Arbor Day event includes planting tips, free saplings

County extension horticultural agent Sheila Dunning, inset, will present a local Arbor Day tree planting seminar Jan. 21. Last year's event included a tree-planting demonstration.

CRESTVIEW — The rest of the country may start planting trees in the spring, but Northwest Florida's tree planting season is now.

Tuesday, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences horticulture agent Sheila Dunning will conduct an Arbor Day program titled "Preventing Tree Failure." Three basic topics will be covered:

•"Proper species selection is number one," Dunning said. It's necessary to choose trees for storm resilience and branch structure appropriate for the region.

• When to plant. Planting now, in winter, is the region's best tree-planting season, Dunning said.

• Proper tree planting. "Planting too deep and not opening up the roots are the two most common problems we see," county extension Director Larry Williams said.


WHAT: "Preventing Tree Failure": Okaloosa County Arbor Day observance

WHEN: 9-10 a.m., Jan. 21

WHERE: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension, 3098 Airport Road, Crestview

DETAILS: Presented by county horticulture agent Sheila Dunning. Free tree planting seminar and native species tree giveaway for first 100 registrants at event

Contact News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes at 850-682-6524 or Follow him on Twitter @cnbBrian.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Arbor Day event includes planting tips, free saplings