You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant."

So how do you become informed about the many sides of today's issues?

The library now provides Opposing Viewpoints in Context, an electronic resource you will want to check out.

From immigration and stem cells to texting while driving and fracking, Opposing Viewpoints in Context delivers more than 13,000 pro and con views and thousands more topic overviews, biographies and profiles.

This content helps you understand and evaluate hot topics, whether for homework help or lifelong learning and information literacy.

Also included are video, podcasts and streaming audio, image galleries, national and global news sources, and interactive maps.

Go to the library home page,, and take five minutes to watch the guided video tutorials and read more.

Our world is full of issues — explore all the sides.

Sandra Dreaden is the Crestview Public Library's reference librarian.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CHECK IT OUT: Opposing views database available