LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Lundy deserves the battle flag memorial

Dear editor,

My ancestors fought honorably under that flag, as did this Uncle Bill Lundy. It is the soldiers’ flag.  This dear man is not responsible for other people who came along later and used that flag for other purposes. 

Hate groups use the American flag as well.  Perhaps it should be banned. Oh, the Christian cross has been used by some hate groups; we should ban that, too. 

Banning flags — symbols — begins a slippery slope, and erodes the liberty our founders intended for us to have, just to appease the perpetually offended.

This man fought under that flag as the soldiers’ flag.  He deserves his memorial to have that flag.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Lundy deserves the battle flag memorial