City Council meeting agenda includes Gulf Power repayment acceptance

CRESTVIEW — The next meeting of the Crestview City Council is 6 p.m. Jan. 13 at City Hall, Wilson Street, Crestview.

The regular agenda is as follows:

1. Call to Order

2. Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance

3. Special Presentations

a. Presentation of the return premium from the Florida League of Cities.

4. Approval of minutes from the Oct. 28, 2013 council meeting, Nov. 14, 2013 special meeting, the Nov. 25, 2013 council meeting, the Dec. 9, 2013 council meeting, the Dec. 16, 2013 special meeting and the Dec. 16, 2013 Workshop.

5. Public hearings

6. Public Opportunity on Council propositions

7. Consent agenda

a. Request payment of invoice in the amount of $3,454.50 for professional services. Requested by Allen, Norton & Blue P.A.

b. Request payment of invoice in the amount of  $3, 500 for professional services.  Requested by  Ard, Shirley and Rudolph. P.A.

c. Acceptance of four easements for the purpose of installation and maintenance of the 15” gravity sewer pipeline across the parcels identified as 29-3N-23-0000-00015-0000 and 29-3N-23-0000-0025-0160.   By property owners Crestview Trading Company, LLC and Crestview Crossing Power Center, LLC.  Requested by Public Services.

d. Acceptance of Amendment 5 to the Agreement for the Operations, Maintenance, and Management Services for the City of Crestview.

e. Acceptance of reimbursement for Gulf Power overcharges

8. Resolutions

9. Committee reports

10. Scheduled presentations from the public

a. Main Street Crestview Association award presentations for Christmas parade floats and store front decorations.

b. Crestview Kiwanis Club Environmental Center

 c. Presentation to the Crestview Fire Department for Emergency Pet Rescue Kit donated by the citizens of Crestview.

d. Request to waive fees for Old Spanish Trail Rental for Okaloosa County fundraiser-Tina Bannon

11. Project reports and comments from mayor and council

12. Staff reports and recommendations

a. Ordinance 1515 – Animals- First Reading

b. Acceptance of the Janitorial Bids  Item has been removed.

c. Resignation of Dwight Swing from Fire and Police Retirement Board

d. Discussion of MOU with Okaloosa county for funding for Routes 11 and 12 of the Okaloosa County Transit for the remainder of  2013-2014.

13. Comments from the audience

14. Adjournment

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: City Council meeting agenda includes Gulf Power repayment acceptance