Crestview police showcase officer promotions, awards

Crestview Police Chief Tony Taylor recently swore in four police officers who earned promotions. From left are Officers John Cook, Brian Muhlbach, Robert DeRoche and Pierre Batiste. Cook and Muhlbach were promoted to sergeant; DeRoche and Batiste are now corporals.

CRESTVIEW — Four Crestview police officers have received new ranks and two others have earned recognition for outstanding service.

Officer José Pereira has earned Officer of the Year and Officer of the Quarter awards. The latter was for his work in the third fiscal quarter, April through June, Police Chief Tony Taylor said.

Pereira's selection for both awards comes from his work with the department's traffic division and at the command officers’ suggestion. Other award factors included work ethic, attitude, productivity, positive department representation and positive interaction with the community, Taylor said.

"In the over 2,000 traffic tickets he has written (since Jan. 1), I have not received any complaints (on Periera)," Taylor said.

Pereira said he was surprised and appreciated the honor.

Wanda Hulion has received the Officer of the Quarter award for the fourth fiscal quarter, July through September.

 Taylor praised Hulion for her work in organizing community events, including the Citizens Safety Academy.  

Officers Brian Muhlbach and John Cook earned promotions to sergeant, and Officers Robert DeRoche and Pierre Batiste are now corporals.       

The officers’ experience, performance evaluations, commander recommendations and training requirements contributed to their promotions, Taylor said.

Police officers filled the Warriors Hall Auditorium on Thursday to commemorate the occasion.

Contact News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbMatthew.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview police showcase officer promotions, awards