Animal control ordinance public hearing, budget amendment on Feb. 10 agenda

CRESTVIEW — The Crestview council will meet at 6 p.m. Feb. 10 at City Hall, 198 N. Wilson St., Crestview.

The agenda is as follows:

Regular agenda

1. Call to order

2. Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance

3. Special Presentations

4. Approval of Jan. 13 meeting minutes

5. Public Hearing: Animal Control Ordinance 1515

6. Public opportunity on council propositions

7. Consent agenda

8. Resolutions

a. Budget amendment

9. Committee reports

10. Scheduled presentations from the public

11. Project reports and comments from mayor and council

12. Staff reports and recommendations

13. Comments from the audience

14. Adjournment

Note: Citizen business should be submitted to the City Clerk's office for approval no later than Wednesday, Feb. 12 for the Feb. 17 meeting by a citizen or group of citizens. Supporting documents must be submitted at this time to be on the regular agenda.

All new business is for staff and elected officials only, and must be submitted for approval no later than the Friday one week prior to the council meeting.

Those not listed on the regular agenda who wish to address the council should fill out a yellow card and submit it to the City Clerk. Speaking time should be five minutes or less, and large groups may designate a spokesperson. All remarks should be addressed to the council as a whole and not to individual members. All meeting procedures are outlined in the Meeting Rules and Procedures brochure available outside the chamber meeting room.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Animal control ordinance public hearing, budget amendment on Feb. 10 agenda