LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Demanding apology is waste of time

Dear editor,

After reading Mr. Blocker's response to Mr. Sayers’ column, I had to wonder why Mr. Blocker is so upset about this man's opinions and speculations. I started wondering if there might be an ounce of truth in Mr. Sayers' column.

Mr. Blocker, why are you wasting your time demanding an apology from someone who is upset with the management of his city for the past 25 years?

Would not the better use of your time be to look at the column and address the issues raised that would change this citizen's — and maybe many others’ — opinion?

Should you not try to make the city council look good? 

Your reaction to this citizen's legitimate gripe, in my humblest opinion, was childish. Should you not ask yourself, why the other four city council members did not respond to Mr. Sayers in a public forum?

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor.


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Demanding apology is waste of time