EDITOR’S DESK: Community garden interest growing in Crestview

The community garden trend is coming to Crestview.

It works like this: Multiple people maintain one piece of land — an ideal situation for residents lacking a backyard or space to grow herbs, vegetables and foliage.

Saving money growing your own food, controlling the ingredients, eating fresh, and bonding with fellow caretakers are some of the benefits. Fans also say their fresh-grown produce is more flavorful.

I learned about local community gardening efforts through County Commissioner Nathan Boyles’ wife, Crystal’s, “Corner,” which appears in his regular emails to constituents.

A few weeks later, the radio alarm boomed in the morning with an advertisement for the Common Ground Community Garden of Crestview.

That second source made this journalist realize the issue was gaining momentum. So I looked up the group’s website and its Facebook page.

The nonprofit — which announced Friday that it signed a lease for the first garden at 157 Main St., Crestview — relies on donations, payable at its website, to support the effort.

It will be interesting to see how many Hub City residents take to this trend.

I understand the interest; all the benefits aside, it’s just cool — for lack of a better word — to plant seeds and grow something.

About a  month ago, I finished off red and orange bell peppers used for several weeks of various homemade dishes. I noticed the seeds in each and decided to do something I’ve never done: scoop them out and wash them.

Next, I pulled an old ceramic planter from storage, poured potting soil in it, added the seeds and poured more potting soil on top.

After a month, something’s sprouting.

With fickle weather, I've alternated storing the planter outside on the patio and inside under a lamp.

Who knows what will happen next? I'm no University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences extension agent! (For expert advice, you can read extension agent Sheila Dunning's column on Florida-friendly landscaping.)

But growing something from the earth brings a sense of accomplishment and a connection with nature that’s otherwise difficult to find in such a tech-driven world.

And that was reason enough to bring Common Ground, or your container gardening, to your attention.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet News Bulletin Editor Thomas Boni @cnbeditor.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: EDITOR’S DESK: Community garden interest growing in Crestview