Saturday car show benefits school nutrition group's scholarship fund

This stately 1950s Packard was among 45 vehicles that entered that Okaloosa School Nutrition Association's inaugural car show in 2013. Organizers hope even more cars will enter this year's event, which is Saturday.

CRESTVIEW — Okaloosa School Nutrition Association members hope this Saturday's car show and scholarship fundraiser surpasses the $1,200 their 2013 event netted.

While organizers hope the event also raises awareness of school nutritionists' efforts to provide students with healthy meals, "it's not strictly just about food," Crestview High cafeteria manager Lynn Rogers said. "It's a fundraiser for our association to help needy families," she said.

Rogers said she hopes the number of classic car entries will top last year's 45 vehicles, which ranged from souped-up 1930s roadsters, 1950s sedans with gleaming chrome bumper bullets and more recent cars and trucks.

Rogers described the car show as a warm-up to the Cruisers' April 26 Average Joe Classic Car Show on Main Street. Trophies will be awarded, she said.

School nutritionists will prepare barbecue pork, hotdog and fish plates, while raffles and door prizes include home and car maintenance supplies, and picture frames, Rogers said.

With Saturday's regional Special Olympics going on concurrently with the car show, Rogers invited athletes and their families to stop by, admire the vehicles and have a lunch plate.

Rogers said she and her family will exhibit their 1967 Plymouth Satellite, 1968 Rambler and their newest acquisition, a 1991 Dodge pickup truck still undergoing restoration.

"It's a petty clean little truck. I'm proud of it," Rogers said. "Inside, it's not car show ready, but the outside is."

Want to go?

What: Second Annual Car Show

When: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., March 15

Where: Crestview High School

Cost: Free admission

Notes: Car show, door prizes, raffles, bounce house for kids, lunch plates for sale; benefits the Okaloosa School Nutrition Association scholarship fund.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Saturday car show benefits school nutrition group's scholarship fund