Crestview City Council releases Aug. 26 agenda

CRESTVIEW — The Crestview City Council released this agenda for its 6 p.m. meeting on Aug. 26 at Council Chambers.


1.      Approval of Consent Agenda:

a.       Approval of the minutes from the August 12, 2013 Council meeting.

b.      Approval of invoice in the amount of $4,275.15 for professional services. Requested by Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A.

c.       REVIEW of Site construction plans for “The Enclave”, a 55 lot single family residential subdivision, to be developed on 43.35±acres, located off of Navajo Trace.   Requested by Kermit George, Southern Engineering Group, and Agent for Bluewater Investors, LTD, Property Owner.  LPA 13-13.

d.      School Evacuation Emergency Shelter Agreements – Public Services.

e.       Exercise Equipment Purchase for Allen Park – Public Services.

2.      Employee Service Awards – Mayor Cadle.

3.      Public Hearing:

a.       Ordinance 1497 – An ordinance annexing 1.38 acres located on James Lee Blvd East.  (PIN 16-3N-23-0000-0039-0010) Requested by Teramore Development, LLC, property owner, by Josh Hufstetler, Vice President; Represented by Jennifer Bell, Project Engineer – Admin Services.

b.    Ordinance 1499 – Amending Ordinance No. 1441, Restating The City Of Crestview General Employees' Retirement Plan, as subsequently amended; Amending Section 1, Definitions, By Amending “Credited Service”; Amending Section 4, Finances and Fund Management; Amending Section 14, Maximum Pension; Second reading;  Requested by City Clerk.

c.   Ordinance 1500 – Amending Ordinance No. 1440 Restating The City Of Crestview Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Plan, as subsequently amended; Amending Section 1, Definitions By Amending The Definition Of “Credited Service”; Amending Section 4, Finances And Fund Management; Amending Section 15, Maximum Pension; Second reading;  Requested by City Clerk.

4.      Citizen Business:

a.       Discuss Wilson Street issues – Jim Godwin.

5.      New Business:

a.       Introduction of the new the Economic Development Councils new Executive Director, Nathan Sparks and their quarterly update.

b.      Solid Waste Contractors presentations.

c.       Solid Waste Contract Bid Approval.

d.      Ordinance #1510 – Solid Waste Contract first reading.

e.       Ordinance #1511 – Permit Fees; first reading.

f.       Rezoning Map Updates and Advertising and Public Participation Costs – Requested by Admin Services.

g.      Retirement Fund Study – City Clerk.

6.      Mayoral Report.

7.      Business from the Floor.

a.       Yellow Card Submissions.

b.      Impromptu Yellow Card discussions.

8.      Adjournment.

Note:  Citizen Business is business that was submitted by a citizen or group of Citizens no later than the Wednesday prior to the meeting to the Clerk's office for approval.  Supporting documents must be submitted at this time to be on the regular agenda.    All New Business is for staff and elected officials only, and must be submitted for approval no later than the Friday one week prior to the meeting.   Those not listed on the regular agenda who wish to address the council should fill out a yellow card.  The Card must be submitted to the City Clerk.  Speaking time should be five minutes or less, large groups may designate a spokesperson.  All remarks should be addressed to the Council as a whole and not to individual members.  All meeting procedures are outlined in the Meeting Rules and Procedures brochure available outside the Chambers.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview City Council releases Aug. 26 agenda