Report: Crestview man hisses at girls, exposes himself

Tristan Jamario Harrison

CRESTVIEW – A man was arrested after he allegedly exposed himself to two young girls and a woman. After he was arrested, lawmen found drugs in his pocket. The incident occurred Aug. 6 at a Booker Street location. Crestview Police officers were told that 29-year-old Tristan Jamario Harrison, no address listed, walked to the back of a house and hissed at a 9-year-old girl and a 12-year-old girl. When they looked at him, Harrison exposed himself, the arrest report indicated. When the 9-year-old alerted her mother, the woman saw Harrison exposed. Officers found Harrison and detained him. He appeared to be putting his mobile phone in his pocket, but one officer noticed he was trying to hide something and found a bag or marijuana. Then, they found a plastic container with cocaine in his pocket. As they drove him to jail, they noticed him moving in the back seat. They found another plastic container that had cocaine. Harrison was charged with exposure of sexual organs, possession of marijuana less than 20 grams, possession of a controlled substance, and possession of drug paraphernalia. His plea date is Sept. 24.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Report: Crestview man hisses at girls, exposes himself