SPECIAL OCCASIONS: Baker resident celebrates 100th birthday

BAKER — More than 200 well-wishers celebrated resident Mary Richardson’s 100th birthday on Saturday at the Baker Arena pavilion.

Many friends from Mary's church, PilgrimsRest Baptist Church, the Baker community and other Northwest Florida areas came to express their love for her.

Among attendees were Mary's son, Jim, from Tennessee, and grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren from Georgia, Colorado, Florida and California. 

Lauren Belcher, a long-time friend, drove up just for the day from Live Oak. The Rev.Jerry Haley and Joyce, Mary's former pastor and his wife, came from northern Alabama. 

“Grandma has a terrific sense of humor,” Mary’s daughter-in-law, Mary J. Richardson, said.

"She quipped, 'I've been dragging my feet so 100 wouldn't get here so soon … and all I did was wear out my shoes!'" she said. 

Mary’s son, John, and his wife Mary J. Richardson, granddaughters Michelle Richardson and Jennifer Hagler, and Hagler’s husband, Jon, hosted the event.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: SPECIAL OCCASIONS: Baker resident celebrates 100th birthday