Crestview Photography club aims to nurture talent, challenge members

Crestview Photo Club secretary Steve Maloney instructs members on the board election process during the group’s inaugural meeting on Monday at the Crestview Public Library. At right are vice president Terry Maloney, president Mira Crisp, photo challenge coordinator Mike Lane, club members Mark Bean and Cathy Justice and trips coordinator Derl Justice.

CRESTVIEW — Steve Duke rates himself a five, but he wants to be an eight or nine.

The Shalimar resident and amateur photographer says he’d like his photography skills to reach professional standards.

"Photography is important as a hobby," he said. "It’s recording historical events … like taking pictures of children."

The south county resident — who wants to improve his composing techniques and receive training in computer photo editing programs like Adobe Lightroom — believes the newly formed Crestview Photo Club can help with all of the above.

Nearly 20 amateur photographers gathered Monday at the Crestview Public Library to select a club president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, trips coordinator, social media coordinator and photo challenge coordinator.

"It's a great starting point," said vice president Terry Maloney, who started the club with president-elect Mira Crisp. "We got a lot of things planned; we got a lot of great input."

Plans include possible trips, regularly setting photo challenge assignments and compiling a list of photographers willing to volunteer their services to the community.

Crestview resident Sherrie Fountain — elected as social media coordinator — said the club interested her because photography has been a hobby since her days as a Baker School student.

"I always wander off and take pictures," she said.  

She enjoys photographing historical architecture, and anticipates the Crestview Photo Club’s assignments.

The first is to capture natural photos of birds.

Want to go?

What:  Crestview Photo Club regular meetings

When: 6 p.m., second Mondays

 Where: Crestview Public Library, 1445 Commerce Drive

Contact News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbMatthew.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview Photography club aims to nurture talent, challenge members