Garden club members spruce up patriotic highway marker

Dogwood Garden Club member Carol Strom spends a sunny winter's day cleaning around the U.S. Highway 90 Blue Star Memorial marker west of Crestview.

CRESTVIEW — Dogwood Garden Club members Carol Strom and Thea Duhaime spent Tuesday performing some winter clean-up at the Blue Star Memorial marker on U.S. Highway 90.   

The marker, located west of Crestview near the city limits, was jointly sponsored by the Dogwood Garden Club and the former Crestview Garden Club and dedicated in April 1968.   

Blue Star Memorial markers honor all men and women who serve, have served and will serve in the United States military.

"On a sad, disappointing note, someone shot the memorial sign with a pellet gun and broke the rock planter," Duhaime said. "This means more work for the ladies this spring!"

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Garden club members spruce up patriotic highway marker