LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Speak to officials about road conditions

They say the squeaking wheel gets the grease, so I think it is high time the citizens of Crestview and the north end of the county start squeaking and calling their commissioners about the north end’s road conditions. 

I am all for a 3- to 5-cent gas tax if all proceeds go toward fixing roads, mostly in the north end. This is the only way— and probably the fairest way— to get the work done.

P.J. Adams and Antioch roads, among the heaviest traveled roads in the county, have not been resurfaced for over 20 years.  There are patches on top of patches, and this cannot continue for another 15 years as the traffic gets heavier and heavier. 

New subdivisions along Old Bethel Road and near Baker have caused a large increase in traffic.

We have dirt roads leading to new schools, schools with no sidewalks, subdivisions with no sidewalks, and a city with few sidewalks. Every new subdivison should be required to have sidewalks on every street. 

There are roads around the airport that require attention if we ever want to make that area a first class airport and industrial park.

We have two county commissioners in the north end, Mr. Wayne Harris and Mr. Nathan Boyles — both fine, hard working gentlemen.  Let them know your concerns, give them your suggestions for improving the north end’s road conditions.

Don't just sit there and complain; that doesn't accomplish anything. 

Citizens of Crestview should contact their city council members and pass suggestions and recommendations to them. And stay on them.

It is the only way work will be accomplished. Just remember the squeaking wheel — or in our case, the squeaking “hub.”

What's your view? Email news@crestviewbulletin.com with the subject "Letter." Letters must be 250 words or less and written on local issues.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Speak to officials about road conditions