FROM THE PULPIT: Reflect on sin before Easter — and then repent

We all do foolish things in our lives. Sometimes the little things seem inconsequential. One slip of a curse word here, a small deliberate act of misconduct or a tiny theft there. What can it hurt?

More than you realize! When we give in to sin, it breaks God’s heart.

Look, no one is perfect. No one is without sin. But our sin keeps us from a deep, loving relationship with God. It keeps us from recognizing the deep meaning of why Jesus Christ died on a cross.

This is why Lent is so important. Many people go from celebration to celebration when they go to church. As long as they feel good when they leave church, all is right with the world.

But there is more to worshiping God than what we can get out of it. We must remember what God put into it centuries ago.

Sin killed God’s Son, Jesus Christ. Even though our Lord was crucified on a cross over 2,000 years ago, that crucifixion was for everyone for all future generations.

Our ancestors, we, our children and future generations each played a role in nailing him to the cross. When we intentionally do wrong, we take his sacrifice and cheapen it.

Use the time between now and Easter Sunday to reflect on what shiny temptations you have played with that cheapen what God has done for you in Jesus Christ.

And then repent – turn away from it to seek God’s forgiveness. When you do this, you will understand and deeply appreciate the celebration of Easter.

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview’s pastor.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: FROM THE PULPIT: Reflect on sin before Easter — and then repent