HUBBUB: Many people don't take pride in their work, paid in pennies story was touching

Here are featured readers' comments from and our Facebook page. Hubbub is published regularly in the News Bulletin's Wednesday editions.


TOP COMMENT: Many people don't take pride in their work

… Good customer service is hard to find these days. At one time, a person could lose their job if they did not welcome or say thank you to a customer. The first person one meets at a business sets the mood for the rest of the experience you have in the establishment.

I think a good wake-up call to poor customer service would be for customers at any business (to) call for the customer service manager, in front of the rude employee, and call them out.

One of the problems is people no longer take pride in what they do. If it is a low-paying job, they knew that going into it.

Jeff Williams


Story about woman who paid in pennies was touching

I don't agree with her method, but the kindness these kinds of reports generate is priceless.

If you are able to bless, do so. It does come back to you in many ways. It is a nice change from the bad news we so often see.

Thanks for the story, Crestview Bulletin. You have touched many.

Flor Ida State


Woman's reaction was understandable, but not justifiable

I understand her frustrations, but you shouldn't punish the clerk that works for Gulf Power. They are human and not the ones setting prices.

Serena Marie


Everyone should speak out about rising costs

I applaud Ms. Reynolds-Nash. If we all did what she did, Gulf Power would be forced to listen to its consumers and rates would become more reasonable.

Billy Garrett


Power company offers options

Gulf Power has an option where you pay the same amount every month so you don't get surprised by the impacts of extreme weather temps. She needs to use that service so she can budget properly. It is a free service.

Also, Gulf Power will do a free assessment of her house to make sure it is as energy efficient as it can be. Finding and insulating air leaks can really make a difference in the bill.

Unless the fireplace is correctly engineered, it actually sucks the heated air out of the room and makes it colder. The energy assessment would figure that out for her.

Finally, Gulf Power does have low-income utility benefit programs they can offer.

Jay Henry


Self-cleaning firefighters would help budget more

It is probably a union contract issue, but why can't the (Crestview) fire departments clean their own stations? They are there for 24 hours a day. That would save even more money.

Silvia Clem Womack

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Many people don't take pride in their work, paid in pennies story was touching