LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Choose life, not prison — don't drink and drive

For Crestview High School seniors, the quintessential moment in a teenager’s life is finally here: graduation! The symbolic turn of the page: one chapter closes, and a new one begins.

The future belongs to those who believe in transforming dreams into realities: you!

It's been said that wisdom is the ability to anticipate consequences. Never before has the use of good judgment been so imperative. A single decision possesses the power to determine your destiny.

I watched as every single hope and dream I had vanished in an instant, all from a decision I never should have made.

I drove drunk and I killed someone.

This is a nightmare I will neverawaken from. For the next decade of my life, I will call prison my home, but long after this ends, I will live with the reality of taking a life, and devastating many others.

Seniors: You have a world of opportunity at your fingertips. Your destiny doesn't have to end up like mine.

Driving under the influence is like making a reservation at the restaurant serving consequences.

Decide now to choose happiness and prosperity, instead of prison and heartache.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Choose life, not prison — don't drink and drive