LETTER TO THE EDITOR: History should not change because of flag fears

Dear editor,

The Confederate flag has been a part of Crestview’s history at least since 1958, after the 84th Congress of the United States and President Dwight Eisenhower presented William Allen Lundy and two other Confederate soldiers with Medals of Honor embossed with two shields: one with the Union flag and one with the Confederate flag.

As far as I know, there is one Confederate flag flying in Crestview, and that is over a Confederate soldier’s memorial, where it is appropriate.

Before we give up our history because of a few people with a phobia to a piece of cloth with a little ink on it, I would like to see crime data from cities that have given up their freedom and their history.

If someone can show me one city where racial problems have disappeared or there are no more meth labs, no teen pregnancies or no children going to bed hungry because they took down a Confederate flag, I will discuss the hiding and changing of history with anyone.

But I do not think history should be changed because of a few who don’t like the color of my cloth.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: History should not change because of flag fears