Girls in Action celebrates 100th birthday Oct. 5

CRESTVIEW — The Florida Baptist Convention is honoring Girls in Action’s 100th birthday on Oct. 5 by hosting eight parties around the state. The celebration is for all past, current and prospective GAs.

The Panhandle party is 12:30-3:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church of Crestview, 71 Hickory Ave. Attendees can make birthday cards for missionaries who share their birthday, meet a missionary who served in the Middle East, take a stroll down memory lane and much more.

Cost to attend is $3 per person. Call 1-800-226-8584, ext. 3140 or email to register. Call GA 100 Regional Coordinator Trish Butler, 683-1559, for more details.

Jill Cumbo, the convention’s Women’s Missions and Ministries associate team strategist, came up with the idea for simultaneous statewide celebrations.

“This is such a special, once-in-a lifetime event (that) we wanted to include as many current and former GAs as possible to be a part of the celebration,” she said.

Each location will collect wrapped gifts for distribution to Florida Baptist Children’s Homes residents.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Girls in Action celebrates 100th birthday Oct. 5