THE HOBO HOMEFRONT: Count your blessings — including relatives who try your patience

Thanksgiving is coming up, and that means family get-togethers.

Yes, there are certain people with whom you can't stand to spend more than a few moments before having bad thoughts and expressing cross words.

However, practice these tips before Thanksgiving Day:

•Think of at least one good attribute about each person you'll be around.

•Think about why these people are your loved ones; there is a reason you will spend time with them this holiday season, right?

•Think of non-confrontational topics to discuss.

•Remember the true spirit of the season. Thanksgiving is about expressing gratitude for our blessings. One tool my family uses is the "Thanksgiving hand." Name things you're thankful for and count them off on your fingers. It shouldn't be hard to find five things.

Even with this recession, we live in privileged times.

And with that, here's what's happening on the Hill:

•Laurel Hill School Book Fair: Nov. 18-22 at the school, in honor of American Education Week.

•Nov. 22 is the final day to order fruit to support the Hobo Athletic Department.

•Scream Free Parent Workshop: 6 p.m. Nov. 20, Laurel Hill Head Start, 8264 Stokes Road, Laurel Hill. Child care available in advance. RSVP: Marilyn Parks, 586-7737.

Amber Kelley lives in Laurel Hill. Send news or comments to or P.O. Box 163, Laurel Hill, FL, 32567.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: THE HOBO HOMEFRONT: Count your blessings — including relatives who try your patience