CRESTVIEW — Planning for college should come well before high school, North Okaloosa teachers say.
Okaloosa County School District eighth-graders and their parents can learn about the necessary preparations during a seminar on Tuesday at Crestview High School.
Topics will include an introduction to CHS advanced placement courses, how to avoid costly mishaps and how to be a competitive college applicant, Crestview High School assistant principals Ella Shaw and Dexter Day said.
Bryan Barnes of The College Board, a not-for-profit organization that works with school districts to ensure everyone can go to college, will be a featured speaker.
"This is targeted for parents and their students who are interested in attending college," Lynn Prevatte, the district's instructional specialist, said.
Particularly, parents and students who may not know, for example, that they should view their preferred college's website for a desired major's high school course requirements, Prevatte said.
The goal is to prevent it from being "too late for students to be more competitive when applying for college," Shaw said.
WHAT: College preparedness seminar
WHEN: 6 p.m. Tuesday
WHERE: Crestview High School's Pearl Tyner Auditorium, 1250 N. Ferdon Blvd.
CONTACT: Lynn Prevatte, 833-4207, for additional information
Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.
This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: School officials: Make college plans now to prevent pre-enrollment mishaps