Distinguished Young Women introduces Class of 2015, sets program

The Distinguished Young Women's 2015 scholarship participants are, front row from left, Chanteria Hamm, Jasmin Scaife, Lauren Abel, Rachel Hidalgo, Savannah Barefield of Crestview and Abbey Schmidt. Second row: Sasha Larson, Erin Murphey, Sabrina Musteric and Alyssa Miles. Third row: Winnie Oden, Lydia Clarke, Ellie Boykin and Shannon Claflin. Fourth row: Ella Ruth Hill, Jessica Warsheski, Taylor Maderazo, Brandee Burke and Christie Schenck. Fifth row: Jessica Gunn, Destiny Keller and Jackie Orcutt. Not pictured are Jacklyn Henley and Crestview resident Beth Hinson.

OkaloosaCounty’s Distinguished Young Women program recently presented the Class of 2015, 24 academic seniors from Crestview High School, Choctawhatchee High School, Niceville High School, Northwest Florida State College Collegiate High School, Fort Walton Beach High School or home school.

DYW — formerly Junior Miss — is in its second year in Okaloosa County. The scholarship program evaluates participants in the categories of academics, interview, fitness, talent and self-expression.

The next title holder will be announced Saturday evening July 19 in the Fort Walton Beach City Auditorium.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Distinguished Young Women introduces Class of 2015, sets program