LETTER TO THE EDITOR: A pledge against political correctness

Dear editor,

For months, I have read about why Crestview should remove the Confederate flag from the Lundy memorial. The reasons cited are that it is racist, that it is a memorial to traitors, and that it shows support for slavery.

I view it as a "politically correct" attempt to distort and suppress my heritage.

That history tells us the Civil War was not about slavery does not matter to these people. That this memorial has stood for years does not matter. What matters to them is burning the books and memorabilia of anything that might in any way hurt someone’s feelings.

This is why I beg my local citizens to join me in this pledge. If the Lundy memorial’s flag is ever removed, I will put the largest Confederate flag I can fit onto the back of my car.

I also pledge to readjust my routes so I drive through the middle of town as much as possible.

The politically correct will know that I will not be bullied into compliance. If they want to play this game, they should know that removing one flag will only erect another (and hopefully many more).

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: A pledge against political correctness