HUBBUB: PJ Adams Parkway's not the problem, questioning the proposed pet limit

Editor's Note: Featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.

PJ Adams Parkway's not the problem

PJ flows fine; (Highway) 85 is the real problem. So let's go ahead and take tons of people's backyards away from them. That's what they are going to do to people who have a backyard that backs up to PJ.

And they will only be paying them a very minimal amount while destroying their property value. Erica Specht Barnett


PJ needs resurfacing

PJ doesn't need widening; it just needs turn lanes to keep the traffic flowing.

What we do need on PJ is a new road surface. Spend money wisely, Okaloosa County!

Deb Specht Schannauer


Many motorists use PJ Adams as a bypass

PJ Adams is already used as a bypass by many people; the amount of people turning left at Antioch and Highway 90 is just slightly higher than those turning right at the same intersection and headed back into town.

Robert Damon Bradley


In support of proposed animal control ordinance

I support both proposals. If you have to tether an animal, you don't need to own one.

Also, there should be a limit on the number of animals you can own. There are too many animal hoarders as it is.

Shirl Griffin Long


Questioning the proposed pet limit

Limits on pet numbers? What's next, a limit on how many kids you can have?

Coneygarth D'Insulae


Resident supports ban on animal tethering

I would love to see a ban on tying or chaining dogs to trees and other objects. If Pensacola can do it, we can, too. I am not a dog person per se, but it hurts my heart to see an animal tied in that way.

Carol Sharp


Where does it end?

Where in the world does it say that any government can tell you how many animals you can have, how you secure them, what you have to feed them. Where does it end?

… Is it cruel to have animal shelters — PAWS, dog pounds — put animals in small, confined spaces or to euthanize them?

Rob English

Math check on city's computer replacements

Let's see, the original request was $9,000 for 13 computers. Now it's $6,000 for just four computers. Doesn't make sense.

Thomas Simms


Resident recommends Apple

$6,000 for four computers? What a bargain … For $6,000, please tell us you're buying Apple. Because isn't the issue all the software issues? If you get the Windows platform, oh boy, have fun.

Jon Bell


Thanks for saving trees

Finally, someone is trying to save trees. I want to thank the people building on Highway 85 next to Starbucks. 

Thanks for saving that big beautiful tree. A song once said we are "paving paradise, putting up parking lots."

Thanks for saving a small piece of paradise for us all.

Mary Cole


Preserve the historic Coca-Cola mural

I hope they preserve this one better than the one that was found when they tore down the buildings for the Landmark Center in Fort Walton Beach. Great find.

Lorraine Sample

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: PJ Adams Parkway's not the problem, questioning the proposed pet limit