Martial arts enthusiasts hone techniques during festival (PHOTOS)

With help from volunteer Richard Rounsaville, right, Australia native Geoff Booth gives instruction on how to use a plastic grocery bag in self-defense. Johns was one of 16 instructors at the Korean Martial Arts Festival last weekend at the Warriors Hall auditorium.

CRESTVIEW — Martial arts enthusiasts from across the nation and abroad have gained knowledge on new self-defense moves and how to better instruct students.

All it took was a trip to Crestview during last weekend's Korean Martial Arts Festival, which featured a full schedule of activities at Warriors Hall Auditorium and host Gordon Martial Arts' facility.  

PHOTOS: See 10 photos from the 2014 Korean Martial Arts Festival >>

The festival featured 30 instructional sessions from 16 instructors who taught self-defense techniques through taekwondo and hapkido.

"I'm like a kid in the candy store," Amanda Jeffries, a GMA student and one of an estimated 80 attendees, said. "I have learned more things than I have expected to learn."

Among her favorite demonstrations was Australian native Geoff Booths' "bag-fu" lesson on how a plastic shopping bag, in a pinch, can be a self-defense tool.

The bag can be stretched, rolled up like a rope, and be used to defend oneself against an assailant.

"I could see it used in a women's self-defense course," Booth said. "No one sees (a plastic bag) as a threat or weapon."

Attendees also learned how to defend themselves against the threat of firearms, knives and bullies.

Atlanta native Marlin Sims said the annual festival helps instructors hone effective teaching techniques.  

"I think each time the instructors come here, they take away (something new)," he said.

Learning new things has meant positive life changes for Alexis Bermudez, a festival attendee and GMA student.

The 7-year-old is more sociable since practicing martial arts, which also has taught her life-long lessons, her mother, Crestview resident Lisa Bermudez, said.

"Now, she uses the word integrity a lot," Lisa said. "She always wants to help others and do the right thing, because that is what she has learned at (Gordon Martial Arts)."  

An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated that Austrailian native Geoff had the last name of Johns, his correct last name is Booth. A special thanks to a reader, who brought this to our attention. We apologize for any inconvenience this error has caused.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Martial arts enthusiasts hone techniques during festival (PHOTOS)