Feast like nobility Dec. 6-7 at CHS chorus Madrigal Dinner performance

Crestview High School chorus students, dressed in their Renaissance finery, will present the popular Madrigal Dinner Friday and Saturday evening.

CRESTVIEW — Crestview High School's chorus invites the community to step back several centuries for an evening of holiday feasting, song and merriment at its Madrigal Dinner.

The 80-voice show choirs turn the school's multi-purpose room into a candle-lit Renaissance banquet hall, draped with tapestries and heraldic shields, for a production that is part dinner theatre, part musical performance.

From the moment the crier calls out guests' names, attendees are swept into an swashbuckling Yuletide adventure.

As attentive servants circulate, laying a sumptuous Cornish game hen dinner prepared by instructor Paula Knight's culinary arts classes, the chorus periodically bursts into song.

Lavishly costumed student performers — backed by their fellow Chanticleer, Chorale and Destiny show choir members in courtier roles — perform the story between courses.

Proceeds benefit the school's travel fund for its springtime performance in Nashville.


WHAT:Crestview High School Chorus Madrigal Dinner

WHEN:6:30 p.m. Dec. 6 and 7

WHERE:Crestview High School Multi-purpose Room

DETAILS: Tickets: $25 per person. Limited seating; reservations are recommended. Call 689-7328 for more information.

Contact News Bulletin Arts & Entertainment Editor Brian Hughes at 850-682-6524 or brianh@crestviewbulletin.com. Follow him on Twitter @cnbBrian.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Feast like nobility Dec. 6-7 at CHS chorus Madrigal Dinner performance