Richbourg students 'DIY' Christmas tree ornaments

Karen Lusk's students at Richbourg E.S.E. School helped make these sparkling Christmas tree ornaments this week.

CRESTVIEW — Karen Lusk's students at Richbourg E.S.E. School helped make sparkling Christmas tree ornaments this week.

They started with clear glass balls and helped Lusk swirl a teaspoon of clear liquid floor wax inside each ball, pour it out and then pour in fine-grade glitter using a funnel.

"It sticks immediately," Lusk said. "We make things out of anything. Nothing goes to waste."

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes or follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Richbourg students 'DIY' Christmas tree ornaments