Walker Elementary School sets Pizza and Parents Nights (SCHEDULE)

CRESTVIEW — Walker Elementary School invites attending students’ parents to Pizza and Parent Nights beginning next month.

Parents can ask questions about the school's curriculum and teachers can address concerns, Principal Jeanine Kirkland said. Each parent will get a slice of pizza and a snack while interacting with teachers and administrators.

Each night will cover topics including planned field trips, educational requirements by grade level and helpful ways to teach children at home, Kirkland said.

Upcoming Pizza and Parents Nights, 5:30-7 p.m. in Walker Elementary School’s media center, are as follows:

Monday, Sept. 16 – Fifth-grade classes

Tuesday, Sept. 17- Fourth-grade classes

Thursday, Sept. 19- Third-grade classes

Monday, Sept. 23- Second-grade classes

Tuesday, Sept. 24- First-grade classes

Thursday, Sept. 26- Kindergarten classes

Scheduling an event for parents to meet teachers and administrators is a Title I funding requirement, Kirkland said. 

"Funding comes from the federal government (to the school) based on the number of economically disadvantaged students at the school," she said. 

Each Crestview elementary school receives Title I funding except for Antioch Elementary School, Kirkland said. Walker uses the funding for school supplies, classroom technology and additional personnel. 

School officials ask parents, wanting to attend to make reservations by calling the school at 689-7220. Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. 

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Walker Elementary School sets Pizza and Parents Nights (SCHEDULE)