LDS women's conference includes 'Women at the Well' performance

Julianna Roberts of Crestview, 12, sang in character about being resurrected by Jesus during a recent Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints women's program. Her mother, Ingrid Roberts, accompanied her on piano and played the violin in the choir orchestra.

Attendees of a recent Relief Society women's service group production say the program touched them.

"Women at the Well," a Feb. 22 Robert Cope production, featured a women’s choir, orchestra and soloists from throughout the Fort Walton Beach Stake.

Performers told the story of Jesus’ influence on women of the New Testament and the Book of Mormon.

Among those portrayed were Mary and Martha, sisters of Lazarus, whom Jesus brought back to life after being dead more than four days; the woman who touched his garment and was healed; Jesus' mother, Mary; and the young girl who was “His miracle” when Jesus brought her back from the dead.

Chicken curry with rice, fresh fruit, nuts and olives were served to 175 local women.  

The program was part of the annual women’s conference presented by the Fort Walton Beach Stake Relief Society.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LDS women's conference includes 'Women at the Well' performance