LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Get roads repaired so businesses can come

Dear editor,

Over the course of numerous years and councils of the past, we have had complaints about vehicle traffic and lack of restaurants and big business.

The perfect answer to these problems comes from a quote from Senator Gaetz that summed it up on how easy it is.

These words came from Mr. Gaetz: “'If you build it, they will come’ really does work in economic development,” he said. “If you build roads, economic development becomes much more possible. But if you neglect transportation infrastructure, economic development is almost impossible.”

Council members, please heed those words and not spend money on dog parks, sewage and water lines for anticipated future growth and other matters just to show you are doing something to show worth.

Let's get the roadwork in order so the business can come. Give it some thought, and plan for a bright city future. We are counting on you.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Get roads repaired so businesses can come