LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Fundraiser for Crestview boy an unimaginable success

Dear editor,

I would like to thank Thomas Boni and the Crestview News Bulletin for the write-up covering our Duke it Out sale of Boston butts. Proceeds from the sale this past Super Bowl benefited little Noah Jackson. 

Noah has been receiving treatment for cancerous brain tumors for the past seven months at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis. Our Boston butt sale was a success beyond what we could imagine and, unfortunately, we couldn't cook as many butts as we had requests for. 

Still, thanks to our wonderful, compassionate community, we were able to help a local family in some small way.

I would also like to thank Thomas personally for his article about our Crestview Relay For Life. Our teams are made up of volunteers who are trying to make a difference in the fight against cancer. We raise money to fund research so doctors can have the latest, best methods to treat cancer.  We walk a track for hours at night to honor our survivors and remember the loved one we have lost. 

We want there to be a day that the little Noahs, or your mom or dad, son or daughter, grandparents, friends and acquaintances don't have to worry about cancer.

Thank you.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Fundraiser for Crestview boy an unimaginable success