HOBO HOMEFRONT: More sex, wine and chocolate in 2014

Whether it's newspapers, magazines or novels, fiction and non-fiction — you name it, I read it.

Well, after reading oh-so-many New Year's resolution lists, I've come up with some “resolutions worth keeping.” These suggestions have been supported by studies done by actual doctors. I’m not just pulling this stuff out of my hat!

•Learn to laugh at yourself, others and situations. Being more lighthearted and laughing at certain things can decrease your risk of heart attack and other stress-related problems.

•Practice forgiveness. It's been said that forgiveness is for you, not those who wronged you. Grudges take a lot of energy and they add to your stress level, which can have health risks.

•Give back. Donating your time helps others and does wonders for your own emotional well-being. So, for example, take time to stop by Laurel Hill School from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday and donate blood!

•Organize your environment. Having clean work and living spaces can reduce stress levels. Think about it: physical clutter produces emotional clutter.

•Cuddle up. Get close to your significant other and have sex; those "feel-good hormones” are released in your bloodstream, which helps your mood and promotes emotional, mental and physical health.

•Catch up with your doctor: Schedule a regular check-up to catch problems beforehand.

•Hit the hay: Go to bed on time to help your physical and mental health.

•Schedule family fun: Walk the dog, play catch with your child, do family yoga or play Wii to build bonds with your loved ones.

•Eat chocolate: Studies show that eating dark chocolate in moderation promotes heart health, lowers blood pressure and can increase blood flow.

•Eat dinner together. Families who eat dinner together a few times a week tend to see several benefits. The family bond strengthens, children tend to perform better in school and they're likely to eat healthier foods, which decreases the risk of obesity.

•Uncork a bottle. Having a glass or two of red wine each week can improve heart health. Studies show that some wines can slow cancer growths and boost memory, warding off dementia.

•Warm up the kettle. Brew a kettle of water and enjoy a warm cup of tea. A cup before bed will help you relax and help send you off to dreamland.

Also, tea's antioxidants can help rebuild cells that have been damaged, speed up metabolism and slow prostate tumors' growth.

All these resolutions are healthy for you and your family, and they're not difficult to keep.

Some are even fun!

Amber Kelley lives in Laurel Hill. Send news or comments to Hobo.homefront@gmail.com or P.O. Box 163, Laurel Hill, FL, 32567.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HOBO HOMEFRONT: More sex, wine and chocolate in 2014