Laurel Hill council votes to apply for water improvements grant

LAUREL HILL — The City Council has voted 3-1 to apply for a Northwest Florida Water Management District water improvement grant.

 Anna Hudson, a project engineer with Preble-Rish Inc., the firm filing the grant application, presented the council with three project options.

Two, which run between an estimated $778,000 and $927,000, involve upgrading and adding water lines to the city's water system alongside Old Ebenezer Road and Millside Road. Piping would increase from 2 to 6 inches, allowing more water pressure and fire protection with additional fire hydrants to residents, Hudson said. 

A third option, in which the city would connect to the Auburn Water System and use its water for emergencies, hinges on an agreement with that company. 

Council members voted for the first two options.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Laurel Hill council votes to apply for water improvements grant