Next Monday would have been my dad, Jim Dickson's, 81st birthday. And a week from today, it will have been three months since he passed away.

I still get teary eyed and even find myself sobbing at times. Saturday, after our Tennessee Volunteers upset South Carolina in football, was one of those times. It was the first big Tennessee win we haven't shared since I started following football almost 50 years ago.

I'm guessing I'll get a little weepy this week too, no matter what happens in the Tennessee-Alabama game. Dad really loved this game when fall is in full color and football games matter deep in the Heart of Dixie.

The last three months have been time for healing, but my heart will have a Dad-shaped hole in it the rest of my life.

A big part of my healing takes place each Friday night when I return to the sidelines for another Baker or Crestview football game. The local high school stadiums, even amid the craziness that is high school football, have always been a sanctuary of sorts for me, but the last few months the stadiums have been a special place of healing.

Yes, the games provide a release to focus my thoughts on the playing field. But the games are only part of the healing process. So many coaches and fans have been quick to inquire not only about how I'm holding up, but also wonder how the rest of my family is doing.

The kind words and gracious thoughts have been a comfort as I've walked this unknown path.

I would like to think of myself as a Christ Follower of deep faith and someone who knows the Bible well. Some people would say I know the Bible very well, but I can't tell you if the people in Heaven know what happens on a high school or college football field.

If I had to make an educated assumption, I would say there is no ESPN streaming into Heaven. Personally, I don't think the people up there are too concerned about football.

I do believe those who have gone before us take great joy in the comfort we give one another, and that Dad is smiling with each kind word or deed that you in the community have directed my way.

So here's a big THANK YOU to all of you for your continued support.

I'll see you at a game.

Randy Dickson is the Crestview News Bulletin’s sports editor. Email him at, tweet him @BigRandle, or call 682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: SIDELINE OBSERVATIONS: A time for healing