LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Let’s spend money in Crestview, not elsewhere

Dear editor,

I am the wife of a 7th Special Forces Group soldier. We have lived here in Crestview for two years and have decided to retire here.

This thought may change due to the lack of convenient shopping.

It is sad and embarrassing that we have to drive 30 miles to get decent shopping accomplished.

Don’t get me wrong, we are all about supporting our small local businesses such as The Tropical Café, Good Things Donut Shop, Journey Java, etc.

However, it would definitely help to have other options.

There is absolutely no entertainment for the youth. My son is 11 years old and enjoys baseball. He has participated in the city baseball league, but during off season, we have to drive him to another town because Crestview doesn’t even have a batting cage. 

As a homeowner, taxpayer and citizen of Crestview, I would much rather spend my money in my city, than drive 30-40 miles and spend it somewhere else.

These are my thoughts and the thoughts of many military families that have relocated to this city that has the potential to be better.

Doryann Evans, Crestview

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Let’s spend money in Crestview, not elsewhere