County curbs Walker Elementary School neighbors' parking concerns

From left, County Commissioner Wayne Harris meets with residents Don and Becky Hennerberg and Holly Meadows regarding parking concerns near Walker Elementary School.

CRESTVIEW — Curbing Stillwell Boulevard between Royal Street and Rainbow Lane also should curb residents’ concerns about Walker Elementary School visitors parking on their lawns.

Currently, upon drop-off or pick-up, parents who drive their children to school often park in front of homes facing the school on Stillwell’s north side.

A multi-phase plan to resolve the problem will go into effect within a week, County Commissioner Wayne Harris said during a Thursday morning meeting with residents Don and Becky Hennerberg and Holly Meadows.

Meadows and the Hennerbergs said the practice is not only an inconvenience for them, but also is hazardous for children who sometimes dart between vehicles to cross the street.

After the residents brought their concerns to Harris, he met with county Public Works and sheriff's office officials to devise a solution.

"I'm very excited and optimistic," Meadows said. "Kids will be kids. This should keep them safer."


The first phase — erecting signage that prohibits parking, standing or idling in front of residents' homes — will probably be in place next week, Harris said.

The second phase — constructing curbing between Royal and Rainbow — will be completed at the beginning of Thanksgiving week when the school closes for fall break.

The curb will form a barrier preventing cars from parking on residents' lawns, and the signs will clearly explain the "no parking" rule, Harris said.

"That way, there's no doubt," he said. "When they put that curb up, anybody who tries to go up there is going to lose the bottom of their cars."

Future improvements include widening the turns to Royal and Rainbow, and adding more clearly marked pedestrian crossings.

A sidewalk will eventually be laid on the north side of Stillwell between the two side streets, allowing students and school visitors to easily access the crosswalks without walking on residents' property.

Contact News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbBrian.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: County curbs Walker Elementary School neighbors' parking concerns