Youths raise more than $10K for Crestview Pregnancy Center

Joy Fellowship youth group and church members recently presented a $10,992.98 check to the Crestview Pregnancy Center.

CRESTVIEW — During the past year, the Joy Fellowship Youth Group adopted the Crestview Pregnancy Center for its outreach mission project. 

The youth group scheduled numerous fundraisers — including yard sales, car washes, a 30-hour hunger famine, bake sales and a golf tournament at Foxwood Country Club — for the pregnancy center.

Members set a goal of raising $10,000; they surpassed their goal and raised $10,992.98. They recently presented the check to pregnancy center employees Sue Carrigan and Debbie Davidson.

"I’m so proud of these young men and women for putting into practice what the Bible teaches us to do.  Philippians 2:3 tells us, 'Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit; but in humility, consider others better than yourselves.' The youth put others first and made an impact on our community. God is so good!" Joy Fellowship Youth Pastor Joe Butryn said in an email.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Youths raise more than $10K for Crestview Pregnancy Center