LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Purple Heart Region IV commander grateful for recovery

Dear editor,

I would like to sincerely thank all the doctors who saved my life Jan. 31.

 I had an unexpected aneurism in my aorta that ruptured, and was told by many doctors that not many people live after this.

It would have happened to me if not for Doctor Ginger Manos and her team at North Okaloosa Medical Center who saved my life.

To  Dr. John Johnson, who checked on me every day, Dr. Joseph A. Pedone, Doctor John Koszuta, all the ICU/Step Down nurses who all seemed to be wearing wings and took care of me for the next 11 days, thank you!

I would also would like to thank everyone for all the get well cards, e-mails, phone calls and follow-up inquiries, which I received following my emergency surgery.

I really appreciated the concern expressed by members of the Military Order of the Purple Heart and the Ladies Auxiliary, from all the Regions and Departments Command, the National Staff and to all of my family, friends and neighbors.

I am pleased to report that I am on the fast track to recovery and recuperation, and no doubt I shall be 100 percent by the end of April — and “rearin’ to go” onward and upward to bigger and better things!

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet News Bulletin Editor Thomas Boni @cnbeditor.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Purple Heart Region IV commander grateful for recovery