Dec. 2 workshop to examine transportation funding option

CRESTVIEW — Area planners and community leaders have been warming to the idea of establishing a tax increment financing district to fund needed local transportation projects.

The Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce Government Issues Committee will host a Dec. 2 panel discussion to consider the idea's feasibility. The workshop is open to the public.

A TIF, as the plan is known, "is neither the creation of, nor an increase in taxes," committee chairperson Muncelle Mitchell said.

Under a TIF, the property tax rate in effect when the plan is adopted is used as a base. The difference in any subsequent tax increases is applied to a specific project the TIF was established to fund.

Recently, a TIF has been suggested to finance widening the P.J. Adams Parkway and Antioch Road corridor to create a southwest bypass around Crestview.

A panel — including City Planner Eric Davis, former Supervisor of Elections Pat Hollarn, county Growth Management Director Elliot Kampert and Economic Development Council Vice President Kay Rasmussen — will discuss TIFs and their viability.

Chamber of Commerce President Dennis Mitchell will serve as moderator.

Want to go?

WHAT:Tax increment financing workshop

WHEN:5:15 p.m. Dec. 2

WHERE: Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce office, 1447 Commerce Drive

DETAILS: Public panel discussion exploring tax increment financing as a means to fund transportation projects. Light refreshments served.

Contact News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbBrian.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Dec. 2 workshop to examine transportation funding option