Northwood considering expanding after-school visual arts club amid high interest

Northwood Elementary School teacher Kristal Petruzzi assists Savannah Martin, 9, during an after-school visual arts club session. Students Jackson Richard and Ben Williams work on art pieces using shapes during the after-school visual arts club’s recent session.

CRESTVIEW — While Northwood Elementary School implements the first year of its Arts and Science Academy, students are also learning about visual arts with a new after-school club.

The 25-member club, in its fourth week, already has a waiting list of 28 students, club instructor Kristal Petruzzi said.

"I think there is a great interest among the children for visual arts," she said of the club that meets Wednesdays. "We are going to try to add another day for the club."

School officials are considering additional classes for different skill levels.

In addition to teaching students the basics of using shapes and colors, Petruzzi educates students about famous artists and their artwork throughout history.

Students use what they learn to create their own masterpieces— and the lessons don’t stop there.

Third-grader Dru Zaleska, 8, said she takes what she learned home to share with her younger sibling.

"I do draw at home with my brother cause he doesn't really know how to draw yet," she said. 

Gabrielle Eaton, 8, said she enjoys art so much that she spends her free time at home reading books about art and searching the Internet for artwork.

 Eaton said she plans to learn as much as she can to reach a personal goal.

"I want to get better, so when I grow up I can be an artist," she said.

Contact News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbMatthew.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Northwood considering expanding after-school visual arts club amid high interest