HUBBUB: North county theft trends show pattern, Main Street parking a concern

Editor's Note: Featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.


North county theft trends show pattern

First cemeteries, now churches. They're getting bolder.

Jon Bell


Main Street parking a concern

…I hope the parking on Main Street will improve! It scares me to death parking or backing out!

Serena Marie


Residents should own a Sunpass

Buy a Sunpass! If you live here, you should probably own one. I love the new bypass; makes for a nice drive. It takes me exactly 30 minutes from … Crestview to get to the Destin Commons when I use it.

I guess, if you want to save a dollar, you can sit at the 10-plus traffic lights in Niceville and burn that Dino juice.

Jamie Parkin


Mid-Bay Bridge Connector trip 'a breeze'

We get on it off Whitepoint and the trip to Crestview is a breeze. Love it!

MaryAnn Powell

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: North county theft trends show pattern, Main Street parking a concern